

[Cherry Point FBI Suspects Were ATF Until Last Week]RRN

By Michael Baxter -April 19, 2023


The two federal agents caught outside a bomb depot at USMC Cherry Point Air Station had transferred to the FBI from the ATF only days before an alert aircraft mechanic spotted the shadowy duo sneaking around an ordnance depot on a secure military installation, a source in General Smith’s office told Real Raw News.


As reported yesterday, one suspect, once apprehended, told Cherry Point Military Police he was an FBI agent whose orders included infiltrating the base and planting a remote detonator in a bomb storage building. He said that “his superiors,” presumably Director Christopher Wray or his immediate underlings, had authorized the incursion. He did not, however, namedrop Wray—our source made that assumption, which we inexcusably mistook as fact.


The M.P.s confirmed the suspects’ identities through fingerprint matching using the Integrated Automated Fingerprint Identification System. Indeed they were FBI Special Agents, each with over 10 years of federal service. However, a background check revealed a morsel of information that the talkative suspect hid from military police: he and his colleague were transferred from the FBI’s Spokane field office to the ATF’s Atlanta Field Division on April 10, less than a week ahead of the would-be attack.


Interagency transfers are common. The FBI and DEA, for example, have historically recruited members of the IRS’s Criminal Investigation Division, and “personnel shuffling,” as one FBI whistleblower unrelated to this incident told Real Raw News, is routine business. Nonetheless, the odds of both agents getting reassigned to the ATF’s Atlanta office are infinitesimally small and, factoring in their nefarious plans, exclude mere coincidence.


It’s unclear why the FBI would send agents to the ATF to commit an act of domestic terror against a U.S. military installation. Although the agencies have disparate roles, they have in the past criminally conspired against the citizenry, namely in Ruby Ridge, Idaho (Randy Weaver,) and Waco, Texas (Branch Davidians.)


Even the chatty suspect, our source said, clammed up when M.P.s inquired about his recent job change.


“When military police brought up the ATF, the guy suddenly got as quiet as the proverbial mouse on Christmas morning. He was talking up a storm until that. We know ATF Director Dettelbach is a Black Hat, and a foul one, but he wasn’t really on our radar until the other day. Given his chummy friendship with Wray, well, we can make some assumptions,” our source said.


Neither the FBI nor the ATF, he added, has jurisdictional authority on U.S. military bases, for any reason.


When asked about the fate of the two agents, our source said, “Honestly, right now they’re held as prisoners of war, while JAG decides if they should be held for a military tribunal or summarily executed since they were caught in the act.”[end]




By Michael Baxter -2023年4月19日


米海兵隊チェリーポイント航空基地の爆弾庫外で捕まった2人の犯罪容疑者FBI連邦捜査官は、警戒していた航空機整備士が、安全な軍事施設内の兵器庫に忍び込む影の二人を偶々発見するわずか数日前に、ATF(アルコール・タバコ・火器及び爆発物取締局)からFBIに異動移籍していたことが判明したと、スミス将軍の事務所関係者がReal Raw Newsに語っている。






役所機関や省庁間の人事異動は一般的によくあることである。例えば、FBIとDEA(Drug Enforcement Administration麻薬取締局)は、歴史的にIRS (Internal Revenue Service合衆国内国歳入庁)の犯罪捜査課のメンバーを、よく抜擢し採用しているからだ。つまり、今回の事件とは無関係の人物、ある闇FBI内部告発者が、Real Raw Newsに語ったように、省庁間「人事異動」は日常茶飯事のルーチン業務なのである。それにもかかわらず、容疑者の両FBI捜査官がATFアトランタ事務所に配置転換される確率は限りなくゼロで極めて低く、彼らの邪悪な策謀計画を考慮すると、単なる偶然の一致とは言えない重い犯罪行為である。






「M.P憲兵隊員がATFの話を持ち出すと、彼は突然、クリスマスの朝にまるでネズミのように口を閉ざして静かになったという。それまでは大声・多弁に、別件の話題である[嵐]についてしゃべっていたのに..。ATFデッテルバッハ長官がブラックハット側のDSで、反則的で嫌らしい[a foul one]人物であることは既に判明しているが、つい先日まで、容疑者の彼が我々のレーダー探索圏内に入っておらず、誰も気にも留めていなかったらしい。レイ長官と親密で仲良しなところを見ると、ある程度の背後関係があり、怪しい関係は推測できる」と情報筋は語っている。















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