

JAG Convicts CDC Official Karen Hacker

By Michael Baxter -December 27, 2023


The U.S. Navy Judge Advocate General’s Corps and Office of Military Commissions found CDC Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion Director Karen Hacker guilty of treason and conspiracy to commit election fraud, sentencing the despotic Deep Stater to 15 years behind bars.



As reported on December 3, White Hats arrested Hacker after acquiring evidence she had co-authored a 64-page proposal calling for renewed mandatory masking and shelter-in-place orders ahead of the 2024 presidential election. In the document, she claimed without proof that antibiotic-resistant White Lung pneumonia and emerging COVID-19 strains, which allegedly evade immunity, would soon consume the nation and necessitate mail-in voting to protect the vaccinated from the unvaccinated. Moreover, she wrote that if polling locations were open, voters “must provide proof of vaccination to enter and vote.”



During an early interrogation, Hacker said that most of the text was CDC Director Mandy Cohen’s idea or written by ChatGPT, a claim JAG substantiated via grammatical analysis and AI-detection software. Nonetheless, Hacker had put her name to and signed the proposal, and JAG held her accountable for its content.



Her brief trial took place Tuesday morning, with Adm. Crandall overseeing the tribunal and a Navy captain representing Hacker, who, against counsel’s advice, asked permission to address the court before either side delivered opening statements. The admiral said he would allow it.



An obliquely repentant Hacker asserted she was “not guilty” but also apologized for succumbing to the CDC’s interminable environment of peer pressure and threats. She said a pervasive disdain for the Constitution and freedom, as well as for Donald Trump, saturated the CDC’s Atlanta headquarters. She added what ought to have been the country’s bulwark against emerging diseases was a political pulpit.



“I had two choices,” Hacker said, addressing Adm. Crandall and the three officers JAG picked to hear the case. “Go along with the program or go out the door. Once a person finds herself in a lucrative position, a stable position, walking away isn’t easy, especially when every single day she’s hearing about the need to medically confine the unvaccinated. Sorry, I don’t mean to refer to myself in the third person. I deeply regret what I put on paper, but I’m not guilty of any of the crimes you accuse me of. I don’t want mail-in voting and people to get forced vaccinations, even though vaccines save lives.”



“Curious,” the admiral said. “Why is it, then, that you are not vaccinated?”



“Don’t answer that question,” the defense counsel said.



Following an oral spat lasting 15 minutes, the admiral read aloud from Hacker’s manifesto. “Let’s see: ‘As pioneers in our respective fields, and the United States’ governing body on health issues, we are responsible for protecting society from itself. If we allow the sick and the unvaccinated to vote in person, we risk an outbreak from which we may never recover. Mail-in voting can prevent this outcome, and medical confinement should be considered a tool to safeguard healthy lives.’ These are the defendant’s words.



“She calls the CDC a ‘governing body,’ something we’ve certainly heard before, and she sees herself and her colleagues as divine beings whose job is to dictate policy. She says she was pressured, and that’s, frankly, a load of bull. She could’ve walked away. But a few minutes ago, in describing her job, she used the word lucrative, and lucrative it was,” the admiral went on.



He showed the panel copies of Hacker’s Bank of America financial statements. Between March 2020 and November 2023, she received monthly deposits issued by the Department of Health and Human Services totaling $1,875,000—in addition to base pay. He postulated those monies were payouts for her participation in the plandemic coverup.



Defense counsel objected, arguing that he hadn’t been made aware of the deposits until then. He accused JAG of withholding the statements from the discovery file. He requested a 30-minute recess to confer with Hacker in private, to which the admiral agreed, and after which the captain stood at attention before Admiral Crandall and said, based on what he had just heard, he could not in good conscience defend Hacker.



“Admiral Crandall, sir, while I am an attorney, I am also an officer in the United States Navy, sworn to uphold the Constitution. I adhere to the sanctity of attorney-client privilege, but I cannot defend the indefensible. I formally request to be recused and that other counsel be assigned to take my place,” the captain said.



The admiral was shaking his head. “I understand your conundrum, but we don’t have time for that. You’ve been assigned to defend the detainee, and you’ll be assigned to defend other detainees in the future.”



“I can’t defend these people,” the captain said. “I revile them, and they’re irredeemable.”


“It’s your responsibility,” the admiral replied.


“Then I resign my commission as a United States Naval officer,” the captain said.


Admiral Crandall gave a solemn nod. “It is a challenge, but that’s your choice to make. You must leave the courtroom, and I’ll expect a formal letter of resignation tomorrow morning.”


After the captain left, Hacker demanded a mistrial.


“Request denied,” the admiral said. “The panel will consider what’s been presented already.”


The panel found Hacker guilty but would not sentence her to death. The senior officer said in a statement that Hacker’s actions, though treasonous, hadn’t yet harmed anyone, although she had illicitly enriched herself.


“We conclude that the defendant, detainee Karen Hacker, would have used her authority to influence the election outcome and was financially compensated for that purpose. She has not shown remorse, and it’s reasonable to assume if she were set free, she’d continue taking orders from her CDC overseers. To that end, we suggest she be incarcerated without the possibility of parole for a period not to exceed 15 years,” the officer said.


“But…but I haven’t done anything wrong,” Hacker protested. “I’m sorry!”


Admiral Crandall accepted the panel’s recommendation, and MPs escorted Hacker to a cell.




マイケル・バクスター著 - 2023年12月27日


























15分にわたる遣り取り口論の後、提督はハッカー容疑者の作ったマニフェストを朗読した。「見てみよう: 各分野のパイオニアとして、また健康問題に関する米国の統治機関として、我々は社会をそれ自体から守る責任がある。もし病人やワクチン未接種者に直接投票させれば、二度と立ち直れないような大流行が起こる危険性がある。郵便投票はこのような感染結果を防ぐことができるし、医療監禁行為(閉鎖措置)は健康な生活を守るための必須手段と考えるべきだ」。これがハッカー被告の弁解言葉である。



「彼女はCDC組織を "統治体 "と呼んでいるが、これは以前にも聞いたことがある。彼女は圧力をかけられたと言っているが、はっきり言ってでたらめだ。彼女は立ち去ることもできたはずだ。しかし数分前、彼女は自分の仕事について、儲かるという言葉を使っていた。」とパネル判事が突っ込んだ。


















クランドール提督は折れて厳粛にうなずいた。 「辞任は挑戦だが、それはあなた自身の選択だ。 あなたは直ぐに法廷から出て行かなければなりません。明日の朝には正式な辞表が届くと思います。」




「要求は拒否されました」と提督は即刻通告した。 「パネル判事は、すでに提示された内容を今後も検討する予定です。」と付け加えた。


判事委員会はハッカーを有罪と認定したが、死刑の量刑は宣告しなかった。 この上級将校のパネル判事は、声明を出し、ハッカー容疑者の行為は反逆的ではあるが、彼女は不法に富を得ていたにもかかわらず、まだ誰も被害を与えていないと、量刑の判定根拠を述べたという。


「私たちは、被告である被拘禁者のカレン・ハッカー容疑者が、選挙結果に影響を与えるために、その立場と権限を利用し、その目的のために金銭的補償を受けていたと結論付けています。 彼女は良心の呵責を示しておらず、もし釈放されたとしても、CDC監督官からの命令を受け続けるだろうと考えるのが自然だろう。 そのために、私たちは彼女の量刑を、刑期15年を超えない期間、仮釈放なしで有期投獄することを提案します」とパネル判事は宣告して述べた。



















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