

[General Berger to China: “Shoot Her [Pelosi] Down!”]

By Michael Baxter -August 1, 2022


Marine Corps General David H. Berger proffered a blunt message in response to China’s threat to intercept and shoot down Nancy Pelosi’s plane if it enters Taiwanese airspace, sources in the general’s office told Real Raw News.

A source familiar with the situation said General Berger delivered the message to his PRC counterpart, Gen. Fan Changlong, during a Saturday evening call in which Changlong implored him to thwart Pelosi’s overseas trip. Changlong said the Chinese State Media’s threat to obliterate any plane carrying Pelosi was not hyperbole.

“We don’t control her, she’s a traitor. You want to shoot her down, then shoot her down,” Gen. Berger said sternly. “If you don’t want her there, call the State Department. Not me.”

But both Xi Jinping and senior PLA officials had already held grueling, unproductive talks with the criminal Biden regime, whose ambiguous messaging only sows public confusion on how it feels about Pelosi’s potential trip to Taiwan. Last week, senior members of the Biden cabal discouraged a Taipei stopover; however, National Security Council coordinator for strategic communications John Kirby said Monday that the Biden administration will support Pelosi on a trip to Taiwan.

In response, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Zhao Lijian said, “We are standing by. Nancy Pelosi’s presence in Taiwan could be considered an act of war.”

And that, White Hats believe, might be the regime’s ultimate goal.

Historically, war benefits unpopular presidents, at least in the short term. When George H.W. Bush launched the Gulf War, ostensibly to repel Iraq from Kuwait, he saw an immediate—though short-lived—bump in popularity. His son “double-yew’s” prestige spiked briefly following the invasions of Afghanistan and Iraq. Clinton’s botched operation to capture or kill Mohamed Farrah Aidid in Mogadishu helped his precipitously declining poll numbers early in his presidency. Likewise, Obama’s unlawful quest to overthrow Libyan President Muammar Gaddafi received public acclaim. In all cases, these so-called presidents experienced an ephemeral 10-to-25-point non-partisan boost.

The conclusion seems clear: citizens rally behind leaders in times of conflict.

The Biden regime is hoping historical precedence holds fast.

Biden’s—or his doppelgangers—poll numbers have dropped sharply every day since the stolen 2020 presidential election. He is the most detested leader—albeit a fake one—in the history of the United States. His handlers might be hoping that war—which typically bolsters a failing economy—might turn the tide in the Democrats’ favor.

“General Berger and his council have given this serious thought. If the Deep State is trying to ignite global conflict, it’s taking a huge risk, a risk that also puts White Hats in a precarious situation. The Deep State has no access to the nuclear launch codes, but it does have the ability, the support of enough traitorous military commanders to start a conventional war. We have no way of knowing if China would stick to the conventional. In the end, we have a duty to defend this country—meaning if we were launched on, we’d have to retaliate. God, I hope it doesn’t come to that. Imagine a nuclear war over Nancy Pelosi. How effing crazy is that. The general hates her passionately,” our source said.

Pelosi and General Berger are not exactly strangers to each other, and their animosity is legendary: in January 2021, just before Biden was illegally sworn into office by the traitor Chief Justice John Roberts, Pelosi demanded of General Berger that his Marines safeguard Biden’s inauguration, to which the general replied, “We don’t work for you.”

Subsequently, White Hats in May 2021 tried to arrest Pelosi on charges of treason, but the person they caught was an imposter wearing a Nancy Pelosi mask.

White Hats, in fact, suspect that the real Nancy Pelosi is either holed up at a hotel or sheltered in a Deep State bunker while her body double tours East Asia.

“For whatever reason, the Deep State loves her, feels she’s imperative to their goals. It’s extremely unlikely they’d risk her. We know she has several body doubles. It’s more probably than not that one of those doubles is performing her diplomatic duties. The Taiwanese government isn’t familiar enough with her to tell the difference, “Our source said.[end]




Michael Baxter 著 - 2022 年 8 月 1 日


海兵隊デビッド・H・バーガー将軍は、下院議長ナンシー・ペロシの乗った飛行機が台湾の空域に侵入した場合、それを迎撃して撃墜するという中国共産党の脅威に応えて、率直露骨なメッセージを提供した、とバーガー将軍のオフィス情報筋がReal Raw Newsに語った。


「私たちは彼女をコントロールしていません。彼女は国家の裏切り者です。あなた方は彼女を撃ち落としたい、そうなら撃ち落としてください」とバーガー将軍は厳しく言って伝えた。 「彼女が台湾に居てほしくない場合は、私じゃなく現国務省に電話してください。」



歴史的に見て、少なくとも短期的には、戦争は人気のない大統領に利益をもたらします。ジョージ H.W.ブッシュが湾岸戦争をかつて開始したのは、表向きはクウェートからイラクを撃退する建前だった。彼の息子の「ジョージ・ブッシュ=ダブル ブッシュ(double-yew’s)」の名声は、アフガニスタンとイラクへの侵攻後、一時的に急上昇した。同様にモガディシュでモハメド・ファラ・エイディッドを捕まえるか殺すというクリントン元大統領の失敗した作戦では、彼の大統領職の初期に世論調査の数が急激に減少する支持率低下を上手く助けたのである。また同様に、リビアのムアンマル・カダフィ大統領を打倒しようとするオバマ大統領の不法な試みは、世間の称賛を受けたのだった。すべての場合において、これらのいわゆるこれらのDSの大統領らは、一時的に 10 から 25 ポイントの無党派ブースト(人気支持率急回復)を経験した。




「何らかの理由で、ディープステートは彼女を寵用し、彼らDSの目標達成には彼女が不可欠だと感じています。彼らが彼女を危険にさらす可能性は非常に低い。彼女にはいくつかのボディダブルがあることがわかっています。おそらく、これらの分身の 1 人が外交の任務を遂行しているのでしょう。台湾政府は彼女の影武者の存在をよく知らないので、その違いを見分けることができません。(終わり)翻訳文責ハルジャス】








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