

[Captured CIA Spook Claims Defense Sec. Lloyd Austin Put Bounty on Gen. Berger’s Head]RRN

By Michael Baxter -January 17, 2023


The CIA spook captured during the rescue of General David H. Berger claims he and his unalive comrades were “off the reservation” and engaged in an unsanctioned operation when they intercepted the general’s personal vehicle near Lakeland Village, California, a few miles east of the Santa Anna Mountains.


That agent, now in confinement at an undisclosed location, reportedly told NCIS interrogators that his team shadowed the general’s car as it left Camp Pendleton and travelled northeast into isolated areas where houses were spaced far apart and roads were devoid of heavy traffic. He said they ambushed the vehicle by pulling alongside it on a narrow, winding stretch of road and shooting out a front tire, causing it to careen into ditch.


General Berger, he said, appeared from the vehicle unscathed and put 10 rounds center mass in a spook who haphazardly charged him armed only with a Taser. The agent fell dead as Gen. Berger took cover behind his vehicle and reloaded his pistol.


The captive spook said the team carried a “directional acoustic weapon” that immobilized Gen. Berger as he tried to defend himself against the three remaining assailants. The general fought valiantly, emptying several more rounds before collapsing to the ground. Gen. Berger was put in a vehicle and driven off, while a standby “cleanup” team sanitized the area and removed all traces of the incident. His Ford F-250 was taken to a nearby auto crushing yard.


A source in Gen. Eric M. Smith’s office told Real Raw News that the treasonous agents were determined to capture Berger alive because “[Defense Secretary] Lloyd Austin wanted him that way.”


“If the prisoner is telling the truth, and right now that’s an ‘if,’ Austin put a $10m bounty on Gen. Berger’s head, payable only if he was taken alive and intact. He says a group operated autonomously, outside the agency, to collect the reward. He said CIA Director Burns, a proven Deep Stater, had no knowledge of their actions. He told us Austin’s people were scheduled to pick up the general the day after we recovered him,” our source said.


NCIS investigators, he added, asked the prisoner why they had beaten Gen. Berger to within an inch of his life, shattering his kneecaps and nearly prying one of his eyes from its socket, if Austin wanted him in one piece.


“Practice makes perfect,” the sadistic agent told them.


White Hats, our source said, now must deal with conflicting information: Although the prisoner insists the agency itself had no knowledge of the kidnapping, the whistleblower who tipped White Hats off to Gen. Berger’s location said it’s highly improbable a handful of renegade agents could’ve masterminded the abduction and stashed the general at a safehouse without the approval of either Burns or his immediate subordinate, Deputy Director David Cohen.


They also wonder why their prisoner has confessed voluntarily.


“We’re taking his word with a grain of salt until we can verify,” our source said. “He’s lucky he hasn’t been given the same treatment they gave the general.”


In closing, our source said Gen. Berger is being treated for burns, fractures, lacerations, and blunt force trauma, and is expected to recover.[end]




マイケル・バクスター著 -2023年1月17日




このCIA捜査官は、現在非公開の場所に監禁され尋問されているが、NCIS(Naval Criminal Investigative Service)犯罪捜査官によると、闇CIA誘拐チームが将軍の車を追跡したという。将軍の車がキャンプ・ペンドルトンを出て北東に進み、道路の間隔が次第に広まって、交通量の少ない道を走る孤立した地域に入った。そのとき、狭い曲がりくねった道で、彼らの車を横付けして、将軍の車を待ち伏せしていたという。フロントタイヤを狙って撃ってから、将軍の車を側溝へ突っ込ませ捕獲したと語ったのだ。




捕虜になった闇の間者(スパイ)は、誘拐チームが「指向性音響兵器sonic weapon」(※音波を投射することにより、人の行動能力・判断能力を奪うことや聴覚器官や脳にダメージを与え、物体を破壊することを目的とする超音波を使ったハイテク兵器である。)を持っており、残りの3人の襲撃犯から身を守ろうとしたバーガー元帥を、動けなくしたと語った。バーガー元帥は勇敢に反撃して戦ったが、地面に倒れるまでさらに何発も弾丸を撃ち込まれた。しかし、とうとう捕獲されたバーガー元帥は、捕まって車に乗せられ、待機していた「クリーンアップ」チームが、その地域を消毒して、襲撃事件の痕跡をすべて消し去った。彼の乗っていたフォードF-250は、近くの自動車破砕場に運ばれたという。








サディスト誘拐犯曰く、「習うより慣れろ 」だそうであった。


「ホワイトハット=白衣の天使」は矛盾した相反情報に惑わされているようです。 捕獲された囚人らは、CIA本部当局が今回の誘拐を知らなかった、と主張している。だがしかし、ホワイトハット軍に通報した、バーガー将軍の居場所を密告した内部告発者は、一握りの内部裏切り者らが独断で将軍誘拐を企て、バーンズCIA長官や直属の部下であるデイビッド・コーエンの承認なしに、軍のトップ将軍を隠れ家にかくまう誘拐作戦は、非常に稀で通常ではあり得ない事と述べているのだ。






最後に 我々の情報筋によると バーガー将軍は火傷、骨折、裂傷、鈍器による外傷治療を受けており、やがては回復する見込みのようです[end]。意訳文責ハルジャス】








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