

take care of our niece.

2008-05-09 | Weblog
Last weekend I catch a cold,I have not recovered yet.
I have a slight fever.

Anyway,in this spring vacation me & my wife took care of our niece.
Because sister in law who is niece's mother gave a birth.
We enjoyed spending time with my niece.
We played in the sand pit and some ball playing, and so on.
She is so qute and tom-boy.She is 30months old.
Her favorite DVD is ANPAN-MAN,she always wants to watch it and singing.
She talks about only ANPAN-MAN.
We tyied to entertain her try not to miss her mother.

We had a good time.
When we go back to Matsuyama,she was upset.
Because she didn't want to be separated from us more than her mother.
But just a only that time!

I made a goal!!

2008-05-02 | Weblog
Last sunday I played the soccer game of chanpionship for adalts. It's can't entry a university teams.

We tried to our best,and I made a goal!! Arround for a long time. Then we won by 2 to 1.
If we won the next game,we could go Shikoku chanpionship.
The day of the next game is May 25th.
But I have to miss the game. It's the moving day of my company. It can't be helped.I'm in charge of the move.

I felt somthing wrong..

2008-01-13 | Weblog
My wife has been catching a cold since New year eve.
I looked after her for few days.
I made simple meal.
She had a fever.It was 38 degrees.

Usually I playing soccer with my friend on every Janualy 2.
But this year i couldn't.
So I watched TV during New years days.
When I watched some tv programs,I felt somthing wrong.
Becouse every program is a kind of the same.
The comedian appeared and did some stupid performances.
When I changed to the different channel,the same things happen.
Even though I complain I watched them anyway.

I'm in charge of this project.

2007-12-03 | Weblog
We are rending the offce from ehime newspaper agent.
It is very crowdy.
We planning to move new office.
We are selecting the architect that how to set up new office.

It across from our current building.
We have a lot to do to register the construction.
(We have a lot work of permission)

I'm in charge of this moving project.
We have big budget.
I'm prepared on my maind about big cost.
I have to try to get a minimum budget by economically.

across from~=~の反対側に

I had my hair cut.
I had may walet stolen.

These people can learn skills after they ware employed.
The most important thing is their caracter.

He is very enthusiastic.
He has a enthusiasm.

It mekes our life easy!

2007-10-12 | Weblog
Last weekend we held the ceremony for ancestral soul of my wife's grand father in her maiden house.

Her parents invited a lot of people over their house.
Mother in low ordered traditional meals for that kind of ceremony.

That time I thought, I gotta drink a lot with them becouse they might ask me to drink.
(You didn't have to drink so much.)

Recently I installed digital tunner insted of analog tuner in my house.
It has a HDD inside of itself.
It is very easy to recored any TV programs.

At first my wife said that she does't use it and she does't need it!
Becouse she does't like that kind of equipment. It's has a lot of feature.
It seems complicated.

But now she like it very much!
She recored a lot of TV programs everyday.

It makes her happy!
It mekes our life easy!

It's wasteful!=もったいない

It will be a little asistance.

2007-10-10 | Weblog
We'll accept a guest from Thailand.

I'm interesting in accepting to foreigner.
My wife accepted unwillingly.

Now I stadying English by DS.
It will be a little asistance for my stadyig English
that will be help for my vocabulary.

He invited his friends over his house.
His friends try to make him encourage.

I couldn't understand what they were talking about
but jast a giggling each other that looked very funny to me.

see=eye's function=見えている

look=pay attention=注意してみる

watch=with concentrate=集中してみる



2007-07-15 | Weblog

in advance=前もって、あらかじめ
a sort of=一種の~のようだ
alignment=提携、連合体、整列 alignment with~ ~と一直線になっている

We accepted the foreign student.

2007-07-13 | Weblog
Last weekend,we accepted the foreign student from U.S. as a homestay.
His name is Andrew Wan.
We called him Andy.
He is Asian-American who lives in Pennsylvania state.

When we met at the first time,atmosphere of between us was nervous.
Then I tryed to communicate with him in English.
I worried about whether he really understand my English.
He is a kind boy,he tried to understand my English.

Next day we went to Yawatahama to eat Japanese nudle.
People made a little stream with metal tube,
we piked the nudle whith chopsticks.

Then we tryed fishing.
In the fish pond restaurant,
you can fish and they cook for you and you can eat there.
It was a very good time for us.


I can't speak English fluently.

He can't speak Japanese at all.

Please teach me difference betweem A and B.

How tall are you? I'm 180 tall.

I can't understand wht he want.
I coud'nt understand what he wanted.

I can't get what he want.
I coud't get what he said.

I don't know what he want.
I didn't know what he said.

We will accept a high school student.

2007-07-06 | Weblog
I have a backache from 2 weeks ago.
So I will go to see the doctor tomorrow.
I don't want to rely on a medicine.
I believe my body's strength.

Last monday I met him,I explained our seivece.
I think he understood our seivece.
Now we are proceeding installation.

The place we tolked about that was he's father in low's clothes shop.
He said please say hello to you for him.

Next weekend we will accept a high school student from U.S.A. as a homestay.
Please tell me when your friends who are foreigner came to Matsuyama,
where did you take them?

Thank you for using our service.

2007-06-28 | Weblog
Hello, is Douglas there? (Hold on)

This is Tomo Mori from CATV.
I'm calling you to explain our service.
And first of all,thank you for using our service.

I want to send you our information in English.
We need your email address.
Could you tell me that?

We will send you our information asap.
Thank you very much for taking you time.

a as in apple
g as in gorilla
l as in lemon
n as in noon
m as in mountain

Hell,this is Tomo Mori from CATV.
Thank you for your email.

If you have a time,I'd like see you tommorrw or next week.
What time is convenient for you?
(I'm afraid I have plans this time)

We need discuss installation methoed.
I'll go with installaiton staff.
I want to check a line entrance.
However, it is difficult to tell it in English.

I made a telephone=電話した
fill out=(書類などを)完成する、書き込む
fill in=(空所に)書き込む
fill up=いっぱいに満たす
check up on=詳しく調査する、検査する
if you want us to~=あなたが私達に~してほしいなら

[Pikara Optical Fiber Internet Service]
Our installation has two stages.(outdoor and inside)
The installation takes one to two months.
It depends on the circumstance.

We explain the contents of our service and insatallation methoed to you.
You can choose the course of the terevision and the Internet.
When you agree, it is necessary to fill out the contract form.
We need your bank account number and registered seal.

Our professional installer will complete insatallation about 2 to 3 hours.
You can enjoy our service when the installaiton was completed.
*Installer will visit you to check up the condition,beforehand.

Payment will be settled through your bank accout from the next month of your installation completed.(The payment day is on the 27th every month)

Insatallation costs just set the ONU(Optical Network Unit).
If you want us to setup your personal computer need some costs.
NTT will charge you 2,100yen,if you remove your present telephone number to Pikara.