FF11 ガルカ鯉日記in8鯖


Congratulations on 85kannagi.

2011-07-20 | アビセア
I was going to do what small number of people did because there were a lot of inconvenient on business people today.
Three continuous fights of going sobek and 85 Monk kannagi completion. mizareo first of all
The drop of the heart was bad though it moved to Isgebind and it had done by about nine games afterwards. 。
Because blue had done the Inn, it moved to arutepa, rani was put up in doing blue, it knocked down, and it dropped full. It did.
It did, it moved to konshu by three doragua games afterwards, the eve was put in blue, and it knocked it down.
It is glove and It is auspicious in the Monk getting. It is necessary to take off the glove a little more. Let's work hard.
I will decrease it from three to two during the week during the week when doing a little more. Let's work hard so much and take it variously.

