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Gary Moore Last Ever UK Show 2006-04-04

2006-04-04 | Gary Moore CD List 2006~2007

Gary Moore , B.B. King
Last Ever UK Show
Wembley Arena UK 4th  April 2006
Aud  Total 172min 3CDR A-
Disc1 79min  Gary Moore
1.Oh Pretty Woman
2.All Your Love
3.Since I Met You Baby
4.You Know My Love
5. Midnight Blues
6.Merry Gp round
7.I Love Another Woman
8.Too Tired
9.Stilll Got tThe Blues
10.Walking By Myself
11.The Blues Is Alrigh
12.Gonna Rain Today
13.Mebber Introduction
Disc2  68min  B.B. King
1.Instrumental ?
2.Instrumental ?
3.Introduction Of  B.B.King
4.Why I Sing The Blues
5.I Need Yo So
6.Bad Case Of Love
7.Blues Man
8.When Love Cames To Town
9.All Over Again
10.Ain't That Just Like A Woman
11.You Are Mu Sunshine
Disc3  35min B.B.King
1.Darling You Know I Love you
2.Three 0'Clock In The Morning
3.Rock Me Baby
4.Nobady Loves Me But My Mother
5.Key To The Highway
6.The Thrill Is Gone
7.Outro Blues

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