@my ≧▽≦ 囧囧有神!

囧值不夠的人, 看這網頁會亂碼~嘿嘿!

Test Informaiton?

2005-10-17 14:35:11 | 雜記
1. What are Hubs and Switches?
2. What are Servers and Print servers?
3. What are Routers?
4. What is MAN?
5. The advantages and disadvantages of Network?
6. What is OSI?
7. What are layers of OSI?
8. What do Hardware Register describes?
9. Define: Bus, Star, Tree topologies.
10. What are they?
11. A Data Packet is...
12. What client/server network do?
13. Internet Servers are used to...
14. Mail Services are used to...
15. What are Communication Servers?
16. What are File and Print services do?
17. What do topology describe?
18. What is a WAN?
19. What is a Node?
20. What is a NIC?
21. What is a LAN?
22. What is a Network?
23. What are functions of a Host?
