

Mobile devices a bad reputation

2018-09-28 10:23:26 | 日記
com/.Try My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer for free! Download your free evaluation copy at: http://www. My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer uses your input to search your contact list and filter contacts that are not relevant to your search. No need to hunt for the tiny buttons and target microscopic strings representing contacts in your address book!Just look at those oversize buttons conveniently distributed on the PDA screen, and you'll want to touch them immediately.Luckily, you can always enhance your communicator by downloading a simple software upgrade.myluckypda. You can even go as far as creating your own keyboard layout and using two layouts at the same time. The programmable dial pad lets you call pre-defined numbers or send text messages without looking at the device. Lack of hard buttons and a phone user interface that seems a complete afterthought gave PDA and Windows Mobile devices a bad reputation. Tap a contact name, and My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer will place the call immediately!Innovations in My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer are not limited to oversized buttons and shrinking contact lists.pocketpc. Choose a convenient button layout, add and remove languages and national alphabets and use characters from different keyboard layouts to search for contacts and organize your contact list. Automatic dialing will redial your call automatically if your contact is busy. Tap a button, and watch your contact list shrink!

Don't worry, your contacts are not getting lost. My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer turns your Windows Mobile communicator into the ultimate calling machine. In addition, every aspect of its interface is highly customizable.My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer turns your PDA into the ultimate calling machine. Call freely without using a stylus, controlling the device with your fingers instead! The innovative tap-and-slide interface used in My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer makes you wonder why it wasn't used in all communicators from the very beginning. Just two or three taps is usually enough to shrink your list to a just Instant electric water heater tap a few contacts.All settings in My Lucky PDA Smart Dialer can be switched, modified and configured by simply sliding a finger, just like in the Apple iPhone.

Using a PDA or a Windows Mobile communicator as a mobile phone? While communicators are great for getting things organized without carrying bulky notebooks around, they are notoriously bad when used in place of mobile phones. Different vibration patterns will let you know whether the call is successfully connected. Sliding your finger will replace phone numbers, edit contacts, or switch keyboard layouts depending on the context.
