SSMH Dog Babies!

~Kennel Moonlight Valleyの子供達の成長記録 Part1~

☆ トレニア ☆ ~ Torenia ~

2015-07-06 | etc...

☆懐かしい写真☆ ~ Just some old photos ~

2015-06-21 | etc...



Duke and Viola's kids, born on June 15th, 2010.
The last three photos show Accel (the first born, former Arther),
who's already rest in peace before turning 5 years old. 

☆A Happy New Year, 2015!☆

2015-01-02 | etc...

A Happy New Year, 2015!
Hoping you all having a great time!


A Happy New Year, 2014!

2014-01-02 | etc...


2013-11-11 | etc...


Here, cute photos of Duke and Viola's kids when they were still tiny~!