

Strong woman Zhang Yuqi deductive aura goddess

2013-07-05 14:34:00 | 日記

She has long beautiful men's eyes, dashing eyebrows star, threatening, eyebrows and eyes up, charm like Peking Opera in the daomadan, female beauty and male Frank Zhang Yuqi in the face strangely together. Few people can always skirts take it on the chin and looked at her, for she spoke will always look at each other's eyes, eyes are no hesitation, confidently. In the "fashion L`OFFICIEL" scenes, Zhang Yuqi to a proper extent interpretation of each person's heart all want to have the beauty of the atmosphere. Zhang Yuqi "L`OFFICIEL" strong woman dress fashion deduction aura goddess summer elegant sexy strapless dress Zhang Yuqi "fashion L`OFFICIEL" strong woman dress deductive aura goddess Zhang Yuqi "fashion L`OFFICIEL" strong woman dress deductive aura goddess Zhang Yuqi "fashion L`OFFICIEL" strong woman dress deductive aura goddess


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Unknown (めぐみ)
2013-07-12 06:51:26
このあいだコメントしためぐみです!覚えてますか?覚えていてくれた嬉しいですwヽ(´▽`)/へへっせっかくなのでメールできませんか?私ブログとかやってないのでお話がしたいです、アドは sumire4785あっとです、待ってますね!(。-_-。)ポッ
