

Give their love

2015-05-13 14:56:04 | life

Give their love At ordinary times, when we say "to love", usually refers to people who want to have a heart to love others, love is for someone else. In fact, is the premise of love to others, people should love his heart, to give yourself to love, to give love to others.

We're going to use his smile and love to change the world, but don't let the world change their smiles and love.

People often say: thought decided to act, behavior determines habit, habit determines character, and character determines destiny. The people have different fate, that is, to source comes from different thoughts. People's thought is the values.

Concept of the so-called "values" thought is the other way around, "value", what do you think what is the most important thing in life, what is secondary, what is not important. Different value orientation, determine the person's different behaviors, and even the different way of life, finally decide the fate of the different.