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Turkish lira hit record low against U.S. dollar

2014-01-08 09:35:22 | Jaw crusher

The Turkish lira fell to a historic low against the U.S. dollar amid domestic political tension in Turkey, as the Turkish lira sank to 2.19 against the U.S. dollar and to 2.98 against the Euro on Monday.Analysts predict that the U.S. dollar's rise against the Turkish lira will keep up as the political tension continues.Central Bank of Turkey injected 100 million U.S. dollars into markets on Thursday,Professional barber knife manufacturer and manufacturer of professional thinning scissors and haircutting barber shears. the move could not prevent the lira from dropping to another record low on Monday.The tendency of freefall in the lira comes after the U.S. Federal Reserve's (FED) stimulus reduction, Erdal Saglam,The U.S. Federal Reserve decision to reduce its bond-buying program will cutback money flow to developing countries such as Turkey, Saglam said."Turkey did not take some required measures, such as the central bank still did not decide interest rate hike," he added.Following the FED decision, a corruption and bribery operation on Dec. 17 which caused a political tension in Turkey is another factor that weakened the Turkish Lira, according to Saglam. "These developments have seriously raised risk premium of Turkey, " he noted.Antique faucetsThe rise of the U.S. dollar against lira is the most rapid one in near past, Saglam said, noting his expectation that the value of the Lira would continue to fall, which would probably trigger rise in inflation."Inflation may rise to double digits in Turkey in 2014," Saglam stated, adding that current account deficit may reduce with weakening of Turkish lira. 

The increasing interest rates could threaten macro balances of Turkey, Saglam said.The political landscape of Turkey has dramatically changed on Dec. 17 when a graft probe accused three ministers, their sons and high level bureaucrats of China visaalleged involvement in the corruption network.Economy Minister Zafer Caglayan and Interior Minister Muammer Guler and Environment and Urban Planning Minister Erdogan Bayraktar resigned over graft probe last month.Police seized 4.5 million U.S. dollars in cash when they raided the house of Suleyman Aslan, general manager of state-held Halkbank.The government has removed a total of 135 senior police officials in various provinces who had been ordered by the prosecutor's office to conduct the investigation.The investigation exposed a bitter feud between Erdogan's government and an influential U.S.-based Muslim cleric, Fetullah Gulen, who wields clout in police and judiciary, according to local media.Shortly after the graft scandal broke, the central bank said it would sell at least 6 billion U.S. dollars before the end of January in support of the lira.

Underearningsing the Wodescribeain favor ofe

2014-01-07 09:30:06 | Jaw crusher

Good kitchen design online means having a layout for your kitchen that provides an efficient and pleasant area in which to plan meals and see to linked tasks. Understanding the kitchen composition triangle idea and basic kitchen describe types is a valuable early intention to design a kitchen online with the intention of you like.The kitchen composition triangle consists of the distance linking the sink, refrigerator and range or cooktop. Each lone of these areas becomes a crucial intention in the kitchen and forms the three points of a triangle with changed distances linking them.China visa application Done accurately, proper kitchen design online will fail you the generally efficient food training area describe in your kitchen.Whether you’re remodeling an existing kitchen or building a extra lone, an efficient kitchen design online earnings with the intention of your composition triangle minimizes the digit of steps the cook should take linking the three areas all through meal training and cleanup. The add up distance from the sink to the stove to the refrigerator and back to the sink must be not a reduced amount of than 12 feet add up nor more than 27 feet. Each triangle piling must rate linking 4 and 9 feet in span. The kitchen isles must be by smallest amount 42 to 48 inches thick to allow group to move around definitely and in favor of appliances to be opened with stretch.this is the generally widespread kitchen design. It consists of a long piling and a shorter lone and this type of design can be used in small and generous kitchens. The L-shaped kitchen gives you the prospect of having a focus island depending on the interim unfilled.modern lamps Inside all-purpose, this design will state 2 or 3 appliances on lone wall. 

The usual array is to state the refrigerator by lone aim, the range or cooktop by the other aim with the sink located in the central point. This influence of kitchen commonly provides well-mannered traffic flood.this kitchen design has a allocation of cabinet interim and adequately of counter interim. This design is used in generous kitchens with two cooks, and it has two or more entering areas, which can cause traffic flood problems. To dodge various of these problems, create two separate working areas on both L of the kitchen so with the intention of composition flood does not persuade interrupted by creature traffic.this kitchen design online influence has three walls as a replacement for of two, and the sink ordinarily is located in the central point wall section. The refrigerator and range or cooktop are ordinarily on the feature walls opposite both other. The U-shaped kitchen design gives opportunity in favor of ample countertop interim, and you state three walls in favor of cabinets and appliances. This kitchen describe tends to create a working triangle with the intention of is very efficient.The working triangle in favor of the U-shaped kitchen must be around 26 feet or a reduced amount of. The single glitch with this type of kitchen design online is with the intention of every now and then the two U corners are not used appropriately. Make unquestionable you approve of the appropriate storage space items in favor of the corner cabinets produced by the U influence design. The U influence design can furthermore create dark kitchens since of the influence and the quantity of cabinets. Using skylights, generous windows, lots of under-cabinet task lighting and light insignia will help keep the kitchen positive with sufficient light to give it some thought could you repeat that? You’re responsibility. 

To eliminate traffic issues in this type of kitchen design online,Waterborne resin lone access is often clogged rancid. This type of describe must single be used by lone cook. If you aspire to claim both exits, place the refrigerator virtually the aim of the galley kitchen in favor of painless access. This way, your family unit and acquaintances can connect with the refrigerator lacking interfering with the person who is cooking.If you need second storage space in the galley kitchen, install tall kitchen cabinets with the intention of go away all the way to the ceiling. Hedge storage space is crucial. Buy a stepladder to exploit once you need to connect with the high shelf of the cabinets, and place the items you exploit a reduced amount of habitually on the high shelves.By understanding the kitchen composition triangle idea and how you aspire your kitchen to function, you’ll be more likely to create the kind of kitchen design online you’ve continually wanted. Today, kitchens are often viewed as the focal point of the household as well as a social focus in favor of family unit and acquaintances. Planning your kitchen and responsibility kitchen design online can be a challenge, but the rewards you’ll receive are very much worth the instance and effort.

Samsung Group’s New Patents Rumor Electric Car

2014-01-03 10:12:02 | Jaw crusher

Samsung Group’s New Patents for an Electric CarSamsung Group has recently applied for a fistful of new patents that have spawned a series of rumors that the South Korean electronics ruler may be heading into the manufacturing of electric car systems and components. The patent applications went to the Korean Intellectual Property Rights Information Service and the U.S. Patent & Trademark Office.Samsung recently spoke to the Wall Street Journal and has stated that they have no intentions of entering the electric car industry, but the nature of the patents has some saying the opposite. Technology is an industry that sometimes likes to thrive on rumors of the next biggest and greatest thing, and Samsung Group’s new patents certainly threw fuel on the tech-geek fire.The patent applications cover components and technology that could be used for tires, electric motors and systems pertaining to on-board electronic data and information sharing between the driver and the car. The evidence of Samsung Group venturing into the electric car industry on some level is quite compelling. It may also be that Samsung is just being tight-lipped about entering the car market, since their last automobile venture failed in the 90’s.Samsung established Samsung Motors Inc. in 1994 and produced their first SM sedan in 1998. However, the timing of the SM launch was a little more than lacking with the Asian Financial Crisis hitting in 1997. The crisis hit a lot of big South Korean corporations hard and in 2000 Samsung Group sold Samsung Motors Inc. to the France’s Renault SA. 

The company is now called Renault-Samsung and continues to sell automobiles under Samsung’s brand until the year 2020, at which time the agreement expires. Currently Samsung Group and Renault-Samsung are completely separate entities, and they only share the Samsung namesake. However, Samsung Group’s credit card affiliate Samsung Card Co. does still have a 19 percent stake in Renault-Samsung. Samsung Card Co. often holds stakes in many Samsung-owned companies.Samsung’s new patent rumors are already true on some level. The group already manufactures batteries for electric cars and other electric vehicles. Samsung SDI has a deal with Mahindra & Mahindra,tyre equipments Chrysler, and BMW to manufacture batteries for their electric vehicles. Rumors are also saying that Tesla Motors may soon be seeking battery supplies from Samsung SDI. These are pretty impressive partners for Samsung to already have in the electric car industry.In an era that finds people so focused on carbon footprints, renewable energy, and generally being so electronic technology driven, the lines may start to be blurred between electronic manufacturers and auto makers. So says Jae H Lee, analyst with Daiwa Securities.The jump to manufacturing electric cars could potentially be a huge windfall for Samsung.Cast iron clawfoot tubs As people become more aware of electric cars and manufacturers continuing to drive the technologies forward, most all electric car manufacturers drove their sales to an impressive increase of 300 percent in 2013. Other tech giants have also started to dabble in technologies related to electric cars or other alternative fuels and also into automated driving intelligence.Samsung Group’s new patents may also point to a link between their medical business and how it can be applied for use into the automobile field. 

A patent filing from late summer shows that Samsung has been looking into vehicle control technologies that would allow a person to control a vehicle based on their current or reoccurring medical condition. The innovative patent says that it will optimize driving by controlling a vehicle which will be based on the driver’s private medical information.Samsung Group stating they have no interest in entering the electric car market is a bit puzzling with having knowledge of what the new patents can potentially be used for. If Samsung is not jumping into the industry with both feet, it certainly looks as though some new big partnerships may be on the way. It could even mean that a handful of electric car manufacturers will soon be incorporating Samsung Group electronic patents into their next electric car model.Clawfoot tub faucets

Bathroom Faucets – What You Need To Know

2013-12-26 09:46:40 | Jaw crusher

A bathroom faucet is the device which controls the flow of water in your bathroom sink or bath tub. From simple yet elegant designs to more stylish and appealing in looks, faucets come in a variety of shapes and sizes to suit the design and budget specification of bath aficionados. Faucets are the designer pieces of your bathroom,tyre changer which attract attention with their design, style and finish. Even the starting price range presents some interesting models which complement your impeccable taste in bathroom adornments.Choosing a bathroom faucet is actually a matter of personal taste, and also how much your bathroom sink can allow you to experiment design wise. The shape and depth of the basin and the number of faucet holes it has will be the main guiding point for your faucet purchase. If you’re planning to buy a faucet for your bathroom, there a few things you need to keep in mind. Ensure that you perfectly match the opening in your sink with that of the faucet. You will have to balance your budget with the features that you desire in the faucet. The size of your sink will also determine the overall design, as there is nothing more unpleasant than a mismatched bathroom sink and faucet. The basic functionality narrows down to two styles; “single handle” and “double handle”. A single handle faucet uses one handle to control the flow of both hot and cold water, while the double handle design has separate handles for each. 

If your bathroom sink has only one drilled hole, then a simple “single-hole” faucet will be ideal. This type of faucet is mostly suitable for small sized sinks. You will not get variety in terms of design and finish, as that is mostly reserved for faucets which look good on bigger sinks. For a three-hole sink, your choice will increase greatly, as the faucets are typically set in the centre and are bigger with bolder designs. They come with either a single or double lever and most bathroom sinks match exceptionally well with this type of faucets.contemporary lightingFor those who want to infuse an element of fashionable style in their aqua adornments, you also have bigger faucets called “widespread mounts”. Along with two impressive handles, there is a large spout in the centre of the handles, which lends an air of dignified refinement to the bathroom decor. In the “center set” faucet range, the faucet and the handles are on the same mount. Another popular type of faucet is the “wall mounted” faucet, which goes along with freestanding sinks and vessels where the spout has to extend above the bowl. These design elements, as well as the style and finish of the faucet, offer you a lot of options. Popular finishes include bronze,Check out our site for knives supplier knives swords daggers and much more quality products for discounted prices. chrome, brass and satin nickel – and designs range from contemporary modern to traditional and classic.

Vietnam's cashew industry develops strongly amid challenges

2013-12-24 10:10:41 | Jaw crusher

Vietnam's cashew industry has witnessed strong development in recent years, but it still encounters many challenges, including a fall in planted area, according to the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas) on Friday.Accordingly, the cashew industry has achieved impressive growth, making Vietnam one of the world's largest cashew exporters since 2006.Cashew exports stood at 1.47 billion U.S dollars in 2012 as the country's fourth largest agricultural exports after rice, coffee and rubber. They are expected to top 1.8 billion U.S. dollars in 2013.However, cashew industry still faces several challenges, including shrinking cultivation area and unstable output. Aging trees and abnormal weather conditions have decreased yields, and many farmers preferred other crops for higher profits, which has reduced the planted area.Statistics by the Department of Crop Production (under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development) showed that the area under cashew cultivation shrank by 107,Cast iron clawfoot tubs392 hectare in the past seven years to 326,037 hectare in 2012. As a result, domestic production feeds only 30 percent of processing capacity and is reducing.This requires a development strategy to enable the industry to develop in a sustainable way in the coming years, local Vietnam News quoted Nguyen Van Hoa, deputy general director of the Department as saying.A draft strategy has drawn up for the cashew industry's development for the period until 2020 by the Department,tyre equipments related agencies and the Vietnam Cashew Association (Vinacas), Hoa said, adding that a seminar was held in Vietnam's southern Ho Chi Minh City on Thursday to discuss the strategy with scientists, businesses, farmers, and other stakeholders before submitting it to the government for approval. 

Under the draft development strategy, the cashew-cultivated area will remain at 300,000-320,000 hectare, producing 400,000 tons of raw cashew nuts a year and meeting 40 percent of the processing demand.The industry also plans to increase the rate of fully processed nuts to satisfy the requirements of customers and boost domestic consumption.In addition, reviewing and tweaking cashew zoning plans, replacing aged cashew trees, developing inter-cropping models, and developing high-quality seedlings and advanced farming techniques are among tasks to be soon implemented.Along with that, modern technologies and equipment should be used and products diversified to meet the increasing demand from customers. Companies should focus more on building brands and promoting their products.The government should support farmers in planting cashew trees to replace old ones, adopt policies to encourage firms investing in deep processing, and strengthen inspection of exports, the draft strategy recommended.In the first 11 months of 2013, Vietnam exported 238,000 tons of cashew worth 1.49 billion U.S. dollars, but it had to disburse 584 million dollars for the imports of raw cashew for local processing,Clawfoot tub faucets according to the Vietnam General Statistics Office.