Information about exciting places in Niigata, Japan

Hakusan Shrine

2013-05-04 | 日記
Yesterday I went to Hakusan Shrine.
It was so beautiful from any angle.

If you'd like to see Beautiful Japanese Garden , you should visit Hakusan Shrine.

Admission: FREE
Hours: Garden 24hours /// Omikuji Shop 7am-8pm

Hakusan Shrine!

It is reasonably close to Niigata Station.
Just take a bus No.1(Operated by Niigata Kotsu)
from Track 13 at Niigata Station.
Get off the bus at "Hakusan Kouen Mae"
It costs 200yen, the 7th bus stop!
You can see the red TORII(Shrine mark).


100yen shop

2013-05-03 | 旅行

Are you looking for any 100yen shops in Niigata?

Usually 100yen shops are located in the suburbs especially in Niigata,

so you need to get on a bus,

BUT!! one of them is near Niigata Station!!

Go out of Niigata Station from“South Central Exit (Minami Chuo guchi in Japanese)",

you can see a few old buildings in front of you.

One of them has a plate ”PLAKA 3”on the building.

100yen shop is on the first basement floor.

You can’t miss it!

Hours : 10am-8pm

Closed : 2013.5.21 & 2013.6.18 as of now

Tel : 025-240-2251

Address: 新潟県新潟市中央区天神1−1プラーカ3 B1

 1-1Tenjin Chuo-ku Niigata City


from Seria website

Sake Tasting 500yen!

2013-05-02 | 日記
Sake Tasting 500yen for 5 small cups!

A brand new hotel, Hotel Mets, opened on 8th of Apr 2013
in JR Niigata Station area.

It has a new place that you can taste 5 kinds of Japanese Sake for 500yen.
There are a lot of kinds of Sake from 93 Sake companies in Niigata.

Not only Sake, you can buy fresh foods from Niigata also.
You can eat fresh seafood in that area, too.

Open 9:00a.m.-9:00p.m. every day

access from hotel website
hotel website

Finally Panda Yaki!!

2013-04-28 | 日記
Finally I ate Panda Yaki today. It was yummy!!! There was a queue in front of the store as I thought.

Actually, I had imagined a kind of pancake, but it wasn't. It was a kind of Mochi(rice cake). It was chewy and gummy.

Green beans paste was sweet. Maybe you should try when you are hungry, it was a little heavy for me. Because I ate just after breakfast.

Yahiko was crowded today. I wanted to go to Yahiko Shrine, but parking was full, so I didn't go.
There were some flowers and new leaves on the trees. Looked nice!!


2013-04-27 | グルメ
Today, on the first day of the Golden Week,
I went to KOKOMO CAFE in Kameda.
It is so stylish restaurant in the stylish building.
The building is public. A library is also there.

If you are interested in the modern architecture and you have a car,
it is highly recommended!

photo from komachi

komachi website