Asia Presswire

Asia Presswire offers most updated news in Asia.


2024-05-24 13:32:56 | 日記

Osaka, Japan - May 24, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - 本日、「2024年中国広西製品展示会(日本)」および「2024年中国(広西)投資環境および加工貿易促進会議」が日本のインテックス大阪1号館で盛大に開幕しました。展示会には、広西からの食品・農産物、消費財、新エネルギー車部品など、さまざまなカテゴリーの製品が展示されています。近年、中国の経済力は急速に発展しており、各種消費財のアップグレードの成果は目覚ましいものがあります。中でも最も驚異的なのは、広西の茶本酒です。

主催者によると、国晶茶本酒はCGPE ジャパン 2024で広西で生産される唯一の酒類です。「中国の優雅な文化生活の復興」を使命とし、国晶茶本酒は健康的な飲酒文化の普及に努めています。2010年の上海万博では、国連ミレニアム開発目標の「ミレニアムゴールド賞」を受賞し、2024年のサンフランシスコ・ワールド・スピリッツ・コンペティションでは金メダルを獲得しました。これは、中国の優れた茶文化と高品質な酒の結晶です。


記者は好奇心旺盛に国晶茶本酒を試飲した。 初めてそれを飲んだとき、彼は目が輝いた。 茶本酒は口の中で味蕾を「爆発」させるのではなく、舌先に優しく触れ、ほのかな茶の香りを伴い、これまで人々が飲んできた中国酒とは全く異なります。 第一印象の美味しさから、記者は国晶茶本酒に強い印象を持ちました。 同時に解説者は、国晶茶本酒の特徴である 1 つの速さと 3 つの低さ(「速い代謝、低いピークエタノール濃度、低い肝臓損傷酵素、および低い代謝負荷酵素」)も紹介しました。 好きなだけお酒が飲めるので、日々営業活動をしている飲酒者の身体的・精神的負担から解放されます! 翌日の二日酔いや頭痛の心配もありません。国の茶本酒は日本人の消費習慣にぴったりです! このシーンは多くのディーラーからも注目を集めました。


会社名:Guangxi Guojing Liquor Co., Ltd.





SeaPRwire Unveils Innovative Forex Trading Press Release Distribution Solution for Southeast Asia

2024-05-20 14:45:42 | 日記

Singapore - May 20, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - SeaPRwire, the global leader in press release distribution, proudly announces the launch of its cutting-edge solution tailored for the Forex Trading industry in Southeast Asia. This latest addition underscores SeaPRwire's commitment to providing specialized and effective communication tools for financial markets.

Empowering Forex Communication

As a prominent player in the press release distribution landscape, SeaPRwire offers a platform that enables clients to identify key aspects of their press releases and measure their impact effectively. With a robust media network covering Southeast Asia and connections to thousands of global sources, SeaPRwire facilitates multi-lingual press release distribution in languages such as English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, and Filipino.

SeaPRwire's Branding-Insight Program, recognized as one of the best-earned media communications management platforms in Asia, has played a crucial role in empowering PR and communications professionals. Now, with the introduction of its cutting-edge solution for Forex Trading, SeaPRwire aims to enhance communication within this dynamic sector.

Revolutionizing Forex Press Release Distribution

The newly launched solution seamlessly integrates with SeaPRwire's Branding-Insight Program, a platform engineered to streamline the complexities of communication management. SeaPRwire's Media Communications Utility aims to build brand awareness, educate, and influence key stakeholders in the Forex Trading industry.

James Scott, Chief Strategy Officer (CSO) of SeaPRwire, emphasized the transformative nature of this press release solution. He stated, "In the fast-paced and dynamic world of Forex Trading, effective communication is paramount. SeaPRwire's latest solution, integrated into the Branding-Insight Program, offers a cutting-edge tool to streamline communications and elevate the visibility of businesses in this sector."

The Forex-Empower-Pack Advantage

The Forex-Empower-Pack, part of the Branding-Insight Program, is a comprehensive package that includes the distribution of global press releases to over 8,000 media outlets and multiple industry lists. Supporting multimedia content and unlimited words, the package accommodates more than 17 languages, ensuring a global reach and resonance with diverse audiences.

This solution also provides real-time updates for media contacts, enabling clients to build and manage company-specific media lists effortlessly through the Branding-Insight Program dashboard. Users have the flexibility to split, edit, or merge lists, allowing for a personalized and targeted approach to media outreach.

Insights from SeaPRwire's Leadership

Yaqin, Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) of SeaPRwire, emphasized the strategic use of thought leadership content for improved visibility. "Our team focuses on delivering thought leadership content to the right audience at the right time, seeking measurable returns on every dollar spent on media and marketing communications to achieve real results."

In the current economic climate, Yaqin added, "CEOs should leverage the power of an informative and engaging press release as a marketing weapon to accelerate sales. Media outreach, even in challenging times, can generate an impressive return on investment for businesses."

Measuring Success Through Analytics

SeaPRwire's integrated solutions have demonstrated proven results in helping brands deliver strategic media pitches, secure media mentions, and implement effective marketing strategies. The launch of the Forex-Empower-Pack further reinforces SeaPRwire's commitment to providing tailored and impactful solutions.

To explore how SeaPRwire's solutions, especially the Forex-Empower-Pack, can enhance visibility, increase website traffic, and have a profound impact on media communications for Forex Trading in Southeast Asia, visit

About SeaPRwire

SeaPRwire ( is a leading global provider of wire distribution services to media relations and marketing communications professionals. SeaPRwire's platform allows clients to identify key factors of their press releases and measure meaningful impact. It has a strong media network in Southeast Asia, indexing news from thousands of worldwide sources. SeaPRwire's media network support multi-lingual press release distribution, including English, Chinese, Vietnamese, Thai, Malay, Indonesian, Filipino and more. SeaPRwire provides real time press release distribution for companies and organizations to 6,500+ media outlets & 3.5 million professional desktops in 90 regions. It distributes press releases in different languages, including: IndonesiaFolk, IndoNewswire, SEATribune, IDNewsZone, LiveBerita, DailyBerita, TaiwanPR, SinchewBusiness, AsiaEase, BuzzHongKong, SingapuraNow, TIHongKong, TaipeiCool, TWZip, AsiaFeatured, dePresseNow, THNewson, KULPR, VNFeatured, MENAEntry, HunaTimes, DubaiLite, ArabicDirBeritaDaring, TekanAsia, JamKopi ...

Media Contact

Tina Lee, PR manager



2024-05-08 17:11:23 | 日記

New York, USA - May 08, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - IPNテニスツアーのCEO、イブラヒム・フィリ氏(Ibrahim Phiri)と大阪出身のビジネスリーダー、中井竜弥氏は、共同で日本企業がアフリカ市場に新たに進出する道を開いています。ウィンブルドンに匹敵するイベントをアフリカ各国で開催し、日本企業が未開拓市場に簡単に参入し、効果的なマーケティングを行う手助けをします。










Media contact

Brand: IPN Tennis Tour

Contact: IPN Communications Coordinator



SOURCE: IPN Tennis Tour


2024-05-02 12:18:45 | 日記

Tokyo, Japan - May 02, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - 韓国1位の成人教育分野企業であるデイワンカンパニー (代表イ・ガンミン)の社内独立会社(CIC)であるファストキャンパスが4月、日本への新事業参入を本格化する。

ファストキャンパスはデイワンカンパニー (旧ファストキャンパス、代表イ・ガンミン)の社内独立会社(CIC)であり、韓国を代表とする成人のための実務・職務専門教育組織である。現在、ファストキャンパスの累積講義販売数は95万件、累積会員数は89万人に至る。

ファストキャンパスは今年の4月、日本現地の人を対象とし、オンライン講義をオープンする。韓国最大規模のキャラクターイラスト教育機関であるネオアカデミーのイラスト講義や、世界的に最も注目されるテーマである生成型AI イメージイメージ制作講義等を披露する。特にイラスト講義の場合、ネオアカデミー内でも最も多くのファン層を確保している’ワンケ’と’トキュ’作家の講義を先にオープンする。

詳細講義としては’NEO ACADEMY:悪魔と契約する 超短期イラスト成長法‛や’NEO ACADEMY : 超短期初心者脱出 イラスト基礎の第一歩‛、’NEO ACADEMY : 初心者向けの CLIP STUDIOで顔を描く‛、 ’プロから学ぶMidjourney 2D/アートワーク/実写画像制作‛、’プロから学ぶStable Diffusion 2D/2.5D/実写画像制作‛などがある。



Social Links




Media Contact

Brand: Fast Campus

Contact: Marketing Team


SOURCE : Day1company

JuicyBet Launches Its Innovative GambleFi Platform

2024-05-01 23:39:43 | 日記

New York, NY - May 01, 2024 - (SeaPRwire) - JuicyBet, a Web3 startup, announced the launch of its GambleFi platform. This platform combines finance technology and gambling via blockchain to create unique opportunities and experiences for users. The company strives to revolutionize the principles of the online betting industry and the interaction between platforms and users in this market.

What is GambleFi?

GambleFi uses blockchain technology to ensure the fairness and transparency of games and betting outcomes and for players to get their share of the platform’s earnings and participate in its governance and day-to-day by holding its tokens.

How JuicyBet works

JuicyBet fully utilizes blockchain technology to establish a new ecosystem that has never been seen in the gambling industry. It is centered around user participation and transparency while providing gambling thrills and quality entertainment.

All game records on the platform are kept in a public blockchain, while a set of smart contracts automates gaming outcomes and payouts and provides for the platform governance via the DAO model. This reduces fraud risks and operational costs, making JuicyBet a more efficient platform.

However, the platform's main feature is the unprecedented level of user engagement via the platform’s native tokens.

  • First, the tokens provide access to betting.
  • Second, token holders get their share of the platform’s profit.
  • Third, token holders can vote on key decisions on the platform’s development in JuicyBet DAO.
  • And finally, DAO participants can also perform the role of oracles for bets and earn rewards.

In other words, JuicyBet doesn’t try to be just another gambling platform. It establishes a new ecosystem where users are in control of the platform and bets and are the beneficiaries of the platform.

In addition, JuicyBet offers additional earning opportunities, such as Double Farming and staking for token holders.

JuicyBet has already been noticed by users and investors - the platform’s 3-month turnover has exceeded $1,5 million, according to on-chain data available via Dune, and multiple centralized exchanges and launchpads have listed it.

In conclusion, it is worth mentioning that GambleFi represents a technologically advanced and transparent opportunity to earn additional income and profits from the usual entertainment while using the flagship GambleFi platform -


Social Links






Media contact

Brand: JuicyBet

Contact: Media team


SOURCE: JuicyBet