
母-その2 77年前

1)同じ桑名の病院に 父の姉も居た
姉は 「戦地から弟が帰った 嫁をさがしてる 貴女 どうだろう」
「弟は 性格も 体つきも 私が男になった だけで ソックリだ」と口説いた
2)それ迄 母に来ていた 縁談は 高齢の再婚か 病人しか 居なかった
健康な 若い医者は 軍隊に取られ 明日をも知れない 時代だった
3)もう戦地に行かなくて 若くって元気なら と決めた 
「会いに行って 良かったら」と言われ姉の花嫁衣装を借りて汽車に乗ったと
時代は風雲急を告げてたが 姉と同じ笑顔が 出迎えてくれた と
Mother - 2: 77 years ago
1) My father's older sister was also at the same hospital in Kuwana.
She said, "My brother has returned from the battle field.He's looking for a wife. How about you ?"
She persuaded my mom, "My brother's personality and physique are just like me, you may think he is a man just like me ."
2) Until then, the marriage proposals for her were only elderly remarriages or sick people.
It was an era that a healthy young doctor was taken by the army and needed to go overseas.
3) She was happy to have a chance to meet a young one who need not to go to battle field anymore, and he is young and healthy
The older sister said, "If it's okay for you,please go and see him." With sister's bridal dress my mom boarded the train.
4) When she arrived in Hiroshima, my father was standing on the platform. The era was telling the severe war coming, but the same smile as his sister greeted my mother.






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