
父母10 医者に成りたい 母が非人でも

1−家の直ぐ隣が 名古屋医科専門学校なのだが
当時は 牛飼いの非人が医学部は恐れ多い と言う時代なので
2−隣の住所で 受験しても 身分が解ると 入学できなくなると 思い
 父は 東京の医専を探し 運良く(戦争中だからもあってか)入学できた
学生さんが 東京の医専の近くで 医者を開業してたので そこに 下宿させてもらった その場所が 荏原中延で 昭和医専と言う学校だ
4−僕が小さい頃 父は お正月の 挨拶は 一升瓶と 蒲鉾をもって
此処に ご挨拶に 行っていた 
「長居しては失礼だと 僕を連れて 行ってくれたので」何となく記憶が有る

Want to be a doctor, even his mother is from a lower class.
1-Nagoya Medical School is right next door to his house.
But at that time, a cowherd's son wouldn't be qualified as medical doctor.
2.Even if he took the entrance exam,his address of next door reveals his family status was a lower calss.
So my father went to a medical school in Tokyo and was lucky to get in (probably because it was during the war).
3. My father's  boarding home was a hospital. The doctor of the hospital was working part-time as a milker at my father's farm when he was student.
4.That place was Ebara-Nakanobu. It was a school called Showa Medical School.
When I was little, my father visited this hospital with bringing kamaboko (dried fish paste) and a bottle of sake for New Year's.
He thought it was rude not  stay longer, so he took me with him.




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