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Battery Technologies Charge Ahead

2015-04-30 15:09:19 | 日記
Battery Technologies Charge Ahead
You don't have to dig too deep into the world of alternative fuel vehicles to realize that one of the biggest hurdles facing expansion of this sector has been the battery autel maxisys pro. While at the heart of the electric vehicle (EV) and hybrid world,by the same token,the lithium-ion battery,expected to surpass use of the nickel-metal-hydride version,presents some clear challenges to growth of the alternative fuels industry.
Glen Bower,automotive faculty advisor,University of Wisconsin,Madison,explains that while technological advances in batteries have focused on battery chemistry and downsizing the semi-conductor devices used to switch electric power,these now advanced batteries contain lithium as one of their major components. That lithium is being coupled with several different compounds,most often cobalt and iron-phosphate.
Those new battery types can out-perform their predecessors,but Bower points out that they also require highly sophisticated monitoring and active management circuitry. Art Wheaton,auto industry expert,Industrial and Labor Relations School,Cornell University,Buffalo,. takes such concerns even further,raising the question of whether the current generation of batteries is even in contrast to the green image of EVs. Electric batteries require rare and exotic materials such as lithium. Wheaton warns that such materials are potentially as problematic as the current dependence on foreign oil,adding that the . could potentially swap its oil dependcy for reliance on a different foreign commodity.
But there are growing signs that green energy investors are taking note of the need to address many of the concerns surrounding battery technologies. Formerly only concentrating on improving the range of battery-operated vehicles,the new wave of research worldwide is targeting alternatives to lithium,storage capacity,environmental impact and other factors with battery technologies designed to address current concerns over advanced lithium ion batteries. Here are just a few noteworthy examples:
Electrodes from Renewable Materials
Getting at the heart of the matter-scarce materials-experts in nanotechnology at Uppsala University,Uppsala,Sweden,are working to produce batteries from renewable,readily available materials. That's right; we could see electrodes from green sources like algae cellulose. While early attempts certainly address the cost factor and are easy on the environment,not surprisingly the resulting batteries can't hold a torch in the power department. Undaunted,researchers continue to work toward increasing energy density while further developing renewable and readily available battery components autel maxisys,like electrodes made from algae cellulose coated with a conducting polymer.
Super thin Batteries are super charged
Closer to home,researchers at MIT are looking at using carbon nanotubes for electrodes on so-called advanced batteries for the automotive industry. Relying on chemical reactions for performance,much like a conventional battery does,these batteries differ in that they are able to store energy without using any chemical reactions. Part of the focus at MIT has been on addressing the need for a surge of energy during engine start-up and similar tasks,and having the battery able to immediately respond,thanks to the carbon nanotubes,then continue to provide high-power energy storage. It's understood that electrochemical capacitors discharge batteries quickly to meet needs for power surges,while the traditional-battery type storage means high power capability. Research like that at MIT,looking at options across the spectrum,has prompted companies like GM to look at a lineup of vehicles utilizing a broad range of battery types.
Lithium Air Batteries Need Power Burst
Researchers at IBM's Nanoscale Science and Technology division are concentrating on developing a battery to answer the needs of EVs and hybrids. In addition to scarce resources,one of the looming issues for electric and hybrid cars has been the lack of infrastructure to support necessary charging,a costly proposition. IBM's answer? Instead of building infrastructure,put all the focus on building a better,bigger battery. Researchers there are working on a lithium-air battery that would store energy in an amount comparable to filling a conventional gasoline tank. The holdback so far,however,is that lithium-air batteries are great for things requiring a lot of energy but not necessarily so when the need is to go through a burst of energy in one bite. The answer may be to couple the lithium-air battery with smaller lithium-ion batteries,achieving that quick acceleration.
Doubling Capacity of Lithium-ion Batteries
By swapping graphite for silicon as an electrode material,two start-ups have announced they'll make lithium-ion batteries that can hold twice as much energy as they currently do. Both companies--Nexeon,in Abingdon,England,and Amprius,in Menlo Park, they expect their silicon electrode technology to hit the market in the next couple of years. Meanwhile,Nanosys has developed a solution to using silicon compounds in lithium batteries. It's been long known this could dramatically improve energy density,or the amount of energy held per kilogram of battery,but volumetric expansion,whenever was a problem. Batteries from Nonsys use silicon compounds without the volumetric expansion problem,claiming doubled battery capacity. The company says it hopes to fulfill the . Department of Energy target to bring the cost of lithium-ion batteries down to $250/kWh while increasing capacity to 300 miles per charge.
Super Thin Meets Super Versatile
Across the pond,engineers at Volvo Corporation are concentrating on two classes of batteries: one for EVs and one for hybrids. But both are being designed to go where few batteries have gone before,namely into the door or into the hood,a testament to how thin they truly are. Batteries being developed here are so thin,in fact,that such batteries can have energy spread over a large surface area,opening up endless possibilities for tapping battery power where hurdles had previously existed.

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A Guide to Lubricating Your Car Door Locks

2015-04-28 11:35:13 | 日記
A Guide to Lubricating Your Car Door Locks
An essential part of general car maintenance is caring for the car door locks. This is because car door locks are susceptible to various problems,including rusting and jamming. It should be noted that among general car-cleaning methods,car door locks are perhaps the most neglected part of the vehicle. This is essentially because they don't offer a substantial cleaning surface. In order to clean the car door lock or to lubricate it,you need to access the interior of the locking interface that is a bit tedious.
Understand Need for Lubricating Car Door Locks
Just like any other metallic surface,car door locks are subject to moisture-related issues like rusting. Further,repeated insertion of the key into the locking configuration and neglectful handling by people,makes the car door locks vulnerable to impaction of debris along with moisture,sweat and contaminants found in the surrounding air.
The only solution to protect car door locks against such issues is to thoroughly,clean and lubricate them. An un-lubricated car door lock is more prone to jamming as the grime and moisture tend to get wedged between the locking components. This problem is more accentuated in areas with low temperatures or high humidity.
Cleaning Car Door Lock Is Vital
Cleaning the car door lock,before lubricating it,is critical. This ensures that the debris isn't impacted deep within the lock by the lubricating agent. For accessing the inside of the lock,you can wrap a dry cloth around the tip of a small screwdriver. Insert this within the car door lock and move it in a circular manner. Now,pour a few drops of rust-removing solvent on the cloth and repeat the cleaning action. Follow this by again cleaning the door lock with a fresh piece of dry cloth. In colder conditions,drying the lock with a hair blower is recommended. This ensures that any crystals within the locking mechanism are removed.
Use Silicone Lubricants for Lubricating Car Door Lock
A silicone spray lubricant is best suited for car door locks. Ensure that you buy a lubricant with a spray straw. This is vital to lubricate the deeply-positioned parts of the locking system. Further,this type of lubricant is impermeable to water and sticks to the surface for a longer period.
You should position the spray straw of the branded silicone lubricant within the key hole. Always push the spray straw,until it seems to be stuck. Start spraying the lubricant in short blasts md802. Follow each spray-shot by a resting period of about 2 seconds. Insert the key in the door lock and move it around,repeatedly. This ensures that the lubricant is properly smeared over every part of the locking mechanism. Repeat this process for every car door lock.
Ensure Better Lubrication: Anti-rust Spray & Lubricating Weather Stripping
You should wipe the car door lock after lubricating it since the lubricant shouldn't be left on the car's surface for too long MD701. Follow this by applying a coating of anti-rusting solution. A graphite spray is ideal for this purpose. The application procedure for the graphite lubricant/anti-rust spray is similar to the one explained above. However,don't insert the straw of this spray too far.
If the spraying is too invasive,it may form a coating on the locking cylinder that can cause door-lock jamming rather than preventing it. Ideally,you should end this project by spraying the silicone lubricant on the small weather stripping around the door lock. This helps to prevent the freezing of the door lock.

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How to maintenance engine to reduce the fuel

2015-04-24 16:35:55 | 日記
How to maintenance engine to reduce the fuel
Engine is the key to a car power output, but also closely related to fuel consumption. So regularly cleaned each system to the engine and its accessories, good maintenance can also reduce fuel consumption.

Even if we use the best lubricants, such as not clean up other system components months, improve fuel economy is simply not the problem, the more impossible to protect the engine of our.

First, clean the air filter.

Air filter is directly related to the automotive engine air intake problems in the process of moving, usually no more than a vehicle traveling in the city autel maxidas 708, clogged air filter case, but if the car driving on a dusty road, you need to particularly concerned about the cleanliness of the air filter.

If the air filter clogging or excessive dust will cause poor engine air intake, and a lot of dust into the cylinder, the cylinder will accelerate the pace of coke, the engine ignition sluggish, underpowered, fuel consumption of the vehicle will naturally increase. If driving on normal city roads, air filter in the car when traveling 5000 kilometers should be checked, if too much dust on the filter, you can consider using compressed air to blow out from inside the filter, the dust blowing. But the air pressure is not too high, to prevent the filter from being damaged. When cleaning the air filter must not be water or oil to prevent the oil dip filter Autel MaxiTPMS TS601.

Second, clean fuel injector's carbon deposit.

Because the combustion chamber prone to coke, and carbon deposit can cause difficulty in starting; injector coking duct blockage can also cause oil, gasoline, jet texturing, poor atomization, fuel consumption will naturally increase.

For the combustion chamber can be cleaned using special retreat carbon agent, the combustion chamber and nozzle on carbon deposit softened surface with parts from, and then softened coke removed. This method works well in addition to carbon, compared to the previous advantages compared directly wipe does not damage the surface of the part, etc., and in addition to carbon efficiency has been greatly improved.

Third, get rid of the throttle sludge.

Sludge generated at the throttle reasons is much. Some are formed coke fuel combustion exhaust throttle Department; and then there has not been filtered air cleaner at the throttle of the residual impurities formed. Sludge intake will produce more air resistance, resulting in increased fuel consumption.

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What Is the Purpose of a Car Air Filter

2015-04-17 14:23:24 | 日記
What Is the Purpose of a Car Air Filter?
All cars have air filters,which are a necessary adjunct to proper engine operation. What follows is a brief description of the most basic purposes of a car air filter.
Filter Outside Air
The main purpose of an automotive air filter is to filter and clean outside air before it gets sucked into a car engine and burned along with fuel to produce combustion.
Protect Vehicle Engine
Air that gets sucked into a car engine needs to be as clean as possible to prevent engine contamination and,in some cases,engine damage. An air filter is the main line of defense against preventing damaging particulate matter from entering a vehicle's engine. Dirty air can reduce engine efficiency and cause damage;an air filter prevents this.
Protect Carburetor/Fuel Injection System
A carburetor or fuel injection system is responsible for injecting both gas and air into an engine's cylinders,a combination more commonly referred to as an engine's air/fuel mixture. Both carburetors and fuel injection systems use tiny portals and valves to function. Any debris or obstruction that enters these portals and valves can cause serious malfunction and/or damage md802 update. An engine air filter protects these delicate parts by filtering incoming air before it enters a carburetor or fuel injection system.
Increase Fuel Economy
A clean,properly installed and functioning air filter increases both engine performance and gas mileage. By filtering incoming air into an engine,an air filter ensures that air burned inside of an engine is as clean as possible. Clean,purified air ignites quicker and better inside of an engine cylinder,an occurrence that increases engine combustion efficiency autel maxidiag,which increases fuel economy.
Augment Carburetor/Fuel Injection Function
As air gets sucked into a car's engine,it must first pass through the air filter before it reaches either the carburetor or fuel injection system,which is in charge of combining incoming air with gasoline,a combination that creates an engine's air/fuel mixture. A dirty air filter obstructs air flow and limits the amount of air that reaches the carburetor or fuel injection system,either of which responds by reducing the amount of gas injected into the air. A clean air filter augments carburetor/fuel injection function by maintaining an adequate amount of air flow.

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Night Driving

2015-04-10 09:36:50 | 日記
Night Driving
Night driving poses some special challenges and surprises autel ds708 update. Knowing what to look out for and how to deal with the dark can help ensure your safety on the road after sundown.
According to the nonprofit National Safety Council (NSC), night driving accounts for three times as many traffic-related deaths as driving during the day. Know the difficulties involved with night driving and help prepare for them with these nighttime driving tips autel maxidas 708.
1. Get plenty of rest. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), some studies estimate that 15 to 33 percent of fatal crashes involve drowsy drivers. With drowsy-driving accidents, fatalities and injuries are more likely to occur than in crashes where the driver is alert. The CDC advises that tricks designed to keep you alert - rolling down the window or blasting music - are ineffective. If you're tired, you'll need to find a place to safely stop and get some rest.
2. Time to react. Drivers should provide at least three seconds of leeway for cars in front of them at night - and more during inclement weather. When the car in front of you passes a landmark, it should take you three seconds before you pass the same point. If not, slow your speed to leave more room between the two cars. John Ulczycki, vice president of strategic initiatives at NSC, says to actively scan the road ahead for potential danger. In neighborhoods, bicyclists or children might run into the road, and on the highway, cars in front of you can make sudden stops.
3. Teen education. According to the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety, per mile driven, the chances of a 16 to 19-year-old being involved in a fatal crash is four times higher at night than during the day. Young, inexperienced drivers often lack the savvy to deal with difficult situations. Ulczycki recommends educating your teen driver about driving safely at night. You can use Liberty Mutual's Parent/Teen Contract to start the conversation.
4. Headlight know-how. When faced with another vehicle's high beams, keep your eyes on the right edge of the road to guide you. Adjust your rearview mirror to avoid the glare from high beams from the vehicles behind you. To be courteous and safe, don't use high beams with oncoming traffic or when behind another vehicle.
Recognizing hazards specific to night driving and making the necessary adjustments can help keep you and others safe on the roads when the sun's down.

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