amrayu's dorama obsession

Where I discuss and blab about fansubbing and my dorama obsession. Also some other random things thrown in.

Fansubbing Slump

2006-03-21 03:13:46 | Weblog
Wow, it's been awhile since I last updated this blog. Anyway, these days I don't feel like fansubbing anything at all. At some points I wonder to myself if this is worth it all. I wish there were more time in the day so I could get enough sleep, work, write, fansub, play games, read manga, read books... The list goes on and on. Did I mention that I also have a personal life to contend to?

For the past 2 weeks I've been running some back-end admin stuff for SARS-Fansubs. I would like to get back into subbing, but the drive is not there. I guess I'm feeling a little bit jaded with everything that's been going on in my life. When I visit D-addicts now, I have no desire to communicate with other members in the forums.

First you have the leechers that complain about everything from font size, font color, file size, resolution and everything else in between. Then you have the mini-moderator wannabes, that jump at all the newbies that visit the site. There's also the crazy kids that start 1,000 new threads a day--everything from your favorite color to what did eat today? To me this is all SPAM. I don't even care at this point anymore. Finally, there's the growing trend of fansub ego maniacs. Those that fansub for those stupid "Fansubber" banners. I think this is the cause of the increase in the "fast-food" mentality amongst leechers and fansubbers alike. End rant.
Maybe I'll get back into fansubbing today after work.

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relax! (yamo)
2006-03-21 10:14:50
I say sleep in and enjoy your life! lol
kdramamama (manse!)
2006-03-28 03:56:03
Thank you VERY much, Amrayu! Even tho\' you\'re in a slump, you managed to get Dating Now Ep. 10 and Gokusen 2 ep. 2 posted for us--WOW, you\'re the best--and we appreciate it even more! As much as we love it, we care about you, too, so take some time to do stuff you enjoy!
I can relate! (on a smaller scale...) (MG)
2006-03-31 14:21:35
My partner and I are wrapping up our first series and we\'re about 99% sure it\'ll be our last. Going in we agreed on a regular release schedule to avoid procrastination. It was fun at first, but now it\'s killing us! No time to catch up with other series or do much of anything without stressing about the next deadline.

And this is just two people on one project. I can\'t imagine the amount of work involved with coordinating multiple series at once.

I say do whatever feels right. If the subbing isn\'t rewarding, do what managers do...delegate! :) If the forums are annoying, avoid them, and don\'t feel obligated to post. If ranting makes you feel better, rant away!

Out of curiosity, what originally motivated you to start fansubbing?
mugen translator (oct)
2006-04-01 13:32:17
i know what you?'re feeling like.. i go thru phases where i dont even give a damn about subbing.. then one day it comes back..

i dunno how i managed to find your personal blog though.. heh

bryan (octavius)
Hey there (Crazy Canadian)
2006-04-05 16:07:07
>First you have the leechers that complain about everything from font size, font color, file size, resolution and everything else in between.

Well some people feel the need to nit-pick at everything. And most of the time, they can\'t do it themselves. And others cannot be happy with anything.

ACK!! SPAMers!! Okay, on the occassion I like to spam a forum, but that it usually out of boredom or insanity. And that only lasts a couple of posts, nothing close to 1,000. Why don\'t you people get a LIFE?! Some people don\'t want to see that many random, and incredably short posts. What\'s the point in this??
hello! (yuyu)
2006-04-05 19:18:30
don\'t stop fansubbing, please! my life is on hold until i see the release of byakuyakou ep. 3!!! i don\'t see what people have to complain about--you do a really great job fansubbing out of the kindness of your heart, and they just sit back and whine for no sound reason!

thank you so much for all you\'ve done with fansubbing! i look forward to your future work!
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