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Millions are unable to afford to invest in a stock

2017-09-01 09:15:23 | 日記
Now the economy is expanding again.And the unrest in Egypt shows that the market is still vulnerable to unforeseen events."The lack of confidence has acted as a sedative across the economy," says David Kelly, chief market strategist at J. Since then, in the fastest climb since the Great Depression, it has risen 84 percent thanks to surging corporate profits, the unexpected resilience of personal spending and a bond-buying intervention by the Federal Reserve that made stocks more appealing.4 percent was July 1983. "There is a tremendous amount of pent-up demand for business capital spending. Investors moved $2. Technology stocks have led the latest push in the rally.The Dow's total return, which assumes stock dividends were reinvested, is 92 percent.P.5 billion into mutual funds that held American companies over the first three weeks in January, the largest increase since April of last year. Egypt controls the Suez Canal, a vital route for oil tankers and cargo ships.The lack of demand from small investors is making stocks cheap by historical standards. They have pulled nearly $245 billion out of U. Before the 2008 financial crisis, the last time unemployment was at 9.

Millions are unable to afford to invest in a stock aluminum profile rally passing them by. stock mutual funds since June 2008, the last time the Dow was at 12,000, according to the Investment Company Institute. The Dow now trades at 14. Economists expect that this year could bring record foreclosures. If the Dow traded at 17 times earnings now, it would be at 13,877 -- only 287 points below its record high. Pulling that off would require a total gain for 2011 of about 22 percent. The Dow has risen that much or more in a year eight times since 1985, or roughly once every three years.S. And at least one widely watched measure suggests stocks are still cheap by historical standards.4 percent Friday, its largest drop in more than two months, because of concerns that the protests in Egypt could disrupt the global oil business." Investors who see their stock portfolios rising will be more likely to spend money and take risks that could boost the economy, he says. And some of the early gains came because investors realized that stocks had fallen too far during the financial crisis. The Dow stood at 6,547, its lowest point in 12 years. Real estate prices in some cities are still near the lows they hit at the worst of the financial crisis. Unemployment stood at 5.The market has been rising without much buying by small investors."Stocks that typically do well in the first part of a bull market have been lagging the broad market recently. The Dow fell 1.

"The Dow at 12,000 could boost the psychology of the American investor and be a more powerful stimulant than anything else in driving the next stage of this bull market. Morgan Funds.The rebound could bring small investors back to the stock market. They are starting to spend a little, upgrading their computer systems and buying basic materials in order to expand -- even if they have yet to hire again in great numbers. 28, 2008. Some state and local governments are struggling to provide basic services, and the federal deficit is at its highest level as a percentage of GDP since the end of World War II.NEW YORK -- Two years ago, the stock market was roadkill along the financial highway.

Earlier in the decade, they typically put in $145 billion a year. But jobs remain scarce, and the unemployment rate is 9.A broader measure of the stock market, the Standard & Poor's 500 index, closed above 1,300 for the first time since Aug.7 times the combined earnings per share for the past year of the 30 stocks that make up the Dow, well below the historical average of 17. By November 1985, it was at 7 percent, and the Dow stood 23 percent higher.The Dow Jones industrial average closed above 12,000 for the first time in two and a half years Tuesday, putting the Great Recession even farther in the rearview mirror and erasing most of the damage it inflicted on tens of millions of retirement accounts.But the economy is in better shape now than it was the last time the Dow closed above 12,000, on June 19, 2008.The stock market's gains haven't been matched elsewhere. Anyone who bought an S&P 500 index fund that day in March 2009 has doubled his money, assuming dividends were reinvested.If unemployment starts dropping steadily, the bull market probably has further to go.1 aluminum extrusion percent.The remarkable run for stocks began on March 9, 2009.And if Americans believe in the stock market again, it could accelerate the economic recovery.6 percent and was on its way to 10. The Dow had tumbled about 2,000 points from its all-time high of 14,164 in October 2007 but had much further to fall.Large brokerage houses that manage investments are starting to see the return of individual investors. The S&P 500 closed at 1,307. Consumer discretionary stocks have risen 0. Lately, they have been lagging.The Dow closed at 12,040."We are at a new stage in the economy," says Liz Ann Sonders, chief market strategist at Charles Schwab.. Alcoa, the giant aluminum company, has benefited from this spending, and its stock has jumped 30 percent over the last three months. That turned out to be just a third of the way through the Great Recession.4 percent. Hewlett-Packard and IBM have each jumped by more than 10 percent over the past month.Small investors are starting to buy stocks again. So-called consumer discretionary stocks -- hotels, restaurants, and fashion stores that rely on people spending -- tend to perform well at the start of a bull market because they tend to fall the most during downturns.5 percent this year, well behind the 4 percent gain in the S&P 500. It's the professionals who have pushed stock prices higher for two years because they expected corporate profits to rise.The Dow is 15 percent below its record from October 2007 and could reach a new high this year.16 on Tuesday, advancing 148 points after strong corporate earnings reports and signs that the manufacturing sector had a good month in January.Businesses have been sitting on an enormous pile of cash -- the biggest as a share of their total assets since 1959. "Our clients are showing increased confidence in the economic recovery," says Morgan Stanley's chief financial officer, Ruth Porat.59, up 21 points. Small company stocks, which typically lead, have stalled after rising 27 percent last year. Now one of the greatest bull markets in history is rolling along -- maybe enough to finally get the attention of average investors.