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The Exhaust System

2017-08-04 09:52:44 | 日記

Your car's exhaust system carries away the gases created when the fuel and air are burned in the combustion chamber. These gases are harmful to humans and our environment. A frequent check of your exhaust system is a must to provide for you and your family's safety. Make sure there are no holes in the exhaust system or in the passenger compartment where exhaust fumes could enter. Let's begin by listing the parts of the exhaust system and their functions.

Exhaust manifold: The exhaust manifold attaches to the cylinder head and takes each cylinders exhaust and combines it into one pipe. The manifold can be made of steel, aluminum, stainless steel, or more commonly cast iron.

Oxygen sensor: All modern fuel injected cars utilize an oxygen sensor to measure how much oxygen is present in the exhaust. From this the computer can add or subtract fuel to obtain the correct mixture for maximum fuel economy. The oxygen sensor is mounted in the exhaust manifold or close to it in the exhaust pipe.

Catalytic converter: This muffler like part converts harmful carbon monoxide and hydrocarbons to water vapor and carbon dioxide. Some converters also reduce harmful nitrogen oxides. The converter is mounted between the exhaust manifold and the muffler.

Muffler: The muffler serves to quiet the exhaust down to acceptable levels. Remember that the combustion process is a series of explosions that create allot of noise. Most mufflers use baffles to bounce the exhaust around dissipating the energy and quieting the noise. Some mufflers also use fiberglass packing, which absorbs the sound energy as the gases flow through.

Exhaust pipe: Between all of the above mention parts is the exhaust pipe which carries the gas through it's journey out your tail pipe. Exhaust tubing is usually made of steel but can be stainless steel (which lasts longer due to it's corrosion resistance) or aluminized steel tubing. Aluminized steel has better corrosion resistance than plain steel but not better than stainless steel. It is however cheaper than stainless steel.

Common Problems:

Well the worst enemy of your exhaust system is corrosion.... or more commonly known as rust. Rust is caused by moisture reacting with the iron in the steel and forming iron oxide. Moisture, or water vapor is present in the exhaust as a by-product of combustion and the catalytic converter. Moisture can also come from the outside in the form of rain.

Short trips in your car can shorten the life of your exhaust system. When you shut down your engine whatever water vapor is in the pipes condenses and turns back into a liquid. On a short trip the water never has a chance to get hot enough to turn back into water vapor and just stays in the system and rusts away the pipes. If you drive for short distances consider replacing your exhaust system with stainless steel when the plain steel one rusts through. If you drive more than 15 miles at a time then you should not have to worry about this autel maxidas ds808.

If you live in an area, which uses salt on the roads in the wintertime, make sure to wash the underside of you car with water every few weeks. Salt speeds up the corrosion process and getting it off as soon as possible will help stop the corrosion. Make sure you run the engine after washing to drive off all of the water on the pipes Launch CReader 6001.

Noticing a decrease in your gas mileage? Your oxygen sensor could be going south on you. As time goes on the oxygen sensor begins to wear out and becomes less accurate. This sometimes results in a rich fuel mixture where your engine burns more fuel than is needed. Most of the time your check engine light will come on and alert you to a failing oxygen sensor. I suggest changing the oxygen sensor every 60,000 miles just to be safe. Even though your check engine light might not be on, you could be using more gas than is needed. Pay a few bucks and change the sensor, your wallet will thank you when you have to buy less gas down the road.

The next part in line to go is the muffler. Most of the time mufflers rust through and need to be replaced. There are allot of options out there for replacement mufflers. Some cheap and some expensive. It holds true... you get what you pay for. If you plan on keeping your car for any period of time, spend the extra cash and get an OEM muffler or a high quality name brand muffler.

On rare occasions the catalytic converter will become clogged and need to be replaced. Symptoms include loss of power, heat coming from the floor of your car, glowing red converter or a sulfur smell. Never let a mechanic tell you that you can do without the catalytic converter. Removing this component is illegal in most states and can lead to a hefty fine to the government if you are not careful.

That's about it for the exhaust system; just remember that rust is the biggest enemy to your exhaust system. Take the above-mentioned steps and your exhaust system will last a long time

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The Consequences of Not Having Auto Insurance

2017-08-01 14:02:34 | 日記

If you are one of those people who think auto insurance is a scam, beware. There could be some major payout in your future. Car insurance is extremely valuable, particularly in today`s society as more and more people find themselves involved in accidents that aren`t even their fault. You can literally be the safest driver around and still end up in a car accident. While it may not have been your fault, you may still be liable for some of the damages and this is where it comes in very handy to have auto insurance.

It Could Be Illegal

Depending on where you live, chances are it`s illegal to drive without insurance, so you`ll want to make sure that you have the minimum required, which is liability. Even in areas where you aren`t required to have insurance per se, you ARE required to have the money to cover an accident. You will need to actually prove that you can pay for damages, should they occur. This could be a big problem if you don`t have much money stored up in the bank.

Most drivers without auto insurance end up doing hit and runs, to avoid being caught, which usually results in jail time. It`s not a good idea to drive without auto insurance, but this isn`t the worst that could happen if you avoid it.

Since driving without insurance or the ability to pay for damages can hold some big consequences, you will want to know what they are in your area. Some states only charge a fine (often in the thousands) or impound your car, but many will include jail time.

Bigger Losses, Bigger Payouts

What happens if you are in a car accident and you haven`t purchased car insurance? You will be in big trouble, to say the least, particularly if the accident is deemed to be your fault Autel MaxiSys Pro. You will be responsible for any injuries and damages involved in the accident, which can grow very rapidly.

Not only will you be penalized for not having the appropriate insurance, you will also be required to pay out of your pocket. This can literally bankrupt someone and it can be extremely bad for your record. You could even lose your license, which negates the need to buy auto insurance after the fact.

A major car accident could end up costing you hundreds of thousands of dollars, plus fines and jail time. It`s really not worth it when you consider how little you would pay each month for peace of mind with auto insurance. Not to mention, if you are the one injured in an accident and the other driver has no insurance, you are really going to be in trouble. You`ll end up having to pay your own medical bills, which, as we all know, can get very expensive, very fast.

Driving without auto insurance could be the biggest risk you`ve taken in your life. While you will be saving money in the moment, there`s no telling when (not if, but when) you will be in an accident and need that insurance. Rather than paying a minimal amount along the way Autel Maxidas DS808, you`ll end up being responsible for everything all at once and that`s a hit that most bank accounts just can`t deal with.

Rather than risk your savings, it`s far better to invest in auto insurance and simply pay by the month or year, eliminating the need to lose everything when you have a collision. The minimal amount of insurance will keep jail and fines at bay and doesn`t have to be terribly expensive.

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