


2017-08-10 06:50:02 | 日記








2017-08-10 06:46:24 | 日記

Hello Dear,
Thanks to hear from you once again respectively i want you to know
that war is very very bad and let no one pray for it because i don't
have any relatives now whom i can go to all my relatives ran away in
the middle of the war some also died, the only person i have now is
Pastor ☆☆☆☆☆ who is the pastor of the (Church of Christ )
and i am emailing you from the office of the pastor in the church
camp,I told the pastor about my situation and he permitted me to
access my email in his office computer. You can call me with the
Pastor's office telephone, the number is (+☆☆☆☆☆☆☆), When you
will call remember to tell him that you want to speak with me Miss

Dear listen very good and promise me that you are not going to betray
me after disclosing this secret for you because i love everything in
life but i hate liars and unfaithful people, when my late father was
alive he deposited some amount of money in a leading bank in Europe
which he used my name as the next of kin and the amount in question is
($5.700 000 (Five Million Seven Hundred Thousand Dollars) and Gold
in a Security company London which is the main reason my late father
uncles are seeking to kill me and take the inheritance from me ,

Now i have informed the bank my plans to claim the money and they
directed me to look for a foreign partner who will stand on my behalf
due to my present status and the laws of the country which is the
reason am contacting you today ,

Honestly i will like you to help me to transfer this money into your
account or you open a new account for the transfer of the fund. Then
after the transfer we can proceed on how to get the Gold in The
security company, i have contacted the security company before they
demand me to pay some money and i will need a lawyer to get some
documents before they can release the gold dust.

I will send you the bank contact so you can Email the bank for a legal
and immediate transfer into your nominated account after which you
will send me a little amount that i will use to arrange my travel
documents in meeting you and further my studies which matters most to
me while you go ahead to invest with all the money in any business of
your choice,

Please i need you to talk to me now because we are talking about money
issue and it can be tempting especially when huge amount is
involved.but i believe i owe you the obligation to disclose fully the
existence of this fund to you if you can convinced me that you are
willing to assist me get me out from this hell called camp in meeting
you for a better life,

To indicate to me your intention toward my demand for your
assistance,I want you to send to me your information's as follows

Your full name......
Your Age ..............
Your country...........
Your Telephone Numbers .. .....

dear i expect to hear from you soonest in order to disclose more
information to you about this project , honestly am very happy that
you came into my life in restoring back my happiness and joy ; my love
is yours forever for you are the reason of my living ,
thanks and have a wonderful day ,

Yours ☆☆☆