
2015-10-26 02:07:07 | 日記


2015-10-25 02:08:03 | 日記


2015-10-24 02:08:09 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: In Europe, is the end near? The situation is stric... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2015/10/in-eur…

Opinion of Seiji Ninomiya: Chinese leader had better give the freedom to peop... seijinino.blogspot.com/2015/10/chines…

Novel:the big crime of the genius:p6:"from 2010, the earthquakes in the world, you did Mike. I know you can make the big earthquakes." "Ya."

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 9 RT


2015-10-23 02:07:50 | 日記

Seiji Ninomiya World In English: Does China money save U.K. from now? I don't think... seijienglish.blogspot.com/2015/10/does-c…

The big crime of the genius:P6:"Big earth quakes of nowadays, you did Mike." "Don't tell a lie boy." " No, it's true. Your terrible jobs."

6 件 リツイートされました

The night of Top Leader:P4:Japanese Prime Minister saved Japan and Japanese people many times. But almost people never know that. " SAD"

Seiji Ninomiya 4さんがリツイート | 6 RT