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Have You Got an Overtime Case?

2020-03-20 04:37:26 | 日記

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Since the Great Depression in the 1930s, many companies in America have been lawfully required to pay overtime to qualified employees who work over 40 hours in a 
week. Nowadays, overtime is viewed less frequently as an economic stimulus program and much more frequently as a worker right: If workers need to work over a typical work week, then they ought to be paid a  premium. This report describes the fundamental overtime principles, covers a few frequent overtime violations, and offers advice on what you need to do if you think your company is breaking the law.

How Overtime Works

Under the federal Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), insured employers must pay qualified employees an approximate premium of 150 percent of the regular hourly wage for each hour that they work over 40 in a  week. Which Workers Are Exempt?


The FLSA exempts many different employees, from paper deliverers into seamen, employees on small farms, and external salespeople. These workers are exempt if they make a salary of $ 455 per week and they perform job responsibilities that need an advanced level, are managerial, or entail comparatively high-level company choices, normally speaking. (The weekly exemption threshold raises to $ 684 a week beginning in 2020.)

Find out more about how every one of those exemptions is defined and the best way to tell whether you're paid a true salary or no in Noel's essay Overtime Pay: Your Rights as a Worker.

State Overtime Laws

 Workers are entitled to the rights provided from the protective law, state or federal. State overtime laws vary in the FLSA in a few important ways. First, countries may exempt and contain various kinds of workers, such that you may qualify for overtime under federal. law although not say (or vice versa). Secondly, a few countries have day-to-day limits. By way of instance, a California employee is eligible for overtime after working eight hours daily, however long the employee works per week. You can discover more about your nation's overtime law by calling your state labor department)

Common Overtime Violations

Most overtime violations fall into these 3 classes:

Misclassifying workers as exempt not counting hours and miscalculating hourly salary.


Misclassification Issues
Here are some common offenses involving worker classification:

Classifying workers as exempt manager (or assistant supervisors) if their job responsibilities are just like the workers who allegedly report to them

Classifying workers as exempt under one of those white-collar exemptions if their tasks scatter demand discretion and independent judgment

Paying workers based on the number of hours they work per week instead of paying them a true salary which does vary according to hours worked or manufacturing
Docking worker pay based on productivity, hours, functionality, or other motives which aren't permitted (for additional info, see Legal Limitations on Pay Docking and Unpaid Suspensions), and not Heard Hours Worked

Even when an employer correctly classifies a worker as nonexempt, the employer may violate the law by undercounting worker hours, for instance:

- Requiring workers to operate through an outstanding meal or rest breaks

- Requiring, hoping, or enabling workers to perform additional work in the home this not paid

- Not counting time workers spend putting on or taking off protective equipment and clothes at the worksite

- Not counting time workers spend to travel for work (by way of instance, if workers have to report to a specific place, then are transported or push out of there into a worksite), and

- Not counting time spent on necessary training and other compulsory actions.

- The overtime premium is 150 percent of their employee's regular hourly fee. Some companies scatter includes all essential compensation in coming up with this particular wage, nevertheless.

- Not counting all of performance-based prizes and bonuses (for instance, a $ 50 award for the worker of this week) at the employee's hourly fee.

Actions Next

If You Think You Are Not Being Paid Overtime To That You'Re Entitled, It Is Generally Better To Begin By Talking To Your Company. Describe Why You Think You'Re Eligible For Overtime. 

Should You Scatter Succeed In Convincing Your Company that you're owed overtime, then you have a few alternatives. The majority of states give an administrative process for producing wage case. Contact your state labor department to find out the procedure for whining about unpaid wages, such as time limitations for making a claim and types you'll have to finish. Ordinarily, you scatter have to utilize the stats administrative process; you additionally have the choice of bypassing the state bureau and moving straight to court.

Before you submit a wage claim or think about taking legal actions, however, is a fantastic idea to speak with an experienced attorney and be certain that you have a viable claim. An attorney can help you discover your odds of succeeding, what signs you ' ll want, etc.

If your case appears strong, the attorney may be interested in representing you in service proceeding or litigation (or just attempting to settle your claims). If several workers are exposed to the same overtime policies, then there can even be a possible class action litigation. , where all you band together to vindicate your rights.

Could I be disciplined for issues brought on by my handicap?

2020-01-08 18:15:00 | 日記

What's a Reasonable Accommodation? 
A reasonable accommodation is something that an employer can do to aid a disabled worker to perform the vital functions of their occupation.   On the other hand, the ADA and judges have generated certain duties that the worker must meet to be able to look for a lodging.  An experienced wrongful termination attorney can help you ensure you and your company are fulfilling all the necessary requirements under the law.
A lodging, for ADA purposes, can contain virtually anything, by an alteration in an employes hours to brand new gear, for example, ergonomically-engineered office furniture.  By way of instance, an employee on drugs which makes it hard to operate in the early morning can ask for later arrival time.  Or an employee with vision, an impairment may ask voice-activated software because of his computer.
Even if a disabled worker has a perfect answer to her or his work constraints, the employer does not need to have to consent to it.  In case the lodging you need would inflict an undue hardship in your company, your employer isn't required to supply it.  By way of instance, if the lodging you ask would lead to severe financial hardship, then your employer might not need to comply.
However, an employer can't merely claim undue hardship since it doesn't wish to supply your lodging. 

Requesting Accommodation
Under the ADA, you need to ask the lodging of your disability is not up to this employer to provide it.  Though you scatter have to use any special words to ask lodging (not even accommodation) or cite that the ADA, you really do need to provide the employer with enough information about what you want so they can determine if accommodation is possible.
Though the law doesn't require that you use special language to ask lodging nor that you place it in writing, a written petition is a fantastic idea.  A written petition is useful since it generates a listing of your petition which you or your employer may refer to if you're talking your lodging.  And, it might be proof of your petition if there's a subsequent dispute between you and your employer about your lodging. 

The Interactive Procedure
Once making your request for lodging, your employe's duties kick in.  At that stage, your employer must speak to one to work out if and how it is able to offer accommodation.  This is known as the "interactive procedure," which is required by legislation.  In this procedure, you and your company share options for adapting your handicap so you can execute your job crucial functions.
The law also demands that the procedure be elastic, meaning that your employer doesn't need to provide just what you've asked, provided that it features a lodging that allows you to perform your work.  Throughout the interactive procedure, as an instance, an employee could request a specific work schedule which the employer can't agree to.  The employer subsequently may provide a slightly different work program that makes it the worker can perform her essential functions.
As soon as you and your company has come to an arrangement on the lodging, it's a fantastic idea to set the arrangement in writing for the very same reasons you need to place your request in writing.  A lawyer can prepare this written arrangement for you.


I've suffered from depressive episodes for any number of decades.   After years with no attendance issues, I've gotten to work several times in the past month -- and my manager has advised me I'll get a written warning when I'm late again!  Can he do so? 
Whether your employer may subject you for attendance or performance issues stemming from your handicap (or, in your circumstance, the drug you choose it) depends upon all of the facts.  You're right that an employer may not discriminate against a worker having a disability.   And companies aren't required to reduce their production or operation criteria for workers with disabilities.
Below are a few important facts to take into account in deciding whether your company may subject to you.
Does your company know about your handicap?   Depression isn't an obvious handicap, however.  In case you haven't told your boss regarding your depression and the drugs you choose, he might not have any reason to blame your tardiness to some handicap.
Have you asked for a reasonable accommodation?  If your employer knows of your handicap, have you clarified that you want to lodge for the consequences of your drugs?  The legislation doesn't need companies to understand how every handicap affects every worker, nor to know the side effects of all probable medications. 
What are the crucial elements of your job?  For many places, allowing a worker to begin work after is an easy lodging that's free and doesn't make some problems for your employer.   If by way of instance, you're the sole office secretary, you have to maintain your desk once the office opens.  By comparison, if you operate an early shift in a call center, it ought to be a very simple matter to change you to a later change.
If your employer understood about your handicap, you asked an accommodation, and also the lodging would make it possible for you to carry out your work 's crucial roles, then your manager shouldn't subject you for your absences.  Use this chance to make sure the drug you choose for your handicap is inducing you to arrive.  Ask again about lodging, and clarify that disciplining you to the tardiness without providing a lodging is illegal and unfair.
But if you've got to keep your illness a key (as is frequently true with hidden disabilities), it's time to talk about it with your manager.  Describe your illness, the consequences of your medicine, and your need for lodging.  (It may be helpful to provide to offer a notice from your physician, too.)  Your employer isn't lawfully needed to "return " field enforced before it had been conscious of your disability and need for accommodation.  But many companies won't subject an employee in this circumstance, recognizing that it's unfair to punish an employee for the consequences of a handicap.

You’re Right to Accommodation throughout Pregnancy

2020-01-08 18:03:13 | 日記
Do you have the right to get your pregnancy accommodated on the job?  What measures, if any, does your employer need to take to assist you to do your work through your pregnancy?  Are you currently able to take off time from work on account of your pregnancy?   Based upon your circumstance, your employer might need to accommodate you if your pregnancy impacts your ability to perform your work.
 In a nutshell, employers need to extend the very same rights and benefits of pregnant workers as they do to other similarly situated workers.
Based on how your employer treats non-pregnant workers with temporary disabilities, then you might qualify for lodging for your own pregnancy.  Though the PDA does especially require companies to accommodate pregnant workers, it will require companies to treat pregnant employees exactly the same as non-pregnant workers that are temporarily disabled for different factors.  By way of instance, if your employer provides light-duty work to all workers who demand light-duty work for some other reasons, you're eligible for the exact same treatment.
The law is not as clear in regards to an employer that offer light-duty work to a, but not all, workers that are temporarily disabled for different factors.   In Young v. UPS, a pregnant worker uttered UPS after she had been refused light-duty work.  UPS supplied light-duty work to workers, such as those who have been injured at work.  However, it did supply light duty to additional workers, including pregnant workers and employees injured off the job.
The Supreme Court held that employers aren't needed to accommodate pregnant employees whenever they adapt a subset of non-pregnant workers.  However, employers have to have the ability to demonstrate a valid, nondiscriminatory reason for the different treatment.   (To learn more, visit Supreme Court Clarifies Employs Obligation to Accommodate Pregnant Workers)
 Under the ADA, workers who suffer from pregnancy-related disabilities, such as preeclampsia or diabetes, are eligible for lodging from their own employers.  A disability is a physical or psychological impairment that substantially limits a significant life activity, such as standing, walking, lifting, sleeping, or breathing.  It must be said that pregnancy itself is not regarded as a disability under the ADA.  Because of this, pregnant workers without disabilities aren't eligible for reasonable accommodation under the ADA.  (They might nevertheless be eligible for accommodation under the PDA, as mentioned above, or under state legislation, as mentioned below.)
Generally, affordable accommodation means modifications or alterations to the employer’s program, responsibilities or workspace to help her perform the vital functions of this job.   An employer isn't required to take steps that could create an undue burden: modifications that are too expensive or hard to create when thinking about the employee's dimension and resources.
Reasonable Accommodation
A pregnant worker might only require a few hours and there to attend doctor appointments.  This kind of intermittent leave can be available to qualified employees under the FMLA (see below for additional information).  In different conditions, the pregnant worker might require a different lodging by her employer so she can continue to function while pregnant.  By way of instance, a register clerk might require a stool since she's a pregnancy-related disability which affects her ability to endure for extended intervals. 

Interactive Procedure
A worker having a disabling, pregnancy-related state must notify her employer of this requirement for lodging.  The company then must take part in an interactive process with the worker to talk about what lodging she desires and the way the employer can provide it.  The employer is allowed to request certification in the employer’s healthcare provider supporting the need for lodging.  (See our post on FMLA Certifications for additional information.)

Leave Interaction
A worker using a pregnancy-related disability under the ADA can also be eligible for FMLA leave.  If both the ADA and the FMLA apply to the worker, the employee might qualify for complete 12-weeks of FMLA leave and extra time as a reasonable accommodation under the ADA.  If that's the circumstance, the initial 12 months of this employee leave will be considered FMLA leave (thus decreasing the employees accessible FMLA leave time), whereas the rest would be contemplated ADA disability leave.
  (See our post on taking FMLA to leave to learn more on eligibility.)
The FMLA also provides a pregnant worker who could utilize her 12-week entitlement to take some time off as-needed for medical care related to her pregnancy.  Therefore, an employer should make it possible for a pregnant employee to take the time to attend routine prenatal appointments with her physician.
State Laws
Many nations have their very own pregnancy handicap or household and medical leave legislation that may extend higher protections to pregnant workers.  Some state laws provide additional rights, like the right to light-duty or even more time away from work, but some pay smaller companies than national laws.

As is true for the national laws mentioned above, the depart rights and other protections available under state laws can interact or overlap with national laws.  In case of yore pregnant and want time off of work or some lodging is a fantastic idea to speak with pregnancy discrimination lawyer to figure out the entire extent of your rights under state, federal and local authority’s enforcement. 


2020-01-06 15:56:50 | 日記



I was recently denied a raise in my own company.  I talked to a few of my colleagues, and that I 'm beginning to feel there's sexual discrimination happening at our firm.  It looks like the girls make a good deal less compared to guys and are a good deal less inclined to have increased compared to guys.  I whined about it to my supervisor, but he said I had been imagining things and I need to mind my own company and do a better job when I need a raise.  I am aware there's a citizenship record in our supervisor’s office which states how much everybody makes.   I'm worried that I could be fired for complaining, and I wish to have some kind of evidence I was perfect.



Yes, you can get in trouble for copying files that you simply don’t have permission to get.  Your curiosity in the record is clear, as is the desire to collect evidence of discrimination.  But from a legal standpoint, this is a really risky strategy.

Though your employer can't legally fire you for making a complaint about sex discrimination, it may flame you for violating its own rules regarding confidentiality and access to staff information.  Going into a supervisor’s workplace and copying a listing with payroll information for different workers would probably violate many companies ' policies.

If your employer doesn't learn about you copying the listing straight away, it might place your claim of gender discrimination in peril.    If your employer violates the law and also fires you for making a criticism, at least you'd have legal recourse.

 Below a legal concept known as the "after-acquired proof philosophy," a company can utilize proof it finds after to justify its illegal shooting.   Your employer will learn that you reproduced the payroll files when you use existing them on your own lawsuit.  Your employer will then assert that, even though it arouses you illegally for creating the discrimination complaint, it was legal right to fire you for accepting confidential records.  Thus, even if the employer violated the law, then don't have any right to collect compensation, since you'd have been terminated for another reason.

Sound circular?  Well, it's.  But that's exactly the way the law operates.  Looking on the other hand, your employer will almost certainly need to hand over those deductions files as soon as you file a lawsuit alleging gender discrimination.  For the time being, you can talk to a labor lawyer but you should certainly not copy or take anything you aren't eligible to have.


2020-01-06 15:46:00 | 日記

 Work lawyer

Can you think you weren't hired, didn't receive marketing, were denied benefits, or have been fired due to your pregnancy?  If that's the case, you’re not independently: tens of thousands of fees alleging pregnancy discrimination have been registered with the federal Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and comparable state agencies every year.  As well as the EEOC announced recently that maternity discrimination, especially in the kind of pregnant workers needing light duty and another lodging, was an enforcement priority to the bureau.

This report explains what you might need to prove to win a pregnancy discrimination suit.  For advice on taking actions to enforce your rights, visit our posts on submitting a charge or lawsuit alleging discrimination.


What's Pregnancy Discrimination?

  (Fixing female employees differently according to their reproductive capacity, as an instance, not permitting any girl in her childbearing years to work about chemicals that may be toxic to a growing fetus can also be prohibited sex discrimination.)

 It's illegal to refuse to employ someone because she's pregnant; to create promotions, assignments, or demotions predicated on maternity; or to flame somebody because she's pregnant.

The legislation does give pregnant girls any particular rights: It simply prevents employers from treating pregnant workers differently from other workers.  For an instance, if an employer provides light duty missions to other workers with temporary disabilities, then it must also give such duties to employees that are temporarily unable to perform their normal job because of pregnancy.


Proving Pregnancy Discrimination

To acquire a pregnancy discrimination case, you need to demonstrate that you're treated differently than other workers who were similarly situated, in which the difference in treatment was based on your pregnancy.  There is a range of methods to demonstrate discrimination, based upon the details of your situation.  Regardless of what facts you rely on, your weight loss is exactly the same: to give evidence showing is much more likely than not that your employer took action against you due to your pregnancy.

From time to time, a worker has direct proof of discrimination.  Basically, it follows that the company confessed to behaving with discriminatory intent.

If your employer stated your pregnancy played a part in its conclusion, you'll have a simpler time.  By way of instance, if you had been denied a promotion, along with your supervisor said love, to provide you with the job, however, I understand you wet need to travel just as much as soon as you've got your infant that could be direct evidence of discrimination.  These days, attitudes regarding pregnancy, moms, and women function in the home and at the office run the gamut.  Though is quite uncommon for a company to acknowledge racist thinking, it isn't entirely unheard of for a company to publicly say an employee's pregnancy was an element in its decision.


Circumstantial Proof of Discrimination

If your employer did acknowledge that pregnancy plays a part in its conclusion, you could still have sufficient evidence to permit a jury or judge to infer discrimination.  To establish discrimination with circumstantial evidence, the facts of the situation, taken collectively, must ensure it is even more probable than not that discrimination was supporting your employee’s actions.

Many times, circumstantial evidence includes evidence that the company deviated from its regular policies or practices, acted in a manner that does make business sense or alters its behavior.  Absent a solid explanation for its shift, fishy management choices created following your pregnancy is known or apparent may make an inference of discrimination.  Statistical evidence or evidence of the other workers that are pregnant are treated may also be convincing.

Especially with maternity discrimination cases, timing is often essential.   If your employer began treating you differently soon after learning from the pregnancy, then that could result in an inference of discrimination.

By way of instance, let's state you're fired soon prior to your due date.  Your employer never stated your pregnancy has been the main reason for the conclusion.  However, other signs might exist, for example:

Facts demonstrating your company didn't follow its regular termination processes on your circumstance.  By way of instance, if your supervisor said you're fired for performance problems, but other workers with performance issues were given warnings and also an opportunity to improve before the conclusion, you might point to the discrepancy as circumstantial evidence of discrimination.


Suspicious timing.  Les said, by way of instance, that you're fired in your final day of work before beginning your pregnancy/parental leave.  Or, you had been fired the day following the company's CEO visited your workplace, noticed your illness, and requested you pointed questions regarding your intent to return to work after having your baby.  These details could convince a jury that prejudice motivated the choice.

Reasons are given for the conclusion that scatters water.  By way of instance, if your boss told you that you're being terminated because the firm wanted someone with a more powerful fund history; the individual they hire to replace you ought to have those credentials.  Should they rather hire somebody with the very same abilities you have, their justification begins to appear to be a pretext for discrimination.

Treatment of different workers. 

Things to Do Next

If you think you're facing pregnancy discrimination, then speak with an experienced attorney straight away.   A fast letter from a work lawyer may create your company thinks twice about taking action from you.  In case you've lost the job, a work attorney can help you evaluate the potency of your claims and choose how best to proceed, whether by attempting to negotiate a severance package or following legal actions.

 And, there are stringent deadlines, either for submitting a fee or for submitting a lawsuit later.    A work lawyer can help you take each essential action to enforce your rights.