7月19日(木)のつぶやき その2

2012-07-20 04:01:09 | 日記
08:12 from Twitter for iPad
Stop being manipulated2hate each other.What made ppl hate is international RacialFundamentalism demolishing all@NBCNews nbcnews.to/Mwwz53

08:16 from Tweet Button

08:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 8 RT ]
Poll shows Pres Obama's overall approval at 44%. 39% for handling economy, 41% for foreign policy.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 11 RT ]

08:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 17 RT ]
Cancer care comes to Rwanda - hvrd.me/NO3YSH
Harvard Universityさんのツイート

08:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 20 RT ]
Zimmerman tells Trayvon's parents he's sorry usat.ly/MJ3z4K
USA TODAYさんのツイート

08:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 46 RT ]
Who will do more to help middle class? Poll found 52% say Obama, 38% say Romney.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:19 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 43 RT ]
Among registered voters surveyed, 49% say Romney will do a better job handling economy & jobs, 41% say Obama.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:20 from Twitter for iPad
'biz'image flying around but biz is not governance→@markknoller: Among registered voters, 49%sayRomney will do a better job handling economy

08:21 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 4 RT ]
Daycare Trust’s Holiday Childcare Costs Survey 2012 shows more evidence of childcare crisis Tory-led Govt are creating @SharonHodgsonMP
Labour Press Teamさんのツイート

08:21 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 19 RT ]
Poll shows 54% say economy and jobs the most important issue followed by health care 46%, budget deficit 43%, taxes 39%.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:21 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 2 RT ]
Shura Council approves proposed draft constitution thedailynewsegypt.com/2012/07/19/shu…
The Daily News Egyptさんのツイート

08:21 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 6 RT ]
Poll shows 45% of registered voters paying "a lot" of attention to the campaign, 38% say "some" attention, 17% say not much or none.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:21 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 5 RT ]
73% undecided. MT @CBSNewsHotSheet: From poll tonight: John Roberts more popular among liberals than conservatives cbsnews.com/8301-503544_16…
Andrew Cohenさんのツイート

08:22 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 10 RT ]
Resilient IBM hurt by currency and demand shift on.ft.com/NPFCZ1
Financial Timesさんのツイート

08:23 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 16 RT ]
New CBSNews/NYTimes poll shows Pres Obama and Mitt Romney in effective tie among registered voters: Romney 47%, Obama 46%
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

08:24 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
Labour Party: Today's terrorist attack in Bulgaria must be condemned - Alexander | PoliticsHome | politicshome.com/uk/article/581…
Labour Press Teamさんのツイート

08:24 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]

08:24 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 18 RT ]
消費税増税・社会保障改悪法案 参院で審議入り 自民「税率17%」主張(今日の赤旗より) 自民・中川雅治議員は基礎的財政収支の2020年度までの黒字化のために「消費税率を17%にしなければならない」と主張。野田首相も「着実に進めなければいけない」と呼応。

08:30 from Twitter for iPad
目標値消費税35%民主党支える自民党みんなの党国民の生活が一番きずな減税日本、掛け声だけ(今は)「消費税増税反対」でもすでに「脱原発」公約撤回の自民右派維新の会→@akahataseiji: 消費税増税・社会保障改悪法案 参院で審議入り 自民「税率17%」主張(今日の赤旗より) 

08:32 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 37 RT ]
. @UN_Women welcomes first #woman head of African Union Commission #AU ow.ly/ckVKU
UN Womenさんのツイート

08:32 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 2 RT ]
サムゲタン(鳥取県産『匠の大山鶏』使用)ランチ特別価格でご提案中です。bit.ly/nkl8Us[pic] twitpic.com/75gkxg

08:32 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 11 RT ]
Police warn over suicide figures bbc.in/NPNVnv
BBC News (UK)さんのツイート

08:32 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
いじめ電話相談2倍ぺースに急増 bit.ly/NPO0aV

08:42 from Twitter for iPad

by 7thclouds on Twitter

7月19日(木)のつぶやき その1

2012-07-20 04:01:08 | 日記
00:46 from Twitter for iPad
UN must stop 'anti-govt' gang violence in collab Assad/Syrian Govt with UN then Assad's plan2beimplimented→@billneelyitv: #UN #Annan #Syria

00:46 from Twitter for iPad
そもそも維新の会は核武装派、なのに矛盾する「脱原発」を「公約」に当選!許し難い公約違反!大阪維新の会議会市長リコールを!→@akahataseiji: 大阪維新の会が「維新八策」改訂「脱原発依存」消滅。「政党交付金の削減」は「政党交付金の抜本改革」に変更。福祉を「ぜいたく」

00:46 from Twitter for iPad
許し難い公約違反!リコールを!“@akahataseiji: こっそり消えた政策 大阪維新の会が「維新八策」改訂(今日の赤旗より)「脱原発依存」が消滅。「政党交付金の削減」は「政党交付金の抜本改革」に変更。福祉を「ぜいたく」と決め付け、公務員給与は削減…

00:49 from Twitter for iPad

00:52 from Twitter for iPad

00:53 from Twitter for iPad

00:54 from Tweet Button
Gotta tell: What if it happens to your nation?!UN must stop th... maritomita7thclouds.blogspot.com/2012/07/what-i…

01:17 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 4 RT ]
Heat-related deaths from climate change to reach 150,000 by the end of the century in the U.S. bit.ly/Q6EwOt
Svein Tveitdalさんのツイート

07:48 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 7 RT ]
It looks like there's going to be a new name at the top of the album chart. But is it Nas, Elton John or Paul Simon? bit.ly/PhYe8P

07:48 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
This week's issue is available now on the iPad, download your copy sponsored by @AmFam tmoutchi.us/KDu9Me
Time Out Chicagoさんのツイート

07:50 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 6 RT ]
Clinton fears Sinai will be a terrorist base thedailynewsegypt.com/2012/07/19/cli…
The Daily News Egyptさんのツイート

07:51 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 3 RT ]
Agriculture Secretary Vilsack Prays for Rain abcn.ws/NA6M7v
ABC News Politicsさんのツイート

07:51 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 10 RT ]
相次ぐ民主党の離党者 背景に野田内閣暴走 穀田氏会見(今日の赤旗より) 日本共産党の穀田国対委員長は会見で民主党離党者続出について問われ「野田内閣の暴走がいっそうひどくなり、国民との矛盾がさらに深まっていることの表れだ」と解明。原発再稼働に加え、オスプレイ配備での暴走に言及。

07:53 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 85 RT ]

07:54 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 7 RT ]
WH says Pres Obama phoned Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu to offer condolences & assistance following attack on Israelis in Bulgaria.
Mark Knollerさんのツイート

07:54 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 3 RT ]
David Cameron warned over speed of troop withdrawal from Afghanistan gu.com/p/395b7/tw via @guardian
Labour Press Teamさんのツイート

07:54 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 4 RT ]

07:55 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 169 RT ]
#OnViacomRightNow A show you don't think of as old, but you suddenly realize aired 20 years ago, is airing on TV Land.
The Daily Showさんのツイート

07:55 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 3 RT ]
【訂正】 大阪市の橋下機長について、「征服欲」「制服欲」、両方を正解とします。

07:55 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 13 RT ]
中国 新築住宅の価格が上昇 nhk.jp/N42e5k58 #nhk_news

07:55 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 2 RT ]
King: Blast serious blow to regime ow.ly/cl0nj
The Jordan Timesさんのツイート

07:55 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 16 RT ]
“米経済は減速”財務長官が懸念 nhk.jp/N42e5k4q #nhk_news

07:57 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 47 RT ]
ブルガリア 空港で爆弾テロか nhk.jp/N42e5k4o #nhk_news

07:58 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 1 RT ]
ASEAN、対中国で分裂 時代遅れの不干渉原則 - 日本経済新聞 bit.ly/Q85k0Y #vietnam

08:01 RT from Twitter for iPad  [ 429 RT ]
I spoke a few minutes ago on the floor on the matter of recent attacks made on Huma Abedin - full remarks: mccain.senate.gov/public/index.c…
John McCainさんのツイート

by 7thclouds on Twitter