
Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Cultural and economic disparities in families become factors contributing to human disparities

Differentiation of distance gives velocity, differentiation of velocity gives acceleration. Integration is the reverse. Topics include introductory analysis, Fleming's law, the Big Bang, multiple universes, dark matter, black holes, Mendel's laws of genetics, DNA, RNA, Darwin's theory of evolution, molecular biology, and so on.

Memorization of proverbs, historical timelines, alphabets, periodic tables, and physics formulas.

Creating an environment in which children can acquire these skills and knowledge from an early age within their homes.

Parents explaining the origins of constellations to their children on a beach with a clear view of the starry night sky. Teaching about the nature of light and its speed, explaining that the twinkling stars we see are actually light from hundreds or thousands of light-years away.

The prosperity of ancient Greece and Rome, the grandeur of the Library of Alexandria, religious reforms and the rise of citizens in Europe from the Middle Ages to modern times.

Why did the United States, a newcomer that gained independence in 1776, become the world's leading superpower?

The past glory of China and India, which have a brilliant history dating back to ancient times, underlies their current resurgence as major global powers.

There are children who acquire the necessary knowledge and skills to understand the present era within their homes. The bookshelves in those homes are filled with specialized books and original foreign language texts. They have access to TV channels like CNN, National Geographic, Discovery, and the History Channel at any time.

It is frustrating that there is a significant disparity in the cultural and economic environments of homes due to parents' interests, education, occupation, and social status. This inequality and unfairness affect children, creating a significant gap that cannot be overcome from the starting line.

Moreover, it not only generates cultural disparities in households but also economic disparities.

Children from affluent families may study comfortably in their own rooms without any worries. However, such children are only a small portion of the population.

Life is unequal and unfair. Even with the same effort, since the starting lines are different, they are forced into competitions they can never win.

Considering this, it is frustrating and infuriating. However, even in the face of frustration and anger, one must not be defeated. Life is only given once. In order to live even a slightly brighter life, one must not be defeated by inequality or unfairness.

The world is filled with irrational disparities. Nevertheless, let's overcome those disparities. Let's do our best and strive to live to the fullest.

There is a saying, "When you think it's hopeless, the path opens up ahead." Never give up. Regardless of what others say, let's live our lives with conviction and strength. "They will see it soon enough."






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