Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

The Continued Relevance of Soldiers and Hard Power in 21st Century Warfare, Beyond GAFAM

What I Learned from Watching Russia's Invasion of Ukraine is that in the 21st Century, War Still Relies on the Number of Soldiers and Hard Power. 
Is the United States, Led by GAFAM Driving the Economy, No Longer Capable of War?

Currently, Japan has no other reliable ally besides the United States.

It seems that the media tends to overestimate the military power of European countries, but Japan possesses the second-largest military power among Western nations, following the United States.

By the way, in the latest military power ranking, the United States is ranked first, Russia is second, China is third, India is fourth, and Japan is fifth.

Therefore, it is expected that even the United States relies on Japan's military power. 
However, I feel a bit uneasy watching the United States' response to Russia's invasion of Ukraine.

Since soft industries like GAFAM have been driving the US economy, the military-industrial complex seems to have disappeared from the public eye.

Some might say it's natural because the military-industrial complex is often seen as something disliked. However, I'm worried.

Forty years ago, the United States was surpassed by Japan in the field of heavy industries. 
Since then, the US shifted its economic focus from hardware to software to revive the economy.

However, the cost of this shift was significant. 
The heavy industries necessary for war, such as the steel industry, remained outdated. 
It is doubtful whether they can produce high-grade steel for military use.

The shipbuilding industry that supports the Navy is also far from civilian standards. 
Automobiles and machinery have become declining industries.

It is likely that the current heavy industries in the United States are at the level of developing countries.

What I realized from observing Russia's invasion of Ukraine is that while the superiority of software is indeed important, even in the present of the 21st century, war still relies on the number of soldiers and hard power.

In an economy driven by companies like Google, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and Microsoft, it may be that war is no longer possible.

Under the guise of global standards, Western countries have been pursuing an economic policy where anything goes as long as it is profitable. 
However, they now seem to face a "clear and present danger" that jeopardizes national security.







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