
Hiroshi Mukaide(向出博)Time Traveler

Stop the Futile Conflicts between Western Countries and Russia, China, North Korea

In the future, it might be best for Western countries, including Japan, to integrate with the United States. Otherwise, this world might come to an end.

The current situation of Western countries, Russia, China, and North Korea engaging in intense conflicts is completely futile.

It is not just about economic stagnation. 
 It also prevents effective environmental measures and may lead to food and resource crises. Achieving nuclear disarmament and arms reduction seems impossible forever.

If all Western countries were to become the United States, there would be no need to worry about the threat of Chinese, Russian, or North Korean hegemony.

With that, the world can return to the path of capitalism and freely compete on the economic stage.

It may be overly optimistic, but there is no other way.

The day when the Western countries, consisting of about 30 nations, become unable to counter China, Russia, North Korea, and the emerging Global South as a fragmented group of nations is fast approaching.

If action is not taken soon, the Western countries may fall apart.






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