


2021-04-16 20:12:24 | 心理学

ユング派のサイコセラピストのサービスを最大限に利用するためには、私は完全に正直で、新しい考えを受け入れる必要があり、それゆえにセラピストの無意識の暗示や転移の影響を受けやすくなると思います。このレベルでは、セラピーはいわば治すことも殺すこともできる力を持っています。自分の信頼(心理的、経済的)を正しいセラピストに託すためにはどうすればいいのでしょうか?何を確認し、何を探せばいいのでしょうか? 友人に聞いてみると...

I believe that to best use the services of a Jungian Psychotherapist I would need to be completely honest and open to new thinking which would therefore make me vulnerable to the therapists unconscious suggestion and transference. At this level, the therapy has the power to cure or kill, so to speak. How to I make sure I am placing my confidence (psychological and financial), in the right therapist? What do I check and what do I look for? asking for a friend...


"神経症を抱えたセラピストは矛盾している。" ~CGユング、CW16、パラ179。


"医者よ、自分を癒せ。そうすれば、あなたも患者を癒すだろう。自分を完全にする者をその目で見ることが、彼の最高の治療となろう。" ~C.G.ユング『ツァラトゥストラはかく語りき』より
[もし分析者がこれらの潜在能力を知らなければ、患者がそれらを発展させるのを助けることもできない] 。
それ[超越的機能]が「超越的」と呼ばれるのは、無意識を失うことなく、ある態度から別の態度への移行を有機的に可能にするからである。建設的あるいは合成的な治療法は、少なくとも潜在的に患者の中に存在し、それゆえに意識化することができる洞察を前提としている。もし分析者がこれらの潜在的な可能性について何も知らなければ、患者がそれらを発展させるのを助けることもできない。~CGユング, (1957/1960, pp. 73-74)

本来の分析、特にユング分析は、良心に始まり良心に終わるものです。つまり、これまで無意識にとどまっていた、言い換えれば意識していないすべての表出を考慮に入れ、影の資質などの表出に責任を持ち始めることであり、これはあなたの良心にとって非常に強い試練です。精神分析の始まりを考えてみると、これらの事実に直面するには膨大な量の道徳的勇気が必要でした。つまり、人間の良心の発達というのは、非常に重要なことなのです。私は、人格の発達こそが、最終的な判断を下すことができると信じています。外部の何かに依存するのではなく、この良心を育てるのは個人の功績です。それは、ユング心理学全般について安心して言えることです。良心の発達です。そしてユングは論文の中で、良心の最後の分析は元型的なものであることを明確にしています。その良心の原型とは 言い換えれば、自分自身に対する責任と世界に対する責任です。そして、その意味で、あなたは外側と同様に、あなたの内側の真実とつながっているのです。一言で言えば、そういうことなのだと思います。それこそが、私たちが練習や人生で達成しようとしていることなのです。


"もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは個性化のプロセスから除外される。もしあなたが不誠実であれば、あなたは無意識にとって何の役にも立ちません。偉い人はあなたに唾を吐きかけ、あなたは泥沼の中ではるかに取り残されてしまうでしょう。" ~カール・ユング『C.G.ユング、語る。インタビューと出会い』359~364ページ


How would you be able to tell if a therapist has a neurosis?
What are the most common causes of neuroses to look for?
“A therapist with a neurosis is a contradiction in terms.” ~CG Jung, CW 16, Para 179.

If they are physicians they should treat their own neurosis, otherwise they are just vampires and want to help other people for their own needs. ~Carl Jung, Zarathustra Seminar, Pages 824-825

"Physician, heal thyself: then wilt thou also heal thy patient. Let it be his best cure to see with his eyes him who maketh himself whole." ~C.G. Jung, Thus Spake Zarathustra
How would one be able to tell how far an analyst has traveled themselves?
“Jung said once in a sentence that haunts me in a constructive way; that, we can’t take people further than we’ve traveled ourselves…” ~Dr. James Hollis, Jungian Analyst
[If the analyst knows nothing of these potentialities he cannot help the patient to develop them either.]
It [the transcendent function] is called “transcendent” because it makes the transition from one attitude to another organically possible, without loss of the unconscious. The constructive or synthetic method of treatment presupposes insights which are at least potentially present in the patient and can therefore be made conscious. If the analyst knows nothing of these potentialities he cannot help the patient to develop them either. ~CG Jung, (1957/1960, pp. 73–74)

Analysis proper, and particularly Jungian analysis, begins and ends with conscience. That is that you take responsibility, that is that you take into consideration all of manifestations that so far have remained in the unconscious, in other words, that which you are not conscious of, and you start taking responsibility for those manifestations like shadow qualities and whatnot and this is a very strong test for your conscience. And you have to think of the beginning of psychoanalysis, it took an enormous amount of moral courage to face these facts, these things that have so far not been considered, or repressed and here you have to openly admit them to come to terms with. So conscience is the development of human conscience is a thing of sizeable importance, the development of the personality which I believe is the final judgment that can be made. Not that we depend on anything external but it is your personal achievement to develop this conscience. That can be safely be said about Jungian psychology in general. The development of conscience. And Jung in his paper he makes it very clear that the last analysis of conscience is something archetypal. Its an archetype of conscience. In other words, of responsibility toward yourself as well as to the world. And in that sense you are connected to your inner truth as well as to the outer. I think that is how it could be summed up really, in a few words. That’s what we’re really trying to achieve in our practice, and in our own life of course.
~C.A. Meier, “C.A. Meier, Remembering Jung” Interview with Suzanne Wagner PhD, 1976.

The opus consists of three parts; insight, endurance, and action. Psychology is needed only in the first part, but in the second and third parts moral strength plays the predominant role. ~CG Jung, Letters Vol. 1, Page 375.

“If you are dishonest, you are excluded from the individuation process. If you are dishonest, you are nothing for your unconscious. The Great Man will spit on you, and you will be left far behind in your muddle—stuck, stupid, and idiotic.” ~Carl Jung, C.G. Jung Speaking: Interviews and Encounters, Pages 359-364

“But this integration cannot take place and be put to a useful purpose unless one can admit the tendencies bound up with the shadow and allow them some measure of realization – tempered, of course, with the necessary criticism. This leads to disobedience and self disgust, but also to self-reliance, without which individuation is unthinkable.”
~CG Jung, Psychology and Religion: West and East, P. 198

