

About a book. part 3

2006-01-27 18:59:14 | English
Second, the book written by Shuji Nakmura, or

a professor of University of California was greatly helpful

when I was troubled by research. For example, when research

didn't progress well, I was depressed. When it thought

whether people are already hopeless and the kind of solution

is flashed, it was written to this book.

I was helped by the word and problems were solved truly

after one week. It is a substance indispensable to OELD.

The books are still my Bible.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a book. part 2

2006-01-20 18:51:06 | English
Fist of all, I read Hideyo Noguchi's biography in my childhood.

Although he develped yellow fever, he continued to do

research on vaccine of yellow fever, and yet he died without

being able to develop the vaccine. He did research for

mankind and passed away for mankind. When I read this

biography, I was so impressed. I had read this biography

repeatedly since it and I decided to become a researcher

like him and studied hard.

Approximately three years ago, I succeeded in developing a

substance. The substance is the part for OELD, or

Organic ElectroLuminescence Display. The substance is

indispensable to OELD. At that time, I thought that I overtook

Hideyo Noguchi little way.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a book. part 1

2006-01-19 19:27:41 | English
Books have various kinds: detective, western, love stories,

or biographies and so on.

Books which I recommend are biographies and books which

great people wrote.

For example, the biography is written about Hideyo Noguchi

and the book which great people wrote is one written

by Shuji Nakamura.

Also, I don't recommend books which critics wrote

by any means.

The reasons follow bellow.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a friend. part 3

2006-01-12 18:02:14 | English
Second, after I matriculated in a university, I became prudent

when touching people and I kept from associating with people

whom my mind doesn't suit as far as possible.

So called, I associated deeply narrowly

Whereat, I have been helped by the friend.

It was a time of my being a member of society.

When I became depression at the time of a member of society,

a company was left and I had an advanced disease,

so that I didn't come outside.

The eye to depressive patients is cold in Japan.

As it were, depressive patients are treated like

eccentric people and Japanese are unwilling to touch those.

My friends, however, didn't do such an act and

worried about my illness earnestly and I was touched without

discrimination. Then, I could have the best friends and became

so glad. Even now, the best friends have good relations.

To make a long story short, my best friends are far more precious

for me than my life.

About a friend. part 2

2006-01-11 18:58:01 | English
First of all, I made the event circle and had served as the

representative when I was a high school student.

At that time, I had numerous friends and I received all

invitations from my friends, and yet I was reluctant to

accept invitations from my pals occasionally.

Besides, on a certain day, I became uneasy about whether

I have a real friend and realized that I don't have good friends

of relations by my doing association only on the surface.

In other words, I got together shallowly widely.

Therefore, I transformed my method of touching people when

enrolling in a university.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a friend. part 1

2006-01-10 19:54:09 | English
At present, I associate deeply narrowly, when touching people.

Before enrolling in a university, I got together shallowly widely,

when rubbing up against people, and yet

I didn't get the good friend of relations by the method, so

I varied the method of touching people before entering a university.

Now, I have friends who can call the best friends although there

may be few friends compared with others.

The friends are more important for me than my life.

My opinions follow below.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a teacher. part 3

2006-01-08 12:04:32 | English
Second, there are some teachers who don't instruct to students.

I, for instance, had trouble writing my master's thesis

when I was a graduate student.

My professor of instruction didn't give me advice at all.

The real intention of that is now -- I don't understand,

and yet probably, I was loathed by the professor.

As for a teacher, it is ridiculous not to simply teach students

only by the reason for being disagreeable.

To a long story short, I am conviced that

it is good to take students' questionnaires to teachers;

if anything, it is indispensable.

About a teacher. part 2

2006-01-07 15:32:31 | English
First of all, It is good to take students' questionnaires to teachers.

I, for example, respected a mathematical teacher

when I was a high school student.

I told the mathematical educator that I esteem him and

whereat he was so pleased and

his method of teaching became better than before.

I also studied mathematics more eagerly.

As a result of it,

I acquired the best mathematical grades in the high school.

Even if a teacher is appraised badly,

the teacher may be able to go in the direction improved

by bad parts being found.

Consequently, in my case, I only told the teacher directly,

and yet teachers' quality will enhance by means of

taking students' questionnaires to teachers.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.

About a teacher. part 1

2006-01-04 23:32:53 | English
Recently, it is said that teachers' quality is deteriorating in Japan.

I also approve of the statement.

I suffered troubles when I was a graduate student.

A teacher should just do what after this.

Moreover, how should the teacher just touch the students?

My opinions follow below.

As mentioned above, a continuation is updated afterwards.