
Our 7th Anniversary and life 7年目の結婚記念日とサイパン

2008-04-29 | Weblog
Bryan and I got married 7 years ago.

We planned our Wedding in June but because of my birth certificate issue (Japanese paper will be expire after 3 months from it is issued.), we had to marry in April during our lunch break at pastors residence with our close friends Harry, Kelli and Terry.

Since then it has been already 7 years.

Since we do not have a kids ( but cat kuro ), our life hasn't been changed much like Saipan weather.

Saipan has a little bit of 4 seasons which we can tell with sunset time and flowers looming time.

That seemed like our marriage.

We have a bit of summer and bit of spring, autumn and winter.

Then 7 years has past.

Thia year we went to Tinian where is the very important place of our history (American and Japanese) for 2 days.
We had breakfast, lunch and dinner together(it has been so long time since we had all together) and rode on moppet together, we played in the swimming pool and we watched full of stars (what we can never see all from our balcony) at the beach. It was great 7th year anniversary.

Do we have a moment of our life as much as stars in the sky? that I was thinking.

And the answers is Yes.
If we think about each moment of our life as a part of us.
One day seems to be another day, but it is not always exactly same.
We find small different things if we want to see.

The life in Saipan is getting tough and changing everyday.

But here we are, we can celebrate our anniversary and have jobs and friends around.

My life is content here in Saipan now at this moment. April 25th, 2008.

End of April 四月ももう終わり

2008-04-24 | Weblog
The Flame Tree festival has just started.

This is a quite big event here in Saipan.

There are many artist here in Saipan and they will show and sell their wonderful arts.

My second busiest tax season is about to finish.
Yes! I will have weekends! but it does not mean my busy time is over.
I am still very busy.
So I have not enjoy my island life much.

Bryan started playing tennis with his friends.
Now he enjoys a lot.

I have a racket which I have not touch for 9 years.

One third of a year has been past.
I hope I can find some fun soon.




My little friend from Japan.

2008-04-15 | Weblog
Dear Friends,

If you have been checking my blog for past 3 weeks, I am sorry that I did it again not updating my blog!

Bryan finished his spring break.

While he was gone, I had a special guest from Japan.
My Junior high school class mate who became my life time friend's son 13 years old came to Saipan by himself from Mrach 21 till April 5th.

I was a temporally mother for him.
Even though he did not stay with me.

He stayed at Dorm school for a week and stayed my friends house for a week for his English study.

What a brave boy! knowing not enough language and came to new world.
But he told me he learned a lot through this two week experience.
My first experience which I really thought the English is the world language and I would like to learn this language was when I was 13 years old.
I went to China and noticed that if I can speak in English, my world would be bigger.

I saw his tears and heard his loneliness through cell for these weeks.

One day I took my time off from work and spend with him all day to tell him my experience and life with other language.

Whatever he experienced at the age of 13 years old will be a part of his future.

I hope these 2 weeks would be big part of his life.

I hate to be too busy when I have a guest from anywhere.