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How To Get Paid Using Google Adsense

2014-10-07 11:40:20 | 日記
Well after many years of trying to figure out the formula for making money online, I finally have it figured out.

Here is what you need to do in order to make a living compliments of GOOGLE!

Step One-

Before you build any web site, the first thing that you need to do is pick a topic or theme that your web site will be about. Now before you go off building your site on your favorite tea pots, I have to inform you that the subject that you build it around will make all the difference money wise in the world.

Keywords are the words or phrases that people like you type into your favorite Google search screen. Thinks like dating advice, baby names, home loans, etc. Those are called keywords.

Now how is this going to make me any money, you ask?

Answer: With a product that Google offers for Free. Google Adsense

Google adsense is an opportunity for webmasters and Novice webmasters to make money sending traffic away from their site and directed to another webmaster's site who is paying for the traffic.

It is free to sign up, and it involves very little effort to ad the code that is provided to your web page. Its basically copy and paste.



Once you have this code in place on your web pages, any time a visitor clicks on one of your ads you get paid for that click. Known as "Pay-Per-Click"

Now let me explain that certain keywords pay a whole lot more than others.

Some pay more than $50.00 per click, did you get that $50.00 per click!

So before you pick your theme for your new site, make sure you pick keywords that are paying big bucks.

Here's how I am going to make it easy for you. On my site I have a Form that has a space for you to enter a term. That will in turn show you how much that keyword and similar keywords are paying. Once you have your high paying keyword. This is what you will build your site around.

Step Two:

Adding content-

The proper content will not only drive traffic to your site, but will trigger Google Adsense to display ads with your High Paying Keywords! Now when visitors click on these ads... Cha Ching! Its payday.

Step Three:

Repeat steps One and Two and continue building more sites.

Step Four:

Use the correct tools to drive traffic to your new site.

The more traffic you bring to your site, the more clicks that you will have on your high paying ads. Now for many years traffic has been a huge mystery to me. I have failed miserably trying to get this precious traffic. Recently I figured it out. Well I didn't figure it out, I stumbled across and article in a get rich forum. There was a guy that said he was having the same troubles as well, until he spent a little money - to make a WHOLE LOT OF MONEY. So he was kind enough to let me know what he was using , and since then I have been doing the same and, let me tell you.. Where was this guy four years ago!

I think back to all the headaches, and time that I wasted. Well I promised myself that if I did the things that he told me about, and it worked, I would pass it along. I believe in Karma and I do not want to go back on my promise and mess up my Karma.

Below are the tools that I use to make a full time living. (Well full time Salary ..Only about Two hours a day.)



This takes all the work out of finding articles or writing articles with your newly found high paying keywords.


This I can testify is worth every penny and then some. Where was this four years ago? This has everything to truly take you to the top of the search engines. The site is kinda of cheesy, but the software does what it says.

Well that's really it. If you follow this recipe and use the tools above you will save fours years of misery at least!

Well my Karmic duty has been fulfilled, to keep your Karma going- pass this article along.

Sam Johnson http://www.get-paid-at-home.com/Karma.php
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