
Michael Forever

2009年06月28日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

P1050635 I bought this book when I was 12years old.

I fell in love with Michael Jackson when I saw him singing "Bille Jean". That changed my life completely.

His songs, dance and music videos inspired me a lot.

Now I speak English, dance, and make movies.

Without Michael, "Susie" wouldn't exist.

Michael Jackson passed away on June 25 2009, but he'll be in my heart forever.

I love you, Michael.

Playwright Susie

2009年06月16日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

I've just finished a script for a play!


One of my friends who is a stage actor is going to perform a play for children this summer and asked me if I could write a script for it.

I'd never written a script for a play officially, but I thought it would be challenging for me,so I took the offer.

I wrote a comedy about a man who converted a rice cooker into a time machine! It sounds crazy, doesn't it?

I hope children will like my story.

Life is too short to spend it waiting

2009年06月09日 | 日記・エッセイ・コラム

  I interviewed Paul Kurti, who won the first place for YOBI TV film contest.

Q1. How do you feel about winning the first place for film contest?

I am very happy to have won the contest. I tried to experiment andmake a film that I liked, without knowing how others would respond toit. It's still hard to imagine that so many people liked, understoodand voted for the film. This win also encourages me to keep makingmore and better films.

Q2. What's your next plan?

I am working on a few small projects. I am making another short filmwith a group of people from a film community in Toronto. I am also working on a music video on my own. I like music videos, they are short and without dialogue. And the images and story can be shaped by the music.

Q3 Any words for people who are pursuing big dreams?

Everybody should find out what they want to do in life. There are many people who do not know what they want. I think it's very important for them to keep trying, even if this takes time. Once they have found out, they should dedicate their lives to making those dreams come true. There are no shortcuts; the only way is to do it. Even if it seems difficult. If you always wanted to make a film, find a camera and shoot it. Even if the camera and story are bad, you would have made a film. Then your next film will be better. This applies to
anything in life. There are no big or small dreams. Life is too short to spend it waiting.

Congratulation Paul!

A big hug from Japan



Restless Wanderer

2009年06月03日 | 映画

P1030178_2 A friend of mine, Paul won the first place for YOBI TV film contest!!!!!!

I'm extremely excited about his success and I'm so prooud of him. He inspired me a lot and I'm sure he inspired many fledgling filmmakers too.

If you haven't seen his movie "Restless Wanderer", please check out this site. You can also see his interview.
