The Spiritual Truth by Silver Birch


Faith in the Law, and life in harmony with the law—Part 2

2023-02-28 14:52:42 | Spiritual Powers

—Spiritual Law on using the spirit power—

We have had many discussions in the past on the ways to use the "spiritual power."
But unfortunately, isn't it the reality that we are too preoccupied by the things of everyday life, that still yet, we fail to make any use of the “spirit power,” despite the knowledge and realization of its importance? What a waste of treasure!
At the risk of being repetitious, it is important for us to once again confirm the facts about the “spirit power,” and remind ourselves of what we specifically must do, in order to use the power ourselves. Let’s continue the discussion on the titled theme, as a continuation from the previous post.

“Those who live wisely are the ones who seek to turn all experiences into advantage to their souls, who do not try to flee from trial and temptation but seek to use the innermost strength to face difficulties, for it is in that spirit that character is evolved and strengthened.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Remember there is no difficulty or obstacle that crosses your path that is so strong that you cannot overcome it using the latent powers that you have within you. Even the difficulties that others place in your path can be swept aside if you will but allow all that is within you to rise and become the master.”
(p.113 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“If you would but allow that divinity which is within you to rise to the surface, if you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended that you should.”
(p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch)

“Your world does not realize that everyone contains within his own being the power to conquer every disease, to master every difficulty. He possesses a reservoir of strength from which he can draw in moments of weakness. The kingdom of heaven is within.
How little is that understood! The way to contact that higher self is by living one’s life in accordance with the laws of the Great Spirit. But how many do it?”
(p.49 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“He showed that when he put it into operation the results were always forthcoming.
If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(p.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You should all have perfect faith, because it is a faith born of knowledge. . . The power which envelops you, the power which supports and seeks to guide you and inspire you, is the power that emanates from the Great Spirit of all. That power can sustain you in all your trials and difficulties. That power can change your storms into sunshine, and bring you out the darkness of despair into the light of knowledge.”
(p.52-53 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You have the greatest riches within yourselves. You are part of the Great Spirit.”
“May you all realize that you are never alone, but always encompassed around and about by a host of those who love you, who seek to guard and guide you and to help and inspire you.”
(p.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Life is spiritual power itself, and the spirit is the Great Spirit (God). Our true self is the spirit; therefore, we are parts of the Great Spirit (God).
Since “spiritual power” is the power of the Great Spirit (God), thus by simply “being alive” (to have life) we have the Great Spirit (God) and his power within. In this earthly world, only humans hold “sense of self”; and us human beings are the only ones on earth (individual spirits) equipped with the ability to understand the Great Spirit (God) through life and the operation of the natural Law.
Vitality, energy, vigor, encouragement, guidance, awareness, wisdom, enlightenment, inspirations. These are all “spiritual power” in operation, which we can receive directly from the higher spheres of the spirit world, once the required conditions are in order, says Silver Birch.
These “conditions” (spiritual law) are to learn the Spiritual Law correctly, and to live life in harmony with the Law. Practice daily meditations (brief sessions are fine), to tranquilize the mind. Open ourselves toward the spirit world, and be conscious of the spirit guides who are constantly watching over us, and communicate with them.
Practice these steps on daily basis, and we will start receiving wisdom, enlightenment, awareness, guidance and inspirations, whenever necessary, from higher spheres of the spirit world.

[Specific methods on using the innate power]
1. Acquire genuine knowledge of the Spiritual Law, such as “Silver Birch’s teachings.” Trust the Law and practice it in real life.

2. Have full trust (faith) in the Spiritual Law and the spirit guides.

3. Practice meditation (brief sessions are okay) to clear distractive thoughts, and attain calm and empty mind. In the tranquility, open ourselves toward the spirit world.
At times be conscious of the spirit guides, and talk to them.

4. Daily practicing of active faith in the Spiritual Law will raise the reception for spiritual guidance, enlightenment, inspirations and encouragements. They will come to us, in the quietness of meditation, or in little moments of everyday life.

Here is a metaphoric example to further explain the flow of this spirit power.

Rain and snow (spirit power) fall on Mount Fuji (spirit world).
=> Snowmelt and rain water (spirit power), through the underground water vein, flow through the spirit body of human beings on earth.

=> The spirit power, which is circulating the spirit body, spout out from the chakras, into the physical body, just like the spring water of Kakita-gawa springs (Kakita River in Shizuoka, Japan).

=> This “spring of spirit power” which comes through the chakras, become the flow of energy of life and latent force (qui), that circulate the physical body.

=> When time is ripe, comes suffering from series of trials and difficulties of life.
The experience of suffering awakens the spirit, and one learns the Spiritual Law.

=> Practice active faith in the Spiritual Law, and harmonize life with the Spiritual Law.

=> Long-atrophied Spirituality (divinity) comes alive, and one starts to exhibit altruistic behavior and other expressions of divinity.

=> The pipelines (water way) grow wider, which facilitate the inflow of the spirit power, and deepen communication with the spirit guides. One is able to use the spirit power from the true self within, to contact the guides, and begins to live life on earth along with his spirit guides, toward the purpose of this lifetime on earth. Guidance, support, encouragement and inspiration from higher spheres will be coming in, whenever necessary, as part of the functions of the Law.

[Supplementary information]
1. We are eternal and indestructible souls, naturally connected with the spirit world, as the soul is originally divided and given to us by God.

2. Spirit power is similar to the movement of water from upstream (spirit world) to downstream (earthly world) through the waterway, via the gravitational force. The spirit power has its headspring in the spirit world; and unlike the wells of earth, which hold limited amount of water, the spirit power, which is power of God, is inexhaustible, and will never dry up.

3. Thoughts of worries, anxiety and fear are similar to the precipitation of calcium carbonate and silica deposits in hot springs, which clog the water way (“arteriosclerosis” of the pipeline), and block the outlet (chakra) of hot spring water. Meditation is like removing these mineral deposits.

4. For human beings on earth, heaven (spirit world) is found within our mind.
Our spiritual mind connects us directly to the higher spheres of the spirit world.

“Your world needs our message, the message of the spirit, the realization of the spirit truths, the knowledge that there are spiritual laws and guidance both from above and from within, so that in its perplexity it may learn where to turn to find comfort and guidance and help.”
(p.33 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by Austen, A. W. The Spiritual Truth Press. 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2010 (Reprinted 2011) First published in 1938.

Faith in the Law, and life in harmony with the Law

2022-11-11 09:14:40 | Miscellaneous

I. It is unfortunate but true, that although we recognize ourselves as spiritualists, we hardly live our lives like one. Our day-to-day lives consist mostly of worries and anxiety. Even in our dreams we worry, and once awake in our beds, we begin the endless circles of apprehension and distractive thoughts, about what may happen, and what we must do, and so on. Another day of anxiety and uncertainty begins.
Silver Birch talks to the member of the circle, on how we go about our daily lives:

“In a world so full of darkness, where millions have lost their way, where there are countless numbers troubled and perplexed, with sorrow in their hearts, who awake each morning in fear and apprehension of what the day brings . . .”
(P.64 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Many people start with fear in their hearts. They are afraid they will not get results, and the element of fear disturbs the vibration.”
(P.51 Teachings of Silver Birch)

II. Cause of the anxiety
“Even with all your knowledge there are times when, immersed in the day-to-day problems, you are apt to overlook the eternal realities. It is these eternal truths to which you must cling.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Man, whose eyes are cast only on the things of matter, makes a great mistake, because he chases illusion and forgets eternity. These are the simple truths, but your world has not yet learned them.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“They are hard to remember when you are engaged in daily conflicts and matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Realness of the physical world is so intense, that this world which we recognize through the five physical senses appears to us as the only world, and so every day we are tossed around by things and events that occur around us.
This is presumably the case, because the world of the spiritual knowledge seems to be the complete opposite of the physical world, almost like a tale from some another world. Therefore, we have the spiritual knowledge, but once we go back to our normal, daily lives, the mind switches immediately and unconsciously, to limit ourselves within this world of the physical senses. Silver Birch describes the situation in the following words: “matter seems so powerful and spirit so weak.”

III. Let’s refer back once again to the Spiritual Law, told by Silver Birch.
“But we only seek to reveal the Law, for there is nothing else in your world, whether you call it religion, or science, or philosophy, but the natural law of the Great Spirit.”
(P.57-58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“There is nothing else in the whole of your world of matter which can provide you with a foundation on which to build your lives. Spirit, not matter, is the reality. You may not be able to see it, or touch it, or feel it. You may not be able to experience its reality in the manner in which you obtain material sensations, but it is still the master of all.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Realise that you belong to eternity. You are but pilgrims treading a temporary passage through life.”
(P.73 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“Thus, you have true perspective and focus on life and know that you are immortal souls, expressing yourselves through mortal clay, and that strength will come as you allow the divine to express itself through you. These are the important principles to be borne in mind.”
(P.70 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“If, sometimes, the cross you have seemed very hard to bear, remember that, although I would give up all my progress to take it away from you, it is better for you to carry it and to learn the lesson it brings. You must consider not only this life, but the whole of eternity.”
(P.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You have the greatest riches within yourselves. You are part of the Great Spirit. May you all realize that you are never alone, but always encompassed around and about by a host of those who love you, who seek to guard and guide you and to help and inspire you.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Earthly minds may fail you, but never will the power of the spirit neglect you.
Realise always that guidance continues to function even when you cannot see it, and that the arms of love always encircle you.”
(P.69 Guidance from Silver Birch)

Our world, hence this universe, is under the governance of the “natural law”; and this Law maintains that all beings, every existence, including the earth itself undertakes the course of development, aimed toward evolutional advancement. Not one being is excused from the Law’s governance.
Silver Birch tells us that our current world of physical vibrations, which we perceive through the physical senses, is a temporary world of illusion; and there exists the real world, the spirit world, of far more exquisite vibrations (spiritual wavelengths) .
Every one of us (no exceptions) will be moving on to this spirit world, once we discard the physical body. He says also that we are surrounded by many spirits who love us, waiting to give us protection, guidance, support and inspiration. Therefore, we are never alone; and by attuning ourselves to the Law, we can receive the support, guidance and spiritual powers from the spirit world.

IV. Life in harmony with the “divine, natural law” (Spiritual Law)
“We seek to reveal the Great Spirit, but we can only reveal Him through His laws.
We seek to teach you the Law, so that you may live your lives in harmony with that Law.”
(P.58 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Your world does not realize that each individual contains within his own being the power to conquer every disease, to master every difficulty. He possesses a reservoir of strength from which he can draw in moments of weakness. The kingdom is heaven is within. How little is that understood! The way to contact that higher self is by living one’s life in accordance with the laws of the Great Spirit. But how many do it?”
(P.49 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The wise individual, wise because he has knowledge, learns to co-operate with infinite love and wisdom.”
(P.67 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“And may you, as you unfold your own spirits, realize that you are being drawn closer to the greatest Spirit of all, becoming more in unison with His Law.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“It is the work of a lifetime in your world to ensure that your actions, your thoughts, your words, your aspirations and desires are in harmony with the knowledge that is revealed to you.” (P.72 Guidance from Silver Birch)

“We try to teach the laws of the Great Spirit, which would enable health and happiness to be in your world of matter.”
(P.48 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“Perfect love casteth out fear! Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!
That was taught to you many years ago by one who knew the Law. He showed that when he put it into operation the results were always forthcoming. If you allow the Law to function, then the results must come.”
(P.51-52 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“You should all have perfect faith, because it is a faith born of knowledge. You have had the proof of the power of the Spirit. Now you should have the faith that all things work wisely and well and that, if you put yourselves in tune with the laws of the Great Spirit, then you must reap the operation of those laws.
You can all banish from your minds the thought that anything that is unenlightened—or, as you would say, evil—can ever touch you. You live and move under the protection of the Great Spirit and His laws.
If there is no evil in your hearts, then only good can reach you, for only good can dwell where goodness reigns. None but the servants of the Great Spirit come into your presence from my world. You need have no fears. The power which envelops you, the power which supports and seeks to guide you and inspire you, is the power that emanates from the Great Spirit of all.
That power can sustain you in all your trials and difficulties. That power can change your storms into sunshine, and bring you out of the darkness of despair into the light of knowledge. Your feet are set on pathways of progress. There is no need for fear.”
(P.52-23 Teachings of Silver Birch)

We worry, because we have no confidence in ourselves, and we cannot foresee the future.
The outlooks of our own future tend to be pessimistic, and constant fear, anxiety and endless repetitions of apprehension and destructive thoughts accompany us.
We are required, under the Law of “cause and effect,” to not loosen ourselves on striving to prepare ourselves for what can be predicted. But as long as we fulfil this part, the spirit guides take care of the rest. Leave the rest in the hands of the spirit guides, then the results will be all right in the end, because they observe and carry things out with the spiritual perspective, based on eternal life. There is no question on the superiority of their spiritual vision, in comparison to our physical vision, which is short-sighted and temporary. Miraculous events occur at times, and they are beyond our ability to predict.
It is a great relief to the mind, knowing that we simply need to attune and entrust ourselves to the Law; then the Law protects us wherever we go, and whatever we do. Ease ourselves from holding on to our earthly thoughts, and maintain the faith that our guides are with us, to guard and guide us all the time. Shift the pivot foot, from our own to the spiritual Law, and surrender ourselves. This is active faith in practice, and a necessary condition, to harmonize ourselves to the Law. As Silver Birch says, “there is nothing to worry.” Let us always do our best to harmonize ourselves to the Law, have the Law as our ally, and build our confidence on the Law.

“Many years ago, you were told to be in the world, but not of the world. Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.55 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Guidance from Silver Birch—edited by Anne Dooley. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2006. First published in 1966.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. Edition 2010. First published in 1938.

Free will is regulated by the evolution of the soul

2022-08-28 08:07:44 | Miscellaneous

In the face of sufferings and difficulties, most of us inevitably find ourselves in the prison of anxiety, fear and apprehension.
These negative thoughts hold the mind in bondage, depleting its freedom and taking away the ability to think freely and flexibly.
Because there is very little freedom of the mind, we forget about (or disbelieve) the spiritual promises and guidance, and lose the ability to use the spiritual laws and promises. Thus, we are expressing only a tiny portion of our innate power of the spirit. We are unaware of this fact itself, not to mention understanding it, says Silver Birch.

Let's take a look at some quotes from Silver Birch, and consider further on the titled theme: “Free will is regulated by the evolution of the soul.”

A) “All of us—and I say this of myself, too—grope in the dark, seeing sometimes a flash of light and an insight into the Law. We wonder, but, because when we are in the dark, we do not see the Law, we think of chance, we think of accident. I tell you there is no chance.
I know you will say: ‘But what about free will?’ Yes, you have free will but is not your free will subject to the evolutions of your soul? It is free, but its freedom is regulated by your soul’s growth.”
(p.67-68 Teachings of Silver Birch)

B) “The higher you evolve in the spiritual scale, the greater can you exercise your free will. You are your own limitation, but, because you are part of the Great Spirit, you can conquer all the difficulties and obstacles in your world.”
(p.73 Teachings of Silver Birch)

C) “Do not despair. Remember there is no difficulty or obstacle that crosses your path that is so strong that you cannot overcome it by the use of the latent powers that you have within you. Even the difficulties that others place in your path can be swept aside if you will but allow all that is within you to rise and become the master. Your world does not understand that you express so little of yourself while you are in the world of matter.”
(p.113 Teachings of Silver Birch)

D) “If you would but allow that divinity which is within you to rise to the surface, if you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended you should.”
(p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch)

E) “When you do not know which way to turn, stop and relax. Ask for that which will sustain you and will carry you forward once more. There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.”
(p.153 Teachings of Silver Birch)

F) “Because the people of your world have not the faith, then the Law cannot be put into operation.”
(p.54 Teachings of Silver Birch)

As the trust in the Law elevates, there will be less fear, worry and anxiety; and the mind, relieved from these disturbances, enjoys greater freedom. Namely, when we have more faith, we have more inflow of the spirit power and inspirations from higher spheres of the spirit world; more wisdom and enlightenment will follow, along with deeper awareness and understanding of the Spiritual Law. As a result, we are set free from the jailhouse of worry, anxiety and fear.
Growth of the soul brings about elevated faith, and expanded range of freedom to exercise free will.

Let’s review what we have just read. A to F assigned below, corresponds with the respective quote above, with the same alphabet.
A) Your free will is regulated by your soul’s growth.
“It is free, but its freedom is regulated by your soul’s growth.”
Evolution of the soul determines the amount of free will allowed. Although we call it “free” it is dependent on, and is regulated by soul’s growth level.

B) We are part of the Great Spirit.
“Because you are part of the Great Spirit, you can conquer all the difficulties and obstacles in your world.”

C) We are expressing so little of the power we possess.
“Remember there is no difficulty or obstacle that crosses your path that is so strong that you cannot overcome it by the use of the latent powers that you have within you. . . Your world does not understand that you express so little of yourself while you are in the world of matter.”

D) Learn the spiritual laws for using the spirit power.
“If you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended that you should.”

E) There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.
“Ask for that which will sustain you and will carry you forward once more. There is no limit to the help, the power and the inspiration that will come to you if you will have complete trust and faith in us.”

F) It requires faith for the spiritual laws to function.
With perfect faith and confidence in God and his Law, which are based on correct spiritual knowledge, we can use the spirit power and inspirations from higher spheres of the spirit world. (Using the spiritual law)

Because we are part of the Great Spirit, we are naturally capable of surmounting all difficulty and obstacles that we may encounter on earth; and we have the ability to attain perfect peace. However, because we lack awareness of this essential fact (that we are the Great Spirit), we express so little of the power that we possess within. Free will is self-regulated, depending on the level of soul’s growth.
Freedom of the mind is in proportion to the degree of faith in God, his Law, and the spirit guides; and, faith is required, in order for the spiritual laws to function, and for us to use it.

“These are the things your world needs, the simple truths that will enable spiritual, mental and material freedom to come to your world.”
(p.46 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen. Edition 2010, first published in 1938. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ.
Wisdom of Silver Birch—edited by Hannen Swaffer Home Circle. Fourth Impression 1956, First Published 1944. Spiritualist Press, 48, Old Bailey, London, E.C.4.

When struck with worries, anxiety and suspicions

2022-06-02 09:14:45 | Spiritual Powers

—Spiritual Laws for using the spirit power from within and without—

Not to mention the instability of the human mind, the world in which we live is constantly changing and transitioning. It is difficult to maintain grasp on what is truly genuine, with eternally immutable truth.

Everyone, with no exceptions inevitably face trials, sufferings and difficulties of life.
Therefore, most of us have accustomed anxiety, distress, worries, fear and suspicion. We have no confidence and certainty in ourselves, nor in the future, which we cannot see.
Silver Birch teaches us that the soul (who we really are) receives difficulties and sufferings, and it would grow and strengthen for the first time, by surmounting them. It is ourselves who took the trouble of physical life, in this world of darkness, in pursuit for spiritual growth through difficulty and suffering, and to train and prepare ourselves for the evolution that awaits after returning to the spirit world.
Therefore, he even tells us to welcome these hardships of life.
Assuming this is all true, let’s learn from Silver Birch’s teachings, on how we fight off thoughts of worry, anxiety, distress and suspicion.

“We look at life not through physical eyes but with the knowledge of spirit life, where the true balance is struck. Those who live wisely are the ones who seek to turn all experiences into advantage to their souls, who do not try to flee from trials and temptation but seek to use the innermost strength to face difficulties, for it is in that spirit that character is evolved and strengthened.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“If you would but allow that divinity which is within you to rise to the surface, if you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres, you would begin to live as the Great Spirit intended that you should.”
(p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch)

Silver Birch says “Seek to use the innermost strength to face difficulties.” (p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch) Specifically, how and what must we do, in order to use this inner power of the spirit, which is the life force for our “true self” (soul)?
What are the laws, and how do we learn them? How do we come to receive this spirit power and inspirations, as Silver Birch mentions on p.43 Wisdom of Silver Birch?
“If you would but learn the laws which are responsible for the full flowing of power and inspiration from higher spheres.”

I have selected several more quotes, this time from Light from Silver Birch, which provides us some hints on these “laws for using the spiritual power.”

“Base your confidence on the knowledge which should be the foundation of all your philosophy. When you are confronted with situations where your present knowledge cannot help you, then add some, faith to it, founded on what you know. Faith has its part to play when it is reasoned, logical and credible.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

“Trust us and we will help you whenever the time is ripe. When the conditions are necessary and right, we can produce physical results in your world. We have done it many times, and we will continue. Tell your people we will not fail them. Let them make sure they will not fail us.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

“The channel is open and your reception is good when there are complete trust, confidence and faith that are founded on knowledge. The moment fear asserts itself you disturb the atmosphere, you introduce an element that closes the channel. Fear is the child of ignorance. Fear should not make itself felt among those who have knowledge.
Similarly, any thoughts of anxiety act as a deterrent to what can be achieved.
Always when I speak through my instrument here the first words I say are, ‘Let us try to abolish any thoughts of fear, anxiety, worry or apprehension.’ These are impediments to the full, free flowing of the power of the spirit.
Rest your confidence on us. We will show you the way. We will open the doors.”
(p.152 Light from Silver Birch)

“Those who have knowledge of spirit realities should never allow anxiety, fear, or worry to affect a lodgment within their beings.
These are negative qualities. These block the channels by which vivifying power can reach you. These are obstructions that bar and interfere with the harmonious conditions which alone can promote what is essential for the fullness of living.
It is always good to be reminded of eternal values, and to instruct those who are prepared to be instructed how to strike the right balance, so that they derive from their lives the richness in all aspects of being that should be theirs.”
(p.154 Light from Silver Birch)

“Play your part; we will play ours. In preparation try and achieve a period of quietness. Withdraw to where you are in a condition freed from the strident clangour of your material world and you can allow the inner, divine power to manifest in larger measure and enfold you to provide a calmness, attunement and receptivity which are all you need to perform the service that you render.”
(p.157 Light from Silver Birch)

[Comments] When the mind falls pessimistic in the midst of distress, we can turn it around by changing the way we perceive things, by making a shift from physical to spiritual. Then, just like the saying “the scales fall from one’s eyes,” positiveness replaces pessimism, and we experience surge of energy from within. Even if it may be a short-term effect, it shows us an example that “the spirit power within” exists.
The soul, mind and body regain harmony as a trinity, and as a result the flow of spirit power (qui) improved.

“Do not fear. Fear is a bad counsellor. Fear corrodes; fear rusts; fear blocks the channels through which help can come.”
(p.159 Light from Silver Birch)

These quotes show us that there exists energy of life (spirit power) from within, which comes from the “true self” (soul), as well as spirit power from without, delivered by the spirit guides. Let’s summarize the conditions (spiritual law) required for drawing out and using this spirit power.

[The four conditions (spiritual law) for using the spirit power from within and without]
1. Maintain absolute confidence on the Spiritual Law, and add faith to it.
“Base your confidence on the knowledge which should be the foundation of all your philosophy. When you are confronted with situations where your present knowledge cannot help you, then add some, faith to it, founded on what you know.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

“The channel is open and your reception is good when there are complete trust, confidence and faith that are founded on knowledge.”
(p.152 Light from Silver Birch)

2. Trust the spirit guides
“Trust us and we will help you whenever the time is ripe.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

“Rest your confidence in us. We will show you the way. We will open the doors.”
(p.152 Light from Silver Birch)

3. See things from spiritual perspectives, and steer away from thoughts of worry, anxiety and distress.
“It is always good to be reminded of eternal values”
(p.154 Light from Silver Birch)

“We look at life not through physical eyes but with the knowledge of spirit life, where the true balance is struck.”
(p.103 Teachings of Silver Birch)

“The moment fear asserts itself you disturb the atmosphere, you introduce an element that closes the channel. Fear is the child of ignorance. Fear should not make itself felt among those who have knowledge.”
(p.152 Light from Silver Birch)

“Those who have knowledge of spirit realities should never allow anxiety, fear or worry to effect a lodgment within their beings.”
(p.154 Light from Silver Birch)

“Fear blocks the channels through which help can come.”
(p.159 Light from Silver Birch)

4. Have moments of quietness (meditation, mental unification)
“In preparation try and achieve a period of quietness. Do not be in a hurry; take your time.”
(p.157 Light from Silver Birch)

As we continue practicing these four conditions, we will learn to use the spirit power, as part of the spiritual law. That is, we will start receiving support, wisdom and guidance from the spirit world, in the form of new and unexpected developments and inspirations.
Physical world is the world for spiritual growth of the soul, our “true self.” With this awareness, go straight ahead and confront the difficulties and trials of life, instead of turning away from them. We have spiritual knowledge and our spirit guides as our shields. For that, we must first of all shift the way we see life on earth. Switch from the physical eyes of humans on earth, to the spiritual eyes of Silver Birch.

Followings are more quotes from Light from Silver Birch, which provide us important spiritual knowledge on using the spirit power.

“If you could be where I am, you would banish every possible shadow of worry, fear or apprehension as to what the morrow will bring. You have the greatest power in the universe working through you. It will not fail.”
(p.144 Light from Silver Birch)

“It cannot fail. Do the best you can. That is all we ask of you. And do not be pessimistic.”
(p.145 Light from Silver Birch)

[Process of using the spirit power] (spiritual law)
The mind, during difficulty and suffering, holds thoughts of worry, anxiety, and fear.

 Pessimism prevails, and depletes vigor (life force, spirit power)

 We quickly lose what we learn, so we repeat thorough readings of the Spiritual Law (Silver Birch’s teachings).

 Base judgements not on self but on the Spiritual Law; and practice active faith.

 Have moments of quietness. See life through the eternal, spiritual perspectives, instead of the physical perspectives.

 Maintain solid faith in the Spiritual Law and the spiritual promises; and be careful not to hold thoughts of worries and anxiety.

 Entrust the spirit guides and the spirit power, as they never abandon you.

 The more faith we have in the Law, the greater the inflow of spiritual guidance and the spirit power; therefore, proportionately we begin to regain strength and liveliness.

 Acquire the Spiritual Law, through trials and difficulties of life. (Through many repetitions of these just-mentioned procedures in real life situations.)

 The soul is fortified and attains growth, toward Truth, Goodness, Beauty and Altruism, which are true purpose of life on earth, and the way of life intended by God.

“But remember that knowledge always brings responsibility. Never forget that you are entrusted not only with a sublime truth, but with a sublime power, a divine power, the power of life itself, with all that it possesses.”
(p.149 Light from Silver Birch)

Light from Silver Birch—edited by Pam Riva, Edition 2009. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ. First published in 1983.
Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, Edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall, Oxshott, Surrey, KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.
Wisdom of Silver Birch—edited by Hannen Swaffer Home Circle, Fourth Impression 1956. Spiritualist Press, 48, Old Bailey, London, E.C.4. First published in 1944.

Spiritual Growth is the Purpose of Life on Earth

2022-04-15 10:20:15 | Life`s Purpose

The spirit is the key which unlocks all the mysteries.
(p.220 Teachings of Silver Birch)

Quotes are from Teachings of Silver Birch, p.216-235 “Debate with a minister.”

“You are all given free will (self-responsibility), except that you must live all your lives within the Law of the Great White Spirit. The laws which are laid down by His love, for the use of all His children are there (to allow for their spiritual growth), and you cannot change them.” (p.226)

1. Humans are flawed
If we were flawless, we would not have been born to this world.

— Is it possible for people on earth to live perfect lives, to be sanctified and made holy? Is it possible for us to love everybody? —
“No, it is not possible, but you can try. All the efforts you make are very important in the building of your character. If you never were angry, never bitter, and never lost your temper, you would cease to be human. The Law is that you are put here to develop your spirit, so that it can grow and grow. It never stops growing in your world or in mine.” (p.224-225)

“He meant you must try to be perfect. That is the ideal you should try to express in your life—to express the Great White Spirit that is in you.” (p.225)

2. The fundamental principle of the Spiritual Law is the law of “Cause and Effect” (causality)

Causality is the Law of God’s love, on the principle that growth of the mind begins from reflecting oneself on the “effects” of one’s actions.

—What do you think of the other world—
“It is very much like your world, except that our world is a world of effects, and yours is a world of causes.” (p.217)

“That which a man sows, that shall he reap! You cannot change that. You bring into our world (spirit world) what you are—not what you think you are, and not what you try to show other people you are.” (p.218)

“One day, everything that happens in your life will be adjusted. One day you will hold in your own hands a pair of scales and adjust the balance yourselves. You cannot escape the natural law that you reap what you sow in this world. You think some get off lightly. But they do not. You cannot see inside their souls.” (p.223)

“I can only tell you this: Whatever wrong is done in your world, the one who does that wrong must put it right. If he does not put it right in your world, then he must put it right from our world.” (p.226)

“He sows, and what he sows, he reaps. You cannot escape the Law. You cannot cheat the Law.” (p.229)

“The Great Spirit has implanted in you some of His own reason. I plead with you to use that reason. If you do anyone a big wrong, and you confess it, that confession helps your spirit, but it does not alter the fact that you have done some wrong. Until you have put it right in the eyes of the Great White Spirit, the sin will remain. That is the Law, my son. You cannot alter laws, not even by quoting words from books, which you say the Nazarene said.” (p.230)

3. Truth about sufferings on earth
To awaken the “true self” (soul), we must experience trials, difficulties, sufferings.

—Why do we get so much pain in this world?”—
“It is only through pain that you learn the truth of the Great White Spirit. Out of the crucible of bitter experience you understand the truth of the laws which govern your world.” (p.222)

—Many people seem to have no pain—
“You are a man of God, and you must learn to understand that it is the things of the spirit that count, and not the things of the body. The pain of the spirit is greater than the pain of the body.” (p.222)

“The Great White Spirit is in everything, in that which is wrong and in that which is right. He is in the sun and in the storm; in everything that is beautiful and everything that is ugly. He is in the sky and the ocean, the thunder and the lightening; not only in beauty and goodness, but in sin and ugliness.” (p.227)

“Unless your world is suffering, you are not able to call attention to all the things that you must put right. All the pain and the suffering and the evil are there because you, who are parts of the Great White Spirit, must learn how to overcome them.
Unless you do these things, you are not doing the works of the Father, who sent you here.” (p.223)

4. The Greatest Sin on Earth
War, slaughter, cruelty. They rebel head-on against God’s Laws.

—What is the greatest sin people commit on earth?—
“There are many, many sins, but the greatest sin of all is the sin against the Great Sprit.”
“It is those who know, and deny the Great Spirit, that is the biggest sin of all.” (p.218)

“It cannot be right, even for your material world, to justify war. Even in things of matter, it leads only to destruction. It cannot be right for our world, because you interfere with the operation of the law. How dare the children of earth interfere with the divine law that the spirit should drop from the body when it is ripe!” (p.159-160)

“All the cruelty that the white people practice, even today, on those who are economically worse than themselves, is one of the greatest sins against the Great White Spirit.” (p.219)

5. Practicing the Spiritual Law
Practice altruistic love toward others, and for ourselves practice faith in the spiritual Law.

“The words do not matter. It is what you do, my son, that counts.” (p.218)

“Not those who say ‘Lord, Lord,’ but those who do the works of my Father. That is all that matters—not what you say or believe, nor even what you think, but what you do. If you have no faith at all, and you help to uplift the fallen, to give bread to the hungry, and light to those who grope in darkness, then you are doing the work of the spirit.” (p.219-220)

“Your world will not be saved by sayings. It will not be saved by long, long words.
It will only be saved when the children of the Great White Spirit are ready to gird on the armour of the Great White Spirit and fight the forces of darkness and oppression, all that which holds man in bondage.” (p.222)

“It is what you do that counts. As long as you countenance all the wars, the iniquity, the starvation, poverty, and unemployment, you are all failing in your Christianity, and you are not following the example of the Nazarene.” (p.233-234)

“Give them not only words of wisdom, but bread and the necessities of life. You must feed their souls and their bodies. You can help not only the spirit, but the body through which the spirit must function.” (p.234)

6. Be filled with the Spirit Power
To open the soul’s door, entrust and surrender ourselves to God and the spirit guides.

“But if you will put yourselves in the hands of the Great White Spirit and open your soul to receive that inspiration which comes from the Great White Spirit’s reservoir, you can be filled with that power which inspired the prophets of old. Through your work, there can come in your corner of the world a light whose illumination will shed brightness into the hearts of many who are downcast and weary.” (p.223-224)

7. Arrival of the New Age
Earthly world is to shift from the world of constant war, ruled by physical body (materialism), into the new world of spirituality, where spirit rules over the physical body and materials.

“You must understand that you live in a world which is falling to pieces, and that you are witnessing the beginning of a new order—a time when the Kingdom of Heaven shall come on earth. It will be accompanied by much pain and suffering and tears, but in the end the Great White Spirit will return to your midst. Each one of you can help to bring the new world into being, for you all are parts of the Great White Spirit, and can help to do His work.” (p.224)

“and may you all respond to all that He would have you do, so that each one of you may feel you are a part of the Great White Spirit. Take that part with you wherever you go, and show it to all the children of the Great White Spirit.” (p.217)

Teachings of Silver Birch—edited by A. W. Austen, edition 2010. The Spiritual Truth Press, 15 Broom Hall Oxshott, Surrey KT22 OJZ. First published in 1938.