二次元的幻想パラダイス - 小倉県民ラブライバー


The Love Principle of “Moe Otaku” in Japan

2006年10月16日 23時33分33秒 | ヲタク研究
 In the years of informational explosion in multimedia, all of us cannot deeply understand everything because there is a lot of events and knowledge that we have to know. Mass media plays an important role to notice us the latest information that we have to know while it also can make a trend and change people’s mild easily, especially the youngsters and female.

Chapter 1 - The blockage of 3-dimensional love of “Moe Otaku”

1.1 The discrimination due to “The Incident of Tsutomu Miyazaki”(宮崎勤事件)

 This incident was just an individual accident. However, media coverage focused on his collections of videos and comics that caused a bad image of Otaku to audience. It also made general people to discriminate or misunderstand Otaku in Japan afterward.

1.2 The unsociability toward female and the criticism of Moe

 The one-sided association of animation, comics and games and the reliance on Moe in sexual affairs caused the decline in will of external communication with female. The social passivity of Moe Otaku leads general people to misapprehend them as Hikikomori which produces a double prejudice towards Moe Otaku by Japanese female. The books and comics by Junko Sakai (酒井 順子) and Mayumi Kurada (倉田 真由美) can tell us why they hate Moe.

Chapter 2 - The factor and present condition of “Love Polarization”

2.1 The rise of feminism in Japan

 After the Second World War, the conversion of Japan by GHQ with liberalism made a great change in Japanese society and traditional mild. The rise of women’s right by the increase of female’s educational level and employment rate which let them could choose their lover themselves.

 In the other side, the fall of lifetime employment at the start of last decade in the 20th century caused the breakdown of the male’s basic economical indemnification and arranged marriage which said by Takuro Morinaga(森永 卓郎). This part focuses on the rise of feminism from the essays of Chizuko Ueno(上野 千鶴子) and Chikako Kogura(小倉 千加子).

2.2 “Love Capitalism”

 However, Mass media brain washes its audiences, especially the youngsters and female, by propagates vainglory of famous brand named products in magazines, dramas and movies with luscious love as the latest fashion in order to earn advertisement fee from brand named companies. In the opposite side, poor and ugly people were derided by this trend as losers in the society that they are far away from love because non-materialism love is unfriendly to this high-commercialized megalopolis. This trend brings along to real society that we want to have a drama-like love as well. Toru Honda(本田 透) named this phenomenon call “Love Capitalism”.

 As Part 2.1 said the rise of feminism in Japan caused female have right to choose their lover while there is a disadvantage of Moe Otaku showed in Part 1.2 as well as most of them just have normal or bad conditions of their looks and wealth. Moe Otaku seems isolated form 3-dimensional love because of these poor situations.

Chapter 3 - The real core of “Moe” – Pure Love

3.1 The definition and structure of “Moe”

 Moe is a complementing act in brain based on imagination with love as real people in the characters of animation, comic and games, written by Takuroh Morinaga(森永 卓郎). This is the most basic definition of Moe but we want to know it much deeply in psychology and philosophy. Also, this part will introduce every field briefly in Moe products and services nowadays.

3.2 The contradict of misunderstanding of “Moe” by general

 Moe Otaku is kind, honest, patient and obeys rules sincerely but the general people have an established prejudice towards them. Although the sexual crime rate of Moe Otaku is lower than normal, the mass media still focus on this feature in some minority cases as the selling point of news.

 Most of the Moe Otaku would like to have a simple, straight and pure love as in gal games with secondary school day’s background because they are excluded from love market which is deeply polluted by love capitalism while pure love can just be found in the adolescent age. They want to contribute to the one who love in, but due to their bad condition, they are not welcomed by female.

 By these reasons, a barrier is set by Moe Otaku because they do not want to hurt and make much trouble with female anymore due to they do not want to hurt themselves, written by Takuroh Morinaga(森永 卓郎). This unsociability can deduce dispute with the general, not a demerit be criticized.

 This part shows the solution of main misunderstanding about Moe Otaku by general people.

3.3 The weakness of “Moe” nowadays

 Complementing act in brain still need Moe products to support and complete the love with the target character, in other words, we cannot totally escape from 3-dimensional world. Moreover, Moe is just a basically fictional act and it cannot give us any feedback physically while present technology still cannot produce a “Multi HMX-12”(from “To Heart”), a young girl like robot with its own thought as real people in order to make friends with common people.

 This part will talk about the inaccessibility of Moe at current.

Chapter 4 - The future of “Moe Otaku”

 Where will Moe Otaku to go? The social status of Moe is just stated as subculture and it is still not welcomed generally. Moe Otaku is better to be the frontiers, not self-blockaders, to introduce the positive points and the real intention of Moe, like holding fast to pure love, to the society that reduces general misunderstanding. Propagation of Moe is the mission of real Moe Otaku has to do to gain the support from the society. Moe will sublimate to have a better cultural status seems the dream of its followers just like graffiti art in America.

 Finally, when the general knows the real core of Moe, the world of pure love will be come as Moe Otaku wants. However, this day will take a long time to realize.


