


2017-07-01 18:26:40 | 日記
Donald Trump warns North Korea of 'determined response'
ドナルド・トランプ大統領は 北朝鮮に「決められた反応」をするよう警告

US President Donald Trump says that years of "strategic patience" with North Korea have failed and it is now time for a "determined response".
"Together we are facing the threat of the reckless and brutal regime," Mr Trump said at a press conference with South Korean President Moon Jae-in. 
Mr Trump called on North Korea to "choose a better path... quickly".
Separately, Mr Moon said that it was necessary to continue to engage in dialogue with North Korean leaders.
The South Korean president added that his country would pursue defence reforms and continue to build up the capacity to defend itself.
Mr Moon said the North Korea issue was a top priority during the talks, stressing that "only strong security can bring about genuine peace" in the Asia-Pacific region.
ムン大統領は、アジア太平洋地域において「強固な安全保障だけが 真の平和をもたらす」ということに重点をおいた会談の間、 北朝鮮問題は最優先だった、と述べた。 
Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump said that the "era of strategic patience with the North Korean regime has failed, many years it has failed," adding: "Frankly, that patience is over."
The US leader said that Washington was "working closely with South Korea and Japan, as well as partners around the world, on a range of diplomatic, security and economic measures to protect our allies and our own citizens from this menace known as North Korea".
アメリカの指導者は、アメリカは、「外交の範囲、安全保障、経済政策に関して、我々の同盟国と我々の市民を、北朝鮮という脅威から守るため、世界中の仲間と同じように、韓国と日本と密接に仕事をしている。 」と述べた。