国家検定一級和裁技能士のブログ、裁縫記:It is a blog of tailor of a kimono.

I am explaining a kimono and sartorial art.

ふくろうカフェの着物です。This kimono has an owl cafe pattern.

2024年09月19日 18時28分33秒 | 単衣の着物
ふくろうカフェの着物です。This kimono has an owl cafe pattern.

コットンこばやしさんの綿麻のキャンバス プリント生地で布の厚さは中厚です。
ふくろう、みみずく、カフェ ジェラート、さくらんぼ、アイスクリームの柄がプリントされています。
This is a medium-thick cotton-linen canvas print fabric from Cotton Kobayashi.
It is printed with patterns of owls, horned owls, cafe gelato, cherries, and ice cream.
I used this fabric to create a women's single-layer kimono.
This kimono can be worn without any discomfort when combined with casual wear such as sneakers, turtleneck sweaters, and belts, without having to wear an all-Japanese outfit starting with sandals, obi, haori, and coat.
This kimono is perfect for bird events where bird lovers gather.
The size was created assuming a person with height 172 cm, bust 90 cm, hips 93 cm, and sleeve length 72.58 cm.
The measurements of the kimono are length from the shoulder 175.8cm, sleeve width 72.58cm, back width 30.24cm, front width 24.57cm, front waist width 23.44cm, shoulder width 22.58cm, collar width 15.12cm, hem width 14.36cm.
I added some unique touches to it, such as attaching cuff cloth without sewing the back, attaching lining cloth to the collar of the upper front, and making the hem width about 9.45cm instead of having an inner hem.
The collar is a bat-type collar and a collar stiffener can be inserted under the collar.
The kimono weighs 1.2kg.

It is on sale at Iwasa Japanese Dress for 25,000 yen.
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HAORI of FURI-SODE in EDO-KOMON. 江戸小紋の羽織の振袖

2024年09月18日 06時20分20秒 | 振袖
HAORI of FURI-SODE in EDO-KOMON. 江戸小紋の羽織の振袖

色無地振袖で彩る、今とこれからの記念日 ”idol by やまと”
Decorate present and future anniversaries with plain-colored furisode "idol by Yamato"
Edo komon is also plain-colored if you don't look closely.
The general way to wear it is to put on a nagajuban, then a kimono, and then a haori over that.
I think it's the same for furisode, but haori is rarely worn and fur or shawls are more common.
I think the color matching of the junihitoe kimono is beautiful.
Since furisode has long sleeves, I thought the color matching would stand out when layered, so I made a set of nagajuban, furisode, haori, and a lap blanket with silk cotton (silk cotton) since I had some leftover fabric.
In particular, to emphasize the color matching of the layers for the furisode, I added Edo komon dummy hiyoku to the cuffs and sleeves, the lining of the upper front, and the collar.
The appropriate size is for someone who is 162.5 cm tall, with a bust of 80 cm and hips of about 89 cm.
The dimensions are length from shoulder 166.3cm, sleeve width 68.04cm, back width 28.73cm, front width 23.06cm.
Promotional videos for each have been uploaded to YouTube.
NAGAJYUBAN of FRISODE of EDOKOMON pattern.江戸小紋の振袖の長襦袢
江戸小紋の振袖。EDO-KOMON's Furisode.
騙し比翼を付けた江戸小紋の振袖。Deception Hiyoku's Furisode.
HAORI of FURI-SODE in EDO-KOMON. 江戸小紋の羽織の振袖
江戸小紋の綿入れの膝掛け。EDO-KOMON pattern Silk padded lap blanket.
江戸小紋の振袖をトルソーに着せてみました。I tried putting an Edo Komon furisode on a torso.
Digest of Edokomon's furisode.江戸小紋の振袖のダイジェスト
The set is sold at Iwasa Japanese Dressmaking for 150,000 yen.

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絹100%の薄羽織。A thin Usu Haori made of 100% silk.

2024年09月17日 06時16分52秒 | 単衣の羽織
Usu-Haori in cream silk.クリーム色の絹の薄羽織

The length of fabric needed for kimonos and haori is the same for both hitoe and awase kimonos at about 12.5m, but for long haori, which have a haori length of about 95cm, the haori length is about 10m for hitoe and about 12.50cm for awase.
And I don't think there is any distinction in the color, pattern or material of the fabric used to make kimonos and haori.
Apart from color and pattern, the fabric used for each season is almost the same for both kimonos and haori in autumn, winter and spring, with summer fabrics such as ro or gauze being used only in summer.
I think that nowadays there are probably no special fabrics for making summer haori or thin haori, and kimono fabric with a length of 12.5m is used.
Naturally, if you make a thin haori from kimono fabric, you will have 2.5m of leftover fabric.
Most nagajuban today are made by HITOE or SODE MUSO DO HITOE.
The materials used are the same for autumn, winter and spring, just like kimonos and haori, but in summer only summer materials such as gauze and ro are used.
The length of the nagajuban fabric is 10m for nagajuban made by HITOE worn from June to September, and about 13m 50cm for nagajuban made by SODE MUSO DO HITOE worn from October to May.
As the name suggests, thin haori are made from a transparent material.
Apart from the color and pattern, they are treated as dust cover and are said to be wearable from April to October.
For the above reasons, Iwasa Wasai's thin haori are made from summer nagajuban fabric.
It is very thin and supple, and very light at 310g.
It comes in two colors, cream and light purple.
The size of the haori is 1m2.1cm from the shoulder, with a carry-over of 2.646cm, a sleeve width of 68.8cm, a sleeve width of 35.53cm, a sleeve cap width of 36.29cm and a sleeve length of 47.25cm.
The size of the matching kimono is 166.3cm in length from the shoulder, 1.89cm in shoulder width, 68.04cm in shoulder width, 34.78cm in sleeve width, 35.53cm in sleeve width, and 49.14cm in sleeve length.
It was made assuming a person of 162.5cm in height, with a bust of 80cm and hips of about 89cm.
Also, the "breasts" where the haori himo is attached will be in a different position depending on how it is worn and one's body type, even if the person is the same height, and it is difficult to determine this without trying it on, so we have not attached one and instead attach an accessory part called a crab crown later, or use a haori himo with a clip.
It is made of 100% pure silk.
It is on sale at Iwasa Washio for 35,000 yen.
Here is a Youtube video of the pale purple thin haori.

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妖怪猫変化の着物 in 神楽坂化け猫フェスティバル。Kimono transformation of monster cat at Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival.

2024年09月16日 07時22分32秒 | 単衣の着物
Kimono with a monster cat change pattern. 妖怪猫変化の着物

As I wrote in my September 4th post, the Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival will be held on October 13th (Sun) from 10am to 5pm.
The conditions for participation are that you are dressed in a cat-themed costume and are okay with being photographed in costume.
How about wearing a monster cat kimono as your costume?
Last year, the event was held on October 15th (Sun), and the weather in Kagurazaka from 10am to 5pm was sunny with temperatures ranging from 17 to 20°C.
In this kind of weather, it would be cold to wear just a yukata, like in midsummer, but I think it would be fine if you layered it as a single layer of cotton.
The kimono is designed for someone who is 165cm tall, with a bust of 86cm, hips of 91cm, and sleeve length of 68.796cm, and the length from the shoulder is 169cm, sleeve length 68.8cm, back width 29.48cm, and front width 23.81cm.
The tailoring method is similar to that of a hitoe kimono, with a half-body cut.
Videos of past Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festivals have been uploaded to YouTube.

神楽坂 化け猫フェスティバル 2015 公式PV / Cat Halloween Festival Official Promo

神楽坂 化け猫フェスティバル 2023 Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival 2023

【4k】Kagurazaka Bakeneko Festival🥁神楽坂 化け猫フェスティバル2023

The Yokai Cat Transformation Kimono is on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 25,000 yen.

Obi with cat patterns like this one are also sold on Amazon.

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フレンチリネンの着物。French linen kimono.

2024年09月15日 07時02分09秒 | 単衣の着物
フレンチリネンの着物。French linen kimono.

Come to think of it, I have never seen a plain-colored yukata, and I noticed that Yamato was selling kimonos with pockets after making this kimono, but I have never seen any. One thing that is often talked about with hitoe kimonos is the ishikidate, but I have never seen any kimonos that do not require ishikidate by removing the back seam.
One such kimono that I have never seen is this French linen kimono. It is woven with 60-count linen thread, so it is quite thin and light.
The size is length (shoulder) 163.3 cm, shoulder width 68.04 cm, sleeve width 38.934 cm, shoulder width 29.106 cm, back width 29.106 cm, front width 23.058 cm.
I made it assuming a person who is about 163 cm tall, bust 81 cm, and hips 90 cm.
It was shrunk by running it through water before sewing, so it can be washed at home.
It is sold at IWASA-WASAI for 28,000 yen.
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ブルーのかすみ草柄の着物。A kimono with a blue baby's breath pattern.

2024年09月14日 16時39分21秒 | 単衣の着物
ブルーのかすみ草柄の着物。A kimono with a blue baby's breath pattern.

岩佐和裁のWeb shopでもご購入頂けます。

This blue baby's breath pattern kimono is made from 80% cotton, 20% linen sheeting with a width of 110cm.
The image is of casual, stylish everyday wear made from a cotton and linen blend, reminiscent of clothes that were sewn at home before the 1960s.
The collar is wide and has shoulder pads, and there is no back seam.
As the print is not dyed all the way through to the back of the fabric, the cuffs and lining (front upper only) are used in places where the back can be seen, and the hems, which tend to turn up when walking, have a wide 11cm hem stitching.
It is a kimono with a simple open-leg style tailoring.
The kimono size is length from shoulder 167.5cm, sleeve width 68.04cm, sleeve width 37.044cm, shoulder width 30.996cm, sleeve length 52.92cm, sleeve roundness 9.45cm, back width 29.106cm, front width 23.058cm, front waist width 21.924cm, shoulder width 21.168cm, collar width 15.12cm), cuff width 14.36cm.
It was made assuming a person with height 163cm, bust 90cm, hips 91cm, and sleeve width 68.04cm.
It is on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 25,000 yen including tax.
It can also be purchased from WASA-WASAI's Web shop.

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しじら織のアシンメトリーの着物。Asymmetrical kimono made of shijira weave.

2024年09月13日 06時38分10秒 | 単衣の着物
A cotton kimono with vertical stripes and horizontal patterns.縦縞と横段模様の木綿の着物。

しじら織りとは、張った経糸と弛ませた経糸を交互に配置し、独特のシボを出した織物のことで 同様の生地にシアサッカーがあります。

Shijira weave is a type of fabric that has a unique texture created by alternating taut and relaxed warp threads. A similar fabric is seersucker.
It is often used for summer clothing because it is not sticky due to its small surface area that comes into contact with the skin, is breathable, and does not wrinkle easily.
This asymmetrical single-layer women's kimono was created using vertically striped shijira weave fabric.
The body, collar, and base collar are vertical stripes, while the sleeves and collar have a horizontal stripe pattern, making it asymmetrical.
You can't tell unless you look closely; it's like ``That actor is good! He's not acting'' or ``That singer is good! He's not singing.''
It's on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 25,000 yen.
There is also a light blue kimono in a different color. This is a promotional video on YouTube.
The measurements are length from shoulder 167.076cm, sleeve width 68.04cm, back width 29.106cm, front width 23.058cm.
The length of the light blue kimono is 163.3cm from shoulder.
It was made for someone who is 163cm tall, with a bust 81cm, hips 90cm, and a sleeve width of 68.04cm.
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アシンメトリーの麻の着物其の二。Asymmetrical linen kimono.

2024年09月12日 12時37分43秒 | 単衣の着物
アシンメトリーの着物、其の二、Asymmetrical kimono, part 2

岩佐和裁のWeb shopでもご購入頂けます。

I made a women's single-layer kimono using French linen fabrics of different colors, rose lavender and blue-gray.
The upper part of this kimono is rose lavender and the lower part is blue-gray, while the lower part is blue-gray and rose lavender, with the sleeves and collar in the same color as the body.
This kimono, which looks like a checkered pattern, is woven with 60-count linen thread and weighs 700g, making it a very light and soft kimono.
There is a pocket at the hem of the upper part, so if you use this as a landmark when putting it on, you won't accidentally wear it left-front.
Since this kimono was made as a linen yukata, the collar of the lower part is open so that a collar stiffener can be inserted.
The back is sewn with a lining and shoulder pads of the same fabric are attached. Both colors match the outer fabric.
The hem width is 7.56cm, so up to 6.426cm you can lengthen the length just by using the hem.
Regarding the width of the kimono where the sleeves are attached, the shoulder width and back width of this kimono are the same, 29cm.
If the width of the fabric is about 37.044cm, it is common to make the sleeve width 35cm and the width wider 3.78cm from the waist opening to make the shoulder width 33cm.
When comparing a kimono where the width has been wider 3.78cm up to the shoulder peak with a kimono with the same shoulder width and back width, the kimono with the same shoulder width and back width will be 1.47cm narrower.
When the width is narrowed this much, I think there will also be a change in the adjustment around the chest.
This asymmetrical kimono is made for a person who is 163cm tall, with a bust of 81cm and hips of 90cm. The measurements of the kimono are 163cm in length from the shoulder, 68cm in sleeve width, 29cm in back width, and 23cm in front width.
The fabric is washed linen woven with 60-count thread.
The fabric was washed and shrunk before being cut and sewn with polyester thread, so it can be washed at home.
The body and sleeves are reinforced with bar tacks.
My impression after making this kimono is that it stretches easily because it was washed and shrunk before being sewn, and to put it in a positive way, it is a soft kimono that fits the body well.
When measuring the dimensions, just pulling it a little makes it 0.756cm to 1.134cm longer in length and wider in width.
This kimono was made with yukata in mind, so I deliberately ignored the idea of layering a juban with a kimono or haori.
Of course, I tried to sew it accurately by making precise stitches.
Also, if you wash it at home, there may be some deviation in the measurements.
This kimono is not suitable for people who are very concerned about that.
One feature of this kimono is that, although it is a one-piece kimono, the colors are inverted at the boundary between the inner hem and the back seam, so it looks like a checkered kimono.
I call it an asymmetrical kimono, as it is asymmetrical from top to bottom and left to right.
I created it with the image of casual, stylish linen everyday clothing that has the feel of something that would have been sewn at home before the 1960s.
It is on sale at IWASA-WASAI for 28,000 yen including tax.
You can also purchase it from IWASA-WASAI's Web shop.

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Kimono with a monster cat change pattern. 妖怪猫変化の着物

2024年09月10日 07時06分12秒 | 単衣の着物
Kimono with a monster cat change pattern. 妖怪猫変化の着物

I made the Yokai Cat Transformation Yukata using a Western-style print pattern. I haven't sewn it yet, but I also bought Yokai Cat Beauty fabric.
Many print patterns have a clear front and back, so when worn as a yukata, the back is easily visible from the cuffs, front collar, and hem.
So I sewed cuff fabric to the cuffs and lining fabric to the front collar, and made the hem turnout sewn 3 sun (11.34 cm) wide so that the front can be seen.
I washed it before sewing it, so it is less likely to shrink.
It is on sale at Iwasa Japanese Dressmaking for 25,000 yen.
If you use PayPay by September 30th, you can get a 3% coupon.
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A single kimono with a Chojugiga pattern.鳥獣戯画の単衣の着物

2024年09月09日 05時16分25秒 | 単衣の着物
A single kimono with a Chojugiga pattern.鳥獣戯画の単衣の着物

I think the weight of the denim kimono is about 1,300g.
This single-layered kimono with the Choju Jinbutsu Giga pattern weighs 1,050g.
The fabric is dyed in a way that makes it easy to tell the front and back, so we sewed cuff cloth to the cuffs where the back might be visible, sewed a lining to the collar of the upper front, and made the width of the three-fold hem fold wider at 11.34cm. (The normal width of the hem is 1,134cm)
This makes it a little heavier than normal tailoring.
We also added pockets to the collar of the upper front, the sides of the front body, and both sleeves, and made it possible to insert a collar stiffener from the back of the seam of the collar of the lower front, so it was made with the intention of being a kimono that can be enjoyed casually and stylishly.
In Saitama City, this kimono is suitable for wear from early autumn to early spring, and in winter, you can wear it in layers for a comfortable wear.
It is on sale for 25,000 yen.
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