

Oliver Wendell Holmes

2004-12-30 | 名言
"The greater thing in this world is not so much where we stand as in what direction we are going."

Oliver Wendell Holmes (1809-1894)

Robert Yates

2004-12-27 | 名言
"It is amazing what can be accomplished when nobody cares about who gets the credit."

Robert Yates (1943- )

Thomas Edison

2004-12-25 | 名言
"Opportunity is missed by most people, because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work."

Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Lance Armstrong

2004-12-21 | 名言
"Time is limited, so I better wake up every morning fresh and know that I have just one chance to live this particular day right, and to string my days together into a life of action, and purpose."

Lance Armstrong (1971 - )

Ray Kroc

2004-12-16 | 名言
"The quality of a leader is reflected in the standards they set for themselves."

Ray Kroc (1902-1984)

B.C. Forbes

2004-12-15 | 名言
"It is when things go hardest, when life becomes most trying, that there is greatest need for having a fixed goal."

B.C. Forbes (1880-1954)

John H. Patterson

2004-12-11 | 名言
"Industry is cheap. It is laziness that costs. It has cost many a bright man a bright career."

John H. Patterson (1844-1922)

Johann Goethe

2004-12-07 | 名言
"Whatever you can do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius, power and magic in it."

Johann Goethe (1749-1832)

Margaret Thatcher

2004-12-06 | 名言
"Look at a day when you are supremely satisfied at the end. It's not a day when you lounge around doing nothing; it's when you've had everything to do, and you've done it."

Margaret Thatcher (1925- )