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世界で最も長い橋と言えば、永らくアメリカ・ルイジアナ州のポンチャートレイン湖コーズウェイ(Lake Pontchartrain Causeway、38.4km)だった。

Lake Pontchartrain Causeway

The idea of a bridge spanning Lake Pontchartrain dates back to the early 19th Century and Bernard de Marigny, the founder of Mandeville. He started a ferry service that continued to operate into the mid 1930s. In the 1920s, a proposal called for the creation of artificial islands that would then be linked by a series of bridges. The financing for this plan would come from selling homesites on the islands. The modern Causeway started to take form in 1948 when Ernest M Loeb Jr envisioned the project. Due to his lobbying and vision the Louisiana Legislature created what is now the Causeway Commission. The Louisiana Bridge Company was formed to construct the bridge, who in turn appointed James E. Walters, Sr to direct the project.

The original Causeway was a two-lane span, measuring 23.86 miles (38.40 km) in length, that opened in 1956 at a cost of $30.7 million. A parallel two-lane span, 1/100th of a mile (15 m) longer than the original, opened on May 10, 1969 at a cost of $26 million. The Causeway has always been a toll bridge. Until 1999, tolls were collected from traffic going in each direction. To alleviate congestion on the south shore, toll collections were eliminated on the northbound span. The standard tolls for cars changed from $1.50 in each direction to a $3.00 toll collected on the North Shore for southbound traffic only.

Google Mapの地図や航空写真で見ると、ポンチャートレイン湖を南北に一本の線が貫く感じでとても美しい。
このようにポンチャートレイン湖コーズウェイは「連続して水上に架かる橋("continuous")」でありそのカテゴリーでは現在でも世界最長なのだが、2011年に竣工された青島膠州湾大橋(Jiaozhou Bay Bridge、42.5km)が「連続しない水上に架かる橋("aggregate")」として上回ることになった。

Jiaozhou Bay Bridge

Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is a roadway bridge in eastern China's Shandong province. It transects Jiaozhou Bay, connecting Huangdao District, the city of Qingdao and Hongdao Island (the bridge is "T" shaped with 3 entry/exit points, see map). Opened on 30 June 2011, it reduces the road distance between Qingdao and Huangdao. The bridge opened at the same time as the nearby Qing-Huang Tunnel, both part of the Jiaozhou Bay Connection Project.

Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is 42.5 kilometres (26.4 mi) long, making it according to Guinness World Records the world's longest bridge over water (aggregate length) as of July 2011. The longest bridge over water "continuous length" is the Lake Pontchartrain Causeway, the difference being the latter runs continuously over water while Jiaozhou Bay Bridge has parts over land. It is estimated Jiaozhou Bay Bridge is over water for 25.5 kilometres (15.8 mi).

比較的新しいせいかGoogle Mapの地図では出てこないが、航空写真を拡大して見るとその様子が確認できる。中国山東省青島にある膠州湾をクロスして青島(東側)、紅島(北側)、黄島(西側)を結ぶもので、立体交差が特徴的だ。これだけの規模の海上ジャンクションというのはなかなか他に思い当たらない。是非青島を訪問してドライブをしてみたいものだ。

参考までに日本で長い橋(水上橋)としては、アクアブリッジ(東京湾アクアライン) 4,384m、明石海峡大橋 3,911m (吊り橋としては世界最長) が挙げられる。比較すると42.5kmというのは何とも桁違いだ。

 1  丹陽-昆山特大橋 (中国) 164.8km 2010年竣工
 2  天津特大橋 (中国) 113.7km 2010年竣工 
 3  渭南渭河特大橋 (中国) 113.7km 2008年竣工
 4  バンナ高速道路 (タイ) 54.0km 2000年竣工
 5  北京特大橋 (中国) 48.2km 2010年竣工

このうちの4つが中国で最近建設された鉄道橋である。そして丹陽-昆山特大橋(Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge)は世界最長の橋である。

Danyang Kunshan Grand Bridge

The bridge is located between Shanghai and Nanjing in East China’s Jiangsu province. It includes a 9-kilometre long (5.6 mi) section over water that crosses Yangcheng Lake in Suzhou. It was completed in 2010 and opened in 2011. Employing 10,000 people, construction took four years and cost about $8.5 billion. Danyang?Kunshan Grand Bridge currently holds the Guinness World Record for the longest bridge in the world in any category as of June 2011.

これもGoogle Mapの航空写真で確認できる。陸橋なのでわかりにくいが、北西から南東に長い一本線が延びている。さすがに起点・終点の確認は難しい。
しかし、164.8kmというのは東京=静岡 (東名高速)とほぼ同じ距離と考えると、やはりものすごい。


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