Welcome to my blog of English essays.  


2007年06月21日 20時59分39秒 | Others
In the every weekend, I always feel as if I had been swimming across the river of mud and barely reached the other side. It has been hectic days again in this week. So, in the morning of Saturday, I will get up a bit later than usual and have a cup of black coffee which is as hot as the Hell, listening to the light jazz. These rituals are indispensable to recharge the energy, because demanding jobs will also wait for me in the next week...

What a wondrous world!

2007年06月17日 16時04分35秒 | Nature
Do you grow a plant? If you say yes, and are an affectionate person, you may want to try talking aloud to your plants and they will grow bigger. I read in a book somewhere that such caring treatment is truly effective for growing large plants. Of course, I can’t prove whether it’s true or not.

Incidentally, pine trees are quite amazing. You may know that the seeds of pine trees have a wing (the picture is the only image of the seeds of pine trees), and can spin through the air, covering long distances. Did they evolve by somehow understanding the physical properties of spinning, or is it because pine trees are very long-lived amongst animals and plants, and have spirits lodging in their trunks?

I asked my wife if she knows the reason why pine trees have seeds that know about the properties of spinning. She told me she thought that such a kind of species in the huge vegetable kingdom happened to survive through its long history, whereas other trees did not. She meant it was accidental, and not due to any spirits.

I agree that luck may be the most obvious reason why pine trees have survived, but, on second thoughts, if such species survive, how could they create such means without a brain? I am still looking for an answer.

The world is a truly wondrous place.

May I ask you a favour?

2007年06月13日 20時34分40秒 | Others
To whom it may concern,

I am very glad to see that many people have visited this blog since this April when I started. At the beginning, I wondered if only a few people would visit the blog, although, the audiences more than I expected called on.

However, as you see, as I haven’t received a comment yet, I want you all to inform me of the web site address of any other recommendable English blog site. I mean to have a trackback with the site.

And I have already registered with RSS reader, although, I also want you to let me know other means, e.g. web site addresses for PR, to inform more people who don't know the blog.

Finally, of course, I am truly glad if YOU leave any comment on the contents of the blog now.

Though I have been occupied in my works these days, I want to make an effort as possible as I can to keep writing this blog through communications with you. I really need your considerate cooperation.

Any sailing ship doesn't go forward without the wind!

Thank you in advance.


2007年06月05日 21時11分50秒 | Music
The BRIDGES of MADISON COUNTRY is the film which was released in 1995. It was based on the novel of the same name by Robert James Waller.

I introduce herewith the CD (TOCT-8241) of the film including my favorite song. I had not known the song until purchasing the CD, although, it becomes my favorite song. Why am I so fond of the song? One reason is that the song may be not very popular. The other reason is that its text has transparency and a kind of Eschatology in it. Of course, melody is so fine.

However, no matter how I am good at writting essays (JOKE), it's entirely impossible to depict the fine melody in languages. So, what I can do for you now is to recommend for purchasing this CD and listening to it by your own ears.

The name of the song is “THE SHRINE OF SAINT CECILIA”by Brett Raymond.


Our home is a shambles
All I’ve treasured is gone
The town seems deserted
Everyone’s so for lorn
A star came from up above
But somehow it missed
The shrine of Saint Cecilia

It's tough being a woman

2007年06月02日 16時59分13秒 | Others
When I was a junior and senior high school student, there were lots of pretty young girls around, but there seemed to be few beautiful grown-up women around, and that puzzled me. I mean, at the time, I simply believed that “pretty” girls would grow up to be “beautiful”women, just as some kinds of fish, e.g. yellowtail, are called by different names, in Japanese, as they grow larger.

Now that I am an adult, I understand that the pretty young girls didn’t disappear from around me, but they unfortunately metamorphosed due to the stresses of daily life, for example, the frustration of working, parenting or menopausal disorders. There is a film, “It’s Tough Being a Man”, in Japan, although I am sure that it’s tough being a woman, too.

There is a colorful saying in Japanese that goes ‘before marriage, a man thinks that his sweetheart is so pretty that he could eat her, although, after the marriage, he thinks that he should have eaten her.’ However, we should understand that wives are also tired and should sometimes shower them with affection.

Furthermore, why don’t men keep in good shape for wives? By doing so, they are sending a message that they still love their wives very much.