


2007-04-24 14:11:19 | Weblog

rekigniz or rekuhgnahyz

2006-09-16 10:37:26 | Weblog
I often wonder how I'm supposed to say "recognize". Some pople say the word like re-ki-go-nai-z. I thought it supposed to be re-kog-naiz. So I finally looked up disctionaries. Here are variations I found on some dictionaries,


None of them look like rekigonaiz..

However, I found this one on Apple wedget disctionaly,


So is "rekigonaiz" minority?


2006-09-10 13:47:35 | Weblog
birch leaves became very yellow in recent few days. i saw frost on shade early on Friday. iwonder it would snow soon.

dragon boat festival

2006-07-12 03:58:58 | Weblog
I was lucky that I happend to be in Taiwan on a holiday. I didn't know May 31 was lunar calendar's May 5th.

I went to this town, the end of a subway line, and watched dragon boat races. It was only 20 minutes subway ride from downtown Taipei. I was surprised to see mountains and a clean river so close to a big city.


2006-07-12 03:53:43 | Weblog
I saw this lady in Shindan. She was walking up and down on a street shaking hands with people. I shook hands with her too. She looked very happy when we shook hands. She looked so happy and it made me feel a bit guilty..

I wonder she got elected..

buildings in taipei 2

2006-07-12 03:42:30 | Weblog
This building was by a hotel I was staying. I remember this area was totally undevelopped 15 years ago.. very cute building, looks like many chinese take out boxes stacked up. I heard this building is the tallest building in the world.

buildings in taipei

2006-07-12 03:39:30 | Weblog
I walked by this building around 10:45 a.m... a bit too early for Taiwanese shopping mall to open. So I couldn't see the inside. I think I have seen this building in simcity game.

snow melting

2006-04-10 15:03:00 | Weblog
snow on the roof is melting and dripping down around my place. i wonder it will flood again like few years ago :(

spring break

2006-03-13 06:19:38 | Weblog
spring break since yesterday.. but it's -30F... why why

getting lighter

2006-03-07 17:40:00 | Weblog
It's March and getting lighter. I don't have to turn on light to find my house key anymore when I get home.
Busy busy till Apil 2.