
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2017年01月26日 21時29分42秒 | Enlightenment&Enjoyment
Today we have our annual full timer training.
From today's messages, I was really touched by the matter of consecration. The purpose of consecration is not that we promise to work for God or whatever, but that we lay ourselves on the altar and to be burned into ashes, that we give the Lord the permission to work on us first, that we allow the Lord to work Himself into our being. We acknowledge that the ownership of our bodies has been transferred to the Lord. We are no longer our own, but we are the Lord's. whether we live, we live to the Lord. Whether we die, we die to the Lord. Also we shouldn't let our consecration grow old. Everyday we need to renew our consecration and we need to be faithful to our consecration. The problem with most of us is the unfaithfulness to our consecration. When the Lord wants to do sth to us, we jump off and move away from the altar. Then the Lord has no way no ground to make us His masterpiece.

Oh Lord! Have mercy on us and make us willing!
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