
To bring thee to thy God
Love takes the shortest route


2017年06月12日 10時21分25秒 | ministry of word
Every day we experience these two aspects. On the one hand, we are within the veil as the Shulammite, living in the Holy of Holies and enjoying the resurrected and glorified Christ, the One greater than Solomon (Matt. 12:42). On the other hand, we are outside the camp as Abigail, living in the world and following the lowly Jesus (v. 3). Like the Shulammite, we inwardly remain in the palaces of ivory and fellowship with the Lord, the real Solomon, and like Abigail, we outwardly live and work by following the Lord, the real David, to war and suffering. The One within is the resurrected Christ, whereas the One without is Jesus the Nazarene. Inwardly, we have the enjoyment of the Shulammite in the secret place, and outwardly, we have the public living of Abigail.
- the conclusions of New Testament
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