


2007-12-18 22:33:49 | Andre Weitzenhoffer
RE: The success of the First International Congress on Ericksonian Approaches to Hypnosis and Psychotherapy.

An attendance of over 2000 is a testimony of the attraction Erickson's approach had in 1980 for professionals. To my knowledge, there are no statistics regarding who attended. But my impression is that, contrary to the seminars and workshop available through ASCH and SCEH, there were fewer restrictions on who could attend. This was an opportunity for man to receive otherwise hand-to-get training in an area that had economic potential. Also the congress was highly and well-publicized, with over 70,000 brochures being sent out and the faculty had many well-known names on it.

In addition to the many regular seminars he led, Erickson acted widely as a consultant, lecturer, and gave special workshops. As his reputation spread, he was increasingly visited in Phoenix by professionals seeking advice and instruction from him. Others did so by correspondence. In later years, after 1970, with his health deteriorating, Erickson increasingly held teaching seminars and teaching sessions in his home. The publication of his collected work in 1967, that of Haley's Uncommon Terapy (1973), and the short-lived appearance of NLP in the middle 1970s all served to further spread the word.

2 コメント

コメント日が  古い順  |   新しい順
Unknown (まるはち)
2007-12-18 23:42:38
NLP (管理人)
2007-12-19 01:44:59
Weitzenhofferは、およそ10年前に出版されたこの本(The Practice of Hypnotism)の第1版ではあったNLPについての章を、第2版ではごっそり削ってます。
"The chapter on the Ericksonian approach has been considerly altered, and the chapter on Neurolinguistic Programming has been deleted. In other respects its contents have remained unchanged." (Preface xi).

