Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections

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K's List 【PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte sections】

2018年11月26日 19時58分04秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca

K's List 【PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte sections】 


section  Title

1 再稼動シンゾウ細動AED Operation-resume Shinzo fibrillation AED

2 まあいいじゃん内閣 Self-satisfaction cabinet

3 もうぶれぬ五輪解体エンブレム Olympic Games dismantling emblem not to change

4 新・大惨事アヘ内閣 New catastrophe Ape cabinet

5 安保の騙し絵 A illusion picture of security treaty

6 伊方原発再稼動反対 Opposing the re-run of Ikata nuclear power plant

7 それだめじゃんアベばかりちゃん Non good, sympathizer of Abe

8 暗法反対基地返せ Opposing the dark law, and request to return the base

9 電子赤紙マイナンバー Electronic draft card named My number

10 蒼白歌合戦 The singing festival by pale national

11 後ろ指さされ隊大臣 A minister like the leader who is pointed by a finger of derision

12 晋・三本のイヤ Three nyet of Shinzo

13 議員特権・不倫育休 Immoral childcare leave as Diet member's privilege

14 進撃のあかねちゃん…巨大化編 Akane of the attack No1.…Becoming gigantic

15 自民党緊急事態条項 Liberal Democratic Party emergency clauses

16 異憲最高裁 The different constitutional Supreme Court

17 もんじゅの猿知恵 Asinine idea of nuclear power generation Monju

18 TPPよぴよウメ uMe tweets with "TPP"

19 伊方プルサーマル町議会 Ikata pluthermal town council

20 森の中の五輪 The Olympiad in the forest

21 新もんじゅの悪知恵 New cunning of Monju

22 洗脳人間革命 Revolution of brainwashed human beings

23 井の中の五輪 The Olympiad in the well

24 伊勢志摩ひサミット Last summit in Ise-Shima for somebody

25 経済犯産業省 The economic criminal Department of Industry

26 東京地方ヤメ検地位協定 The Status of Agreement of the person who resigned as a public prosecutor in Tokyo

27 落ちた日本史ね The ruin history of Japan

28 新しいパンダ、ん? Are you a new panda, do?

29 人間革命・都知事篇 Brainwashing revolution : The canto of Tokyo governor

30 参議院選争点 An issue on assembly elections of the House of Councilors

31 安倍打倒罵倒観音 An issue on assembly elections of the House of Councilors

32 徴兵制争点隠し The campaign pledge of hidden conscription

33 甘リーマンショック Abe and Amari who give a shock similar to failure of Lehman Brothers

34 参院選与党キャンペーン「多い甘利くん」 Upper House election ruling party campaign slogan < many Amari-kun >

35 辺野古基地外法権 Extraterritoriality of the Henoko base

36 アべ軽装委員会 A be lightly dressed Committee

37 参院選野党キャンペーン「甘利の余り」 Upper House election opposition party campaign <Remainder of Amari>

38 行列のできる法律僧団 Lawyer monk organization whom people gather for

39 ますぞえ多々利魔戦 The own goal election by the ruling party

40 イロハにお江戸選 Oedo election with Japanese ABCs

41 戦前退位 Abdication as valid symbols before the war

42 アマリオオリンピアン A marionette Olympian

43 大手町兵団連 Otemachi army corpses

44 黒魔法法務省 Ministry of Black Magic Justice

45 進撃の朋美ちゃん Marching aunt Tomomi

46 可惜しい働き方 Miserable way of working

47 白痴領収証 The idiotic receipy

48 アマリリス事件 Amarillis flower sucked the sweet juice

49 安倍高村統一教権政治 Dictatorial government by Abe & Komura who are Unification Church devotee

50 機動隊戦士ガッデム Riot police soldier”God Damn You

51 太陽の気絶 Swoon of the sun

52 時事イ通信 Old Geezer Newsletter

53 総無省 Ministry of No More Internal Affairs and Communications

54 甘利な検察庁 The Public Prosecutor's Office which covers up a crime of Abe

55 次の可惜しい働き方 The future of Miserable working style

56 池の中の五厘 Olympic like five-1000ths yen coins which fell into the pond

57 行き渡る国 To the country where despair is spread out

58 内閣縫製局 ◆the Cabinet Sewing Bureau

59 博徒経済産業省 Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry for Gambler

60 カジノ用心 Be careful the fire at a casino of Abenomics

61 可惜しい年金 New pension fraud

62 NH刑 NH death penalty

63 かけつけ稽古 An excuse for war's preparation

64 電気イス事業連合会 Electric Chair Business Federation

65 森の膿塩水競技場 The pus which floats in the forest of the seaboard stadium

66 ああ心中湾 Ah, a bay where Japan and the US committed suicide together

67 JO恥 JOC no shame

68 自民党スマップ細胞事件 The Incident of Jiminto Smap Cell

69 I'm not エイブ I'm not ABE

70 最高再犯所 Supreme Court repeating a crime

71 すめらぎの命ないもの会議 Conference to liquidate Emperor without permission

72 アベノ果実 Fruits of Evil

73 公迷党 Troublesome political party

74 下村地検事件 Troublesome political party

75 エセ文殊省 Ministry of Fake Education

76 防衛省・沖縄防霊局 The Okinawa Bureau for Exorcism of Ministry of Defense

77 アベノミクスキャンダル Abenomix same as candle before the justice wind

78 習刊読売切 Bitter weekly magazine which is published in a custom

79 赤坂逆さか放送局 Akasaka inverted broadcaster

80 土人ファースト Aborigines first

81 自民二回感じちやう The LDP will feel twice at a time

82 I ノーC I know C

83 低俗とよばれた男 A be man called vulgar

84 日蓮托生 Gambling religion without worth of 1 yen

85 チヨダ苦情選 Chiyoda complaint battle

86 パクチー官傍観長官 Chief Cabinet Secretary as a bystander who likes Pakuchi

87 異成人の日 Different Coming-of-Age Day

88 内閣維持率 Cabinet upkeep rate

89 安倍疑念人造小学校 The artificial elementary school which was made of questionable Abe

90 原子力寄生庁 Nuclear Parasitic Agency

91 丸の中の五輪 Eternal No More Olympics

92 おもしろて御免党 Ultimate fool political party

93 鬱苦しいニッポン Unattractive Japan

94 自民狂暴罪 Liberal Democratic conspiracy

95 森トモ安倍トモ学園 ABcdE school which is called suspicious forest

96 早稲田の森のウッソー Fake Waseda's dense forest

97 超法的朝的政権 Lawless government like the enemy of Emperor

98 一億総カツアゲ社会 The society in which the people of 100 million are blackmailed

99 特定秘密改ざん法 The Law for tampering the specific secret

100 お漏らし友学園 School made of incontinence


101 必殺!! 自民印象操作 An assassination technology of the LDP called impression manipulation

102 ノンポリス国家 Nation without the police

103 安倍記念教育お得区 Region of education who became a victim of Abe

104 2/3分でできる改憲 Constitution that can be amended in between 2/3 minutes

105 あそこのわらひ Laugh of the Cabinet's genitals

106 日本カジノ維新 Japanese restoration for Casino

107 孝行せえ未来会議 The future high school student is dutiful to the country

108 今日謀議罪 Crime on today's conspiracy

109 安倍等テロ準備罪 Crime of terrorism that Abe and his friends prepared for

110 ズブズブの官邸 Official residence deeply involved in wrongdoing

111 コリャナンダー官傍観長官 Chief Cabinet Secretary as a bystander who likes Coriander

112 素読売り新聞 Newspapers for learning Chinese

113 ABE賭け学園 Abenomics gambling school

114 創刊!!! 文ゲス春秋 First issue!!! An anthology of vulgar prose named as "Bunshame"

115 恥生田官房副長官 Deputy Secretary of Cabinet Secretary whom overcoated with the shame more

116 外務伏魔殿で省 Ministry of Foreign Affairs in the devil lurking

117 大阪バカ万博構想 Osaka fool Expo

118 進撃の教育勅語 Attack of Imperial Rescript on Education

119 お茶の子さいさい内閣 Cabinet like the piece of cake

120 自民治安維持法 Law justifying the fraud of Liberal Democrats

121 内閣崩政局 Collapsed Government

122 永遠の舌禍 Eternal trouble by slip of tongue

123 総無視省 ◆Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications which ignores citizens

124 聖火非火 Is Olympic torch is justice or evil? That is the question

125 保晋解散 Dissolution of the National Assembly due to Abe's self-protection

126 東京地検徳死捜部 Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office with dead virtue

127 自公都合 Own convenience of LDP and Komeito

128 death公約 lethal pledge

129 この苦肉を守り抜く Desperation measure to defend this country

130 ペ天使たちのささやき The whisper of swindlers like an angel

131 グーチョキパー選択選挙 Diet member election to decide by rock-paper-scissors

132 【無民党】 The political party without politicians

133 必殺仕事死人内閣 Death of the cabinet which should work by all means

134 日本ハジノ維新 Shameful revolution in Japan

135 準強姦傍観菅房長官 Chief Cabinet Secretary Suga with hiding rape sin

136 浅はかさサカス Awful shame of Akasakas

137 紅白うたがひ合戦 Questionable song battle where red team and white team compete

138 サクラ策 The plan to make fake cherry blossoms bloom

139 アベノミクス-マイナス法案 Abenomics-Minus law bill

140 そんなパナマ Oh, absurd Panama

141 ハゲの皮 Wolf wearing a little sheep's clothes

142 紛い物が次々出てくるアベ政権 Abe Administration with many imitations and crooks

143 iPSもんじゅ Induced pluripotent nuclear plant

144 国難癖通常国会 The ordinary Diet session of a government that disguised a national crisis

145 馬鹿らし方革命 Ridiculous Revolution

146 アベソソウ内閣 The cabinet full of Abe's blunder

147 こんな非道たち Such unreasonable people

148 偽装五輪 Disguised Olympic Games

149 ニッポン罪団 Sinful Japan Foundation

150 …だからクジ ... Therefore it is a lottery

151 お笑い内閣総理大臣杯 The medal issued by the Cabinet that is being laughed at by citizens

152 ウ総選挙 The general election that chose bullfinches

153 立法府の超詐称事件 Ultra-falsification incident of the legislature

154 狂同通信 Co-lunatic communication

155 新党加計問大党 The political party which has a great question at a incident of Kake school

156 ケセラセ-ラムーン Que Sera, Sera-Moon

157 余党連合 Japanese Trade Union Confederation that became government's slave

158 NHKの茨 The thorn of NHK

159 2020五倫理 Five ethics without five circles 2020

160 徴兵経済同友会 The Japan Conscription Committee for Economic Development

PiyoPiyo uMe A la carte section 160

2018年11月26日 13時29分41秒 | PiyoPiyo uMe A la ca


Piyo Piyo uMe A la carte sections


(◆The Japan Conscription Committee for Economic Development◆)


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