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Taeyeon (Girls' Generation) is fine as is for the time being.

Taeyeon (Girls' Generation) is fine as is for the time being.

I was watching KBS TV's ``K-Pop World,'' hosted by the singer ``ZERO,'' and there was a section titled ``Ranking of idol images that could be successful as a solo artist.'' The idea is to choose the top five idol groups based on their image.

Here, Taeyeon from Girls' Generation was selected as No.1.
That's exactly right, I felt satisfied. This is far more valuable than the ``top 5 best singers,'' which is often talked about.

No matter how good your singing is, if you can't make it as a solo singer, it's like a wasted treasure. Being good at singing is just one of the valid conditions. If they didn't have various positive factors, they wouldn't be able to participate in these kinds of fights.

I don't know where or how the survey was taken, but the rankings were as follows.
1st place Taeyeon (Girls' Generation), 2nd place Hyorin (SISTAR), 3rd place Changmin (2AM), 4th place Taeyang (BIGBANG), and 5th place Geo (M Black).

These people will probably be active as solo singers someday. However, there may be no need to take this step unless the global trend of idol groups (K-POP) calms down. If they continue to be popular as a group, they will be able to sing solo songs as subs on stage. That way, there would be less wear and tear from exposure, and they might not get tired of it, and they might be able to continue singing in front of their fans for a longer period of time.

Once these winds subside, we may soon see Taeyeon and Hyorin's full-fledged solo activities.

I want Girls' Generation's activities to continue, so I think Taeyeon's full-fledged solo career will be better soon. She is a little different from her main vocalist of Girls' Generation, and I like Taeyeon's OST (song in the drama) that she listens to in a different mood. It goes deep into her chest.

If she hadn't become a member of Girls' Generation, Taeyeon would have perfected her career as a singer by singing songs like this, but I'm glad she sang as a member of Girls' Generation.
I'm really glad I was able to meet both Taeyongs.

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