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“Tetiso” is the core of “Girls’ Generation”

“Tetiso” is the core of “Girls’ Generation”

Girls' Generation - Tetiso, "explosion of popularity" dominates the music charts

Girls' Generation Tetiso proves her potential as a top idol! New song "Holler" dominates the 1st place on YouTube & China's music video charts

Girls' Generation's first unit group, ``Girls' Generation - Tetiso,'' has dominated the music charts as well as the album charts.

Girls' Generation's first mini-album ``Twinkle,'' released on the 2nd, is at number 1 on both the real-time and daily charts as of the morning of the 3rd on Hanteo Chart, a music sales volume aggregation site. The song's sound source is also exploding in popularity, taking first place on various music charts such as Mnet, Bugs, Olleh Music, and NAVER Music.

Girls' Generation - Taetiso will be unveiled for the first time on Mnet's "M Countdown" today (3rd). Girls' Generation - TETISO is scheduled to perform two songs on stage on this day: the lead (title) song ``Twinkle'' and the included song ``Baby Steps.'' ``Baby Steps'' is an attractive song with a sophisticated and rich R&B style of medium tempo, and is expected to show the members' charms that are 180 degrees different from ``Twinkle''.

On the other hand, Girls' Generation - Tetiso began their career by appearing on terrestrial music programs such as ``M Countdown'', ``Music Bank'', ``Show! Music Core'', and ``Inkigayo''.
(From K-POP News)

Tiffany appeared on a variety show and talked about things like ``Yuna is Girls' Generation's breadwinner,'' and she often bumps into people who are involved in the show and makes statements like that.

It seems that Korean celebrities often appear on TV programs and openly talk about relationships between men and women (and there may be something behind the scenes).

At this time, Tiffany seems to have said that as a member of ``Tetiso,'' she will also be busy with her work. No matter how much she works with Girls' Generation, she can't expect to earn any more if she doesn't do a lot of individual work.

Yuna previously cited Japan's SMAP as an example, saying, ``While focusing on group activities, they also actively engage in individual activities and continue to maintain their popularity.We (Girls' Generation) have also maintained such activities for a long time. I want to do that," he said.
It's only natural that people everywhere in the world want to have a full-fledged job.

She says it's not her personal wish but that of all the members, but as one of her fans, of course she wants it to be like that.

She stayed at home all day today, and spent the day watching Korean dramas and K-pop.
This is how I often spend my days off from work.

She watched Han Hyo-joo's ``Splendid Legacy'' and Kim Nam-joo's ``Queen of Reversals'' in the morning, and then watched a K-pop concert in Paris.

There was the repeated sound of strong rain outside. I didn't even open the frosted windows, so I could only hear the sound of the rain to tell how much it was falling.

And just a little while ago, I was watching a cover dance competition program on Nippon Television. It left an impression on me that among the judges, Tunku was the only one who tried to be cool and gave a difficult score.
She appeared in many K-pop cover dances, but was rejected at random points. To be honest, if it wasn't for K-pop, the content wouldn't have been able to get viewership ratings.

She is currently writing a blog, drinking beer, and listening to Tetiso's music.
She seems to be dominating various music charts, but I don't see her as an attempt to make another tree grow from the same root. It's like she planted a branch of ``Tetiso'' on the trunk of ``Girls' Generation.''

However, it seems that the branches have become so popular that the trunk seems to split into two.
Even though they were selected, I feel like I was able to see the true potential of each Girls' Generation member.

★ Related information

Girls' Generation/SUPERJUNIOR, who is the group's top earner?

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