
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第4章 THE LION AND THE AXE ライオンと斧(1)機械翻訳

2014-03-02 13:52:35 | 日記



1.  Next day early I left the town of the People of the Axe, having bid a formal farewell to Umslopogaas, saying in a voice that all could hear that as the rivers were still flooded, I proposed to trek to the northern parts of Zululand and trade there until the weather was better. Our private arrangement, however, was that on the night of the next full moon, which happened about four weeks later, we should meet at the eastern foot of a certain great, flat-topped mountain known to both of us, which stands to the north of Zululand but well beyond its borders.

2.  So northward I trekked, slowly to spare my oxen, trading as I went. The details do not matter, but as it happened I met with more luck upon that journey than had come my way for many a long year. Although I worked on credit since nearly all my goods were sold, as owing to my repute I could always do in Zululand, I made some excellent bargains in cattle, and to top up with, bought a large lot of ivory so cheap that really I think it must have been stolen.

3.  All of this, cattle, and ivory together, I sent to Natal in charge of a white friend of mine whom I could trust, where the stuff was sold very well indeed, and the proceeds paid to my account, the "trade" equivalents being duly remitted to the native vendors.

4.  In fact, my good fortune was such that if I had been superstitious like Hans, I should have been inclined to attribute it to the influence of Zikali's "Great Medicine." As it was I knew it to be one of the chances of a trader's life and accepted it with a shrug as often as I had been accustomed to do in the alternative of losses.

5.  Only one untoward incident happened to me. Of a sudden a party of the King's soldiers under the command of a well-known Induna or Councillor, arrived and insisted upon searching my waggon, as I thought at first in connection with that cheap lot of ivory which had already departed to Natal. However, never a word did they say of ivory, nor indeed was a single thing belonging to me taken by them.

6.  I was very indignant and expressed my feelings to the Induna in no measured terms. He on his part was most apologetic, and explained that what he did he was obliged to do "by the King's orders." Also he let it slip that he was seeking for a certain "evil-doer" who, it was thought, might be with me without my knowing his real character, and as this "evil-doer," whose name he would not mention, was a very fierce man, it had been necessary to bring a strong guard with him.

7.  Now I bethought me of Umslopogaas, but merely looked blank and shrugged my shoulders, saying that I was not in the habit of consorting with evil-doers.

8.  Still unsatisfied, the Induna questioned me as to the places where I had been during this journey of mine in the Zulu country. I told him with the utmost frankness, mentioning among others—because I was sure that already he knew all my movements well—the town of the People of the Axe.

9.  Then he asked me if I had seen its Chief, a certain Umslopogaas or Bulalio. I answered, Yes, that I had met him there for the first time and thought him a very remarkable man.

10.  With this the Induna agreed emphatically, saying that perhaps I did not know how remarkable. Next he asked me where he was now, to which I replied that I had not the faintest idea, but I presumed in his kraal where I had left him. The Induna explained that he was not in his kraal; that he had gone away leaving one Lousta and his own head wife Monazi to administer the chieftainship for a while, because, as he stated, he wished to make a journey.

11.  I yawned as if weary of the subject of this chief, and indeed of the whole business. Then the Induna said that I must come to the King and repeat to him all the words that I had spoken. I replied that I could not possibly do so as, having finished my trading, I had arranged to go north to shoot elephants. He answered that elephants lived a long while and would not die while I was visiting the King.

12.  Then followed an argument which grew heated and ended in his declaring that to the King I must come, even if he had to take me there by force.

13.  I sat silent, wondering what to say or do and leant forward to pick a piece of wood out of the fire wherewith to light my pipe. Now my shirt was not buttoned and as it chanced this action caused the ivory image of Zikali that hung about my neck to appear between its edges. The Induna saw it and his eyes grew big with fear.

14.  "Hide that!" he whispered, "hide that, lest it should bewitch me. Indeed, already I feel as though I were being bewitched. It is the Great Medicine itself."

15.  "That will certainly happen to you," I said, yawning again, "if you insist upon my taking a week's trek to visit the Black One, or interfere with me in any way now or afterwards," and I lifted my hand towards the talisman, looking him steadily in the face.

16.   "Perhaps after all, Macumazahn, it is not necessary for you to visit the King," he said in an uncertain voice. "I will go and make report to him that you know nothing of this evil-doer."

17.  And he went in such a hurry that he never waited to say good-bye. Next morning before the dawn I went also and trekked steadily until I was clear of Zululand.

18.  In due course and without accident, for the weather, which had been so wet, had now turned beautifully fine and dry, we came to the great, flat-topped hill that I have mentioned, trekking thither over high, sparsely-timbered veld that offered few difficulties to the waggon. This peculiar hill, known to such natives as lived in those parts by a long word that means "Hut-with-a-flat-roof," is surrounded by forest, for here trees grow wonderfully well, perhaps because of the water that flows from its slopes. Forcing our way through this forest, which was full of game, I reached its eastern foot and there camped, five days before that night of full moon on which I had arranged to meet Umslopogaas.

19.  That I should meet him I did not in the least believe, firstly because I thought it very probable that he would have changed his mind about coming, and secondly for the excellent reason that I expected he had gone to call upon the King against his will, as I had been asked to do. It was evident to me that he was up to his eyes in some serious plot against Cetywayo, in which he was the old dwarf Zikali's partner, or rather, tool; also that his plot had been betrayed, with the result that he was "wanted" and would have little chance of passing safely through Zululand. So taking one thing with another I imagined that I had seen his grim face and his peculiar, ancient-looking axe for the last time.

20. To tell the truth I was glad. Although at first the idea had appealed to me a little, I did not want to make this wild-goose, or wild-witch chase through unknown lands to seek for a totally fabulous person who dwelt far across the Zambesi. I had, as it were, been forced into the thing, but if Umslopogaas did not appear, my obligations would be at an end and I should return to Natal at my leisure. First, however, I would do a little shooting since I found that a large herd of elephants haunted this forest. Indeed I was tempted to attack them at once, but did not do so since, as Hans pointed out, if we were going north it would be difficult to carry the ivory, especially if we had to leave the waggon, and I was too old a hunter to desire to kill the great beasts for the fun of the thing.

21.  So I just sat down and rested, letting the oxen feed throughout the hours of light on the rich grasses which grew upon the bottom-most slopes of the big mountain where we were camped by a stream, not more than a hundred yards above the timber line.

22.  At some time or other there had been a native village at this spot; probably the Zulus had cleaned it out in long past years, for I found human bones black with age lying in the long grass. Indeed, the cattle-kraal still remained and in such good condition that by piling up a few stones here and there on the walls and closing the narrow entrances with thorn bushes, we could still use it to enclose our oxen at night. This I did for fear lest there should be lions about, though I had neither seen nor heard them.

23.  So the days went by pleasantly enough with lots to eat, since whenever we wanted meat I had only to go a few yards to shoot a fat buck at a spot whither they trekked to drink in the evening, till at last came the time of full moon. Of this I was also glad, since, to tell the truth, I had begun to be bored. Rest is good, but for a man who has always led an active life too much of it is very bad, for then he begins to think and thought in large doses is depressing.

24.  Of the fire-eating Umslopogaas there was no sign, so I made up my mind that on the morrow I would start after those elephants and when I had shot—or failed to shoot—some of them, return to Natal. I felt unable to remain idle any more; it never was my gift to do so, which is perhaps why I employ my ample leisure here in England in jotting down such reminiscences as these.

25.  Well, the full moon came up in silver glory and after I had taken a good look at her for luck, also at all the veld within sight, I turned in. An hour or two later some noise from the direction of the cattle-kraal woke me up. As it did not recur, I thought that I would go to sleep again. Then an uneasy thought came to me that I could not remember having looked to see whether the entrance was properly closed, as it was my habit to do. It was the same sort of troublesome doubt which in a civilised house makes a man get out of bed and go along the cold passages to the sitting-room to see whether he has put out the lamp. It always proves that he has put it out, but that does not prevent a repetition of the performance next time the perplexity arises.

26.  I reflected that perhaps the noise was caused by the oxen pushing their way through the carelessly-closed entrance, and at any rate that I had better go to see. So I slipped on my boots and a coat and went without waking Hans or the boys, only taking with me a loaded, single-barrelled rifle which I used for shooting small buck, but no spare cartridges.

27.  Now in front of the gateway of the cattle-kraal, shading it, grew a single big tree of the wild fig order. Passing under this tree I looked and saw that the gateway was quite securely closed, as now I remembered I had noted at sunset. Then I started to go back but had not stepped more than two or three paces when, in the bright moonlight, I saw the head of my smallest ox, a beast of the Zulu breed, suddenly appear over the top of the wall. About this there would have been nothing particularly astonishing, had it not been for the fact that this head belonged to a dead animal, as I could tell from the closed eyes and the hanging tongue.

28.  "What in the name of goodness——" I began to myself, when my reflections were cut short by the appearance of another head, that of one of the biggest lions I ever saw, which had the ox by the throat, and with the enormous strength that is given to these creatures, by getting its back beneath the body, was deliberately hoisting it over the wall, to drag it away to devour at its leisure.

29.  There was the brute within twelve feet of me, and what is more, it saw me as I saw it, and stopped, still holding the ox by the throat.

30.  "What a chance for Allan Quatermain! Of course he shot it dead," one can fancy anyone saying who knows me by repute, also that by the gift of God I am handy with a rifle. Well, indeed, it should have been, for even with the small-bore piece that I carried, a bullet ought to have pierced through the soft parts of its throat to the brain and to have killed that lion as dead as Julius Caesar. Theoretically the thing was easy enough; indeed, although I was startled for a moment, by the time that I had the rifle to my shoulder I had little fear of the issue, unless there was a miss-fire, especially as the beast seemed so astonished that it remained quite still.

31.  Then the unexpected happened as generally it does in life, particularly in hunting, which, in my case, is a part of life. I fired, but by misfortune the bullet struck the tip of the horn of that confounded ox, which tip either was or at that moment fell in front of the spot on the lion's throat whereat half-unconsciously I had aimed. Result: the ball was turned and, departing at an angle, just cut the skin of the lion's neck deeply enough to hurt it very much and to make it madder than all the hatters in the world.

32.  Dropping the ox, with a most terrific roar it came over the wall at me—I remember that there seemed to be yards of it—I mean of the lion—in front of which appeared a cavernous mouth full of gleaming teeth.

33.  I skipped back with much agility, also a little to one side, because there was nothing else to do, reflecting in a kind of inconsequent way, that after all Zikali's Great Medicine was not worth a curse. The lion landed on my side of the wall and reared itself upon its hind legs before getting to business, towering high above me but slightly to my left.

34.  Then I saw a strange thing. A shadow thrown by the moon flitted past me—all I noted of it was the distorted shape of a great, lifted axe, probably because the axe came first. The shadow fell and with it another shadow, that of a lion's paw dropping to the ground. Next there was a most awful noise of roaring, and wheeling round I saw such a fray as never I shall see again. A tall, grim, black man was fighting the great lion, that now lacked one paw, but still stood upon its hind legs, striking at him with the other.

35.  The man, who was absolutely silent, dodged the blow and hit back with the axe, catching the beast upon the breast with such weight that it came to the ground in a lopsided fashion, since now it had only one fore-foot on which to light.

36.  The axe flashed up again and before the lion could recover itself, or do anything else, fell with a crash upon its skull, sinking deep into the head. After this all was over, for the beast's brain was cut in two.

37.  "I am here at the appointed time, Macumazahn," said Umslopogaas, for it was he, as with difficulty he dragged his axe from the lion's severed skull, "to find you watching by night as it is reported that you always do."

38.  "No," I retorted, for his tone irritated me, "you are late, Bulalio, the moon has been up some hours."

39.  "I said, O Macumazahn, that I would meet you on the night of the full moon, not at the rising of the moon."




1. 明日、初期、私は、斧の人々の町を去った、ウンスロポガースへの形式上の別れを告げた、声で言うこと、すべては聞くことができた、川としてのそれはまだ氾濫させられた、私は、ズールーランドと貿易の北部へ歩いて旅をすることを提案した、そこに、天候の方がよいまで。

2. 私が行ったとともに取り引きして、雄牛を節約するために、私がゆっくり歩いて旅をして非常に北方。

3. これ、牛および象牙のすべて、ともに、私は信頼することができる白人の友達のチャージの中でナタールへ送りました。なおここで、材料は非常によく確かに売られました、そして私のアカウントに払われた売り上げ、在来のベンダーに十分に送られている「貿易」等価物。

4. 実際、もしハンスのように迷信的ならば、私が進んでそれがズィカリの「大きな医学」の影響に起因すると考えたように、私のよい財産はそうでした。

5. 1つの不運な出来事だけが私の身にふりかかりました。

6. 私は非常に憤慨していて、測定された用語がないことの中の族長に感情を示しました。

7. 今、私はウンスロポガースに私を熟考しましたが、単にブランクに見えて、私が邪悪なる者と付き合う習慣にいなかったと言って、私の肩をすくめました。

8. まだ満たされない、族長は、私がズールー人の国にこの旅行の間にいた場所について私に質問しました。

9. その後、彼は、私がそのチーフ、あるウンスロポガースあるいはBulalioに会ったかどうか私に尋ねました。

10. これで、族長は恐らく、私がどれくらい著しいか知らなかったと言って、断然一致しました。

11. あたかもこのチーフ、および確かに全体のビジネスの主題に飽き飽きしているかのように、私はあくびをしました。

12. その後、加熱され、彼が力によってそこに私を連れて行かなければならなかったとしても、キングに、私が来なければならないと彼が宣言することに終わった議論に続きました。

13. 私は何と言うか行うべきかと思って、黙っているように座り、火からの1片の木切れを取るために前に傾きました、それによって、私のパイプに火をつけるために

14. 「それを隠してください!」

15. 「それは、確かにあなたの身にふりかかるだろう」、私は「あなたが、黒いものを訪れるかあるいは今、任意の方法で私に邪魔をするために、私が一週間の旅をとることを、あるいは後で主張すれば」、再びあくびをして、言いました。また、私は、彼の顔をしっかりと見て、タリスマンへの手を上げました。

16. 「恐らく結局、マクマザーン、キングを訪ねる必要はありません。」彼は不確かな声で言いました。

17. また、彼は彼がさようならを言うためには待たなかったような急ぎに入りました。

18. やがて事故なしで、天候(それはそのように湿らせられ、今美しく晴れになり、乾く)については、私たちは、私が、最高値(ワゴンに障害をほとんど提示しなかった、希薄に木造の草原地)上にあそこへ歩いて旅をして言及した、大きく、頂部が平面覆われた丘へ来ました。

19. 私は彼に会うべきです、私はしませんでした、の中で、彼が到着に関する、および第2に私が行うように依頼されたように、彼が意志に反するキング上の呼び出しに行ったと私が期待した、優れた理由での考えを変えていたであろうのは非常に可能性が高いと私が思ったので、最も第1に信じません。

20. 実を言えば、私は嬉しかった。

21. したがって、私は、樹木限界線の高々100ヤード上に光の時間の間じゅう私たちが流れによって野営させられた大きな山の最低の傾斜で成長した豊富な草を雄牛に常食にさせて、じっくりと腰を落ち着けてちょうど休みました。

22. 何らかの時に、この場所に在来の村がありました;

23. したがって、その時期は過ぎました、によって、食べるべきロットで、十分に愉快に、以来、私たちが単に場所に太った雄をどこへ放つために数庭行くために、私が食べた肉を望んだ場合は常に、それらは夜を吸収するために歩いて旅をしました、まで、ついに来た、満月の時間。

24. けんかっぱやいウンスロポガースのうち、サインはありませんでした。したがって、私は、それらの象の後に始める明日のそれを決心し、私が持っていたか、それらのうちの発射いくつかに失敗した時、ナタールへ戻ります。(放たれた)

25. さて、満月は銀の栄光の中で上がりました、また、運のために外観を、彼女をよく見た後、さらに、光景内のすべての草原地では、私は寝ました。

26. 私は、恐らく、見に私が行ったほうがよい雑音が不注意で閉じた入口を通ってそれらの方法を押す雄牛によって、およびとにかく引き起こされると考えました。

27. それを暗くして、牛村落の通路の前に今、カプリイチジク・オーダーの単一の大きな木を育てました。

28. 「何、長所の名前の中で--」私は自分に始めた、私の影はもう一人の頭の外観によって切り上げられた、最も大きなライオンのうちの1つのそれ、私、常に、見た、喉によって、およびこれらの創造物に与えられる巨大な強さで雄牛を持っていた、身体の下のその後部を得ることによって、慎重に壁の上にそれを掲げていた、暇な時(その)に滅ぼすためにそれを遠方に引きずるために

29. 私の12フィート以内に獣がいました。また、その上に、私がそれを見たとともに、それは私に会い、喉によってまだ雄牛を保持して止まりました。

30.  「何、アラン・クォーターメンのための機会!

31. その後、一般に、それが特に狩猟で、この世で行うように、予期しないものが起こりました。それは私のケースに、生命の一部です。

32. とても猛烈なほえる声で、雄牛を落として、それは私-Iを壁の上に攻撃しました、庭があるように思われたことを思い出す、それつまり、どれがきらめく歯でいっぱいの洞穴状の口に見えたかライオンの前に。

33. 一種の一貫性がない方法(それはすべてのZikaliの大きな医学の後に呪いの価値がなかった)に反射して行うために、他のものは何もなかったので、私は1つの側に多くの機敏さを後ろにさらに少し持ち逃げしました。

34. その後、私は奇妙なものを見ました。

35. その人、絶対にあった、暗黙、よけられた、風、また斧で後ろに打たれた、そのような重量を備えた胸の上の動物を捕らえること、それは不均整の方法の地面へ来た、今以来、それは、どれをつけるかについての前のわずか1フィートしか持っていませんでした。

36. 斧は再び閃き、ライオンがそれ自体を回復することができたか、ほかに何でもすることができた前に、頭に深くしみ込んで、その頭脳上の衝突で落ちました。


38. 「いいえ」、私は彼の調子のために、言い返しました、私を刺激した、「遅れています、Bulalio、月が、数時間終わりました。」

39. 「私は言いました、マクマザーンよ、私は満月の夜に月の上昇で、あなたに会いません。」
