
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第24章 UMSLOPOGAAS WEARS THE GREAT MEDICINE 医学 (2) 機械翻訳

2014-03-08 04:09:20 | 日記




37.On 、彼女が接触した誰と最初の人の1は自分の信仰を非常に真剣に優れた古い司祭だった。この親密さの終わりは、予想されていたかもしれないものを飾った。非常にすぐにイネスは私が彼女のためにすべての偉大なアトラクションを持っていなかったと思いますこれは、世界を放棄するように決定され、彼女の多くのメリットを追加、ナタール、で非常に厳密な順序の姉妹に入った、彼女のかなりの所有物は確かに彼女は非常に歓迎しました。




40.Then 、彼女は私に巧妙に彼女の父親は、彼が偉大な量を消費しているの霊を保つために慣れていた居間の床、下の地下室のようなもので考案された秘密の隠れ場であった。いくつかのレンガの下に、この穴の中に、私たちは、ロバートソンは、常に彼女が彼に何が起こって、何が発生した場合に、そこに見つけるだろう彼の娘に伝えていた離れて格納されている金の大幅な和を、発見した。お金で、ある青年の記念品や、いくつかの愛の手紙は一緒に彼の母親は彼に与えていた祈りの書籍でも、彼の意志と証券だった。




43 。 「いいえ」と彼女は、エネルギーと答えた「私の人生は地獄があったと私は再びそれを見たいことはありません。 "


44.Nowは、ズールーランドの北の境界に、 Zikaliの大医学部ことを、本当に、その主な役割を果たした。私は詳細に事業を設定することを提案しません。それはあまりにも長く複雑である。それは私が先にこのレコードに言及している二人とも、彼の妻Monaziと彼女の恋人Loustaに裏切られていたCetywayoに対するUmslopogaasのプロット、としなければならなかったこと、それゆえ、言えば十分。また、それは彼が私の会社に移動していたことを知られるようになっていた、その結果、それは遅かれ早かれ、彼はズールーランドに戻ってくると推測されたため、彼のために時計が、すべての国境上に保持されたことだった。

45.Soそれは私のアプローチはスパイによって報告された場合、当社は、ロイヤルハウスに接続し、人の指揮下に集まった、そして、それによって我々は囲まれていることについてだった。攻撃する前に、しかし、この船長は私と一緒に王は、私は疑わしい会社で旅していたが、全く喧嘩がなかった、と、私は彼にUmslopogaas 、斧の人々の最高経営責任者の上に届けるだろう場合は、そのメッセージを私に人を送っそして彼の信奉者は、私は私と一緒に私の商品を取って、私は無事望んどこへ行くかもしれない。そうでなければ我々はすぐに攻撃され、それがどんな証人はUmslopogaasに何が起こったのかのままにしておく必要があることを希望しなかったので、私たち一人一人を殺害しなければならない。この最後通告を納入し、その条件として引数を辞退したので、使者は彼らが30分以内に私の答えのために戻ってくると言って、引退した。


46.When 、なって、彼に期待されている可能性がありますように、このような形で話を聞いた。


47 。 「 Macumazahn 、 "彼は言った、 「今私は、不運な旅の終わりに来て影をあざけるの肉は、彼らは、すなわち彼らの数になることによって、見つけることができる唯一の方法で死者を見つけることについてです。 "

48 。 「これは、 Umslopogaas私たちのすべての場合であるようだ。 "

49 。 "だから、王のMacumazahn 。あの子はあなたに安全な行動を与えるわけではありません。それは私がに対して反乱を調達していたことは事実であるので、それは、その血液を、彼はそうする権利を持っているように、彼は、シークIと私のものです王、私のささいな多くのうんざりして血によって彼の場所は私のことを知っていた私は。その心、お肌と同じくらい白いあなたは、私を砂漠志向していないが、この口論であなたは、何を共有していない。また、たとえあなたは戦うことを望んだ、人生プレイスに与えることはありませんワゴンの向こうにあるものがある。レディSAD-目はあなたの腕の中で子供のようであり、彼女のあなたが安全に負担しなければならない。 "


51 。 「栄光の終わり、 Macumazahnを作る」と彼は笑顔で言った。 「私は私の運命は彼らでなければならないので、私の部下のままであり、あそこマウンドに背中合わせに立ち、王のこれらの犬は、当社に対して出てくるまでそこに待ってすべての人にあり、私にしがみつく者と一緒に外出します。 Macumazahn 、しばらく見て、 Umslopogaas 、斧のベアラと、斧の戦士が戦うと死ぬことができるかを見る。 "


36.Here I may as well finish the story of Inez, that is, as far as I can. As I have shown she was always a woman of melancholy and religious temperament, qualities that seemed to grow upon her after her return to health. Certainly the religion did, for continually she was engaged in prayer, a development with which heredity may have had something to do, since after he became a reformed character and grew unsettled in his mind, her father followed the same road.

37.On our return to civilisation, as it chanced, one of the first persons with whom she came in contact was a very earnest and excellent old priest of her own faith. The end of this intimacy was much what might have been expected. Very soon Inez determined to renounce the world, which I think never had any great attractions for her, and entered a sisterhood of an extremely strict Order in Natal, where, added to her many merits, her considerable possessions made her very welcome indeed.

38.Once in after years I saw her again when she expected before long to become the Mother-Superior of her convent. I found her very cheerful and she told me that her happiness was complete. Even then she did not ask me the true story of what had happened to her during that period when her mind was a blank. She said that she knew something had happened but that as she no longer felt any curiosity about earthly things, she did not wish to know the details. Again I rejoiced, for how could I tell the true tale and expect to be believed, even by the most confiding and simple-minded nun?

39.To return to more immediate events. When we had been at Strathmuir for a day or two and I thought that her mind was clear enough to judge of affairs, I told Inez that I must journey on to Natal, and asked her what she wished to do. Without a moment's hesitation she replied that she desired to come with me, as now that her father was dead nothing would induce her to continue to live at Strathmuir without friends, or indeed the consolations of religion.

40.Then she showed me a secret hiding-place cunningly devised in a sort of cellar under the sitting-room floor, where her father was accustomed to keep the spirits of which he consumed so great a quantity. In this hole beneath some bricks, we discovered a large sum in gold stored away, which Robertson had always told his daughter she would find there, in the event of anything happening to him. With the money were his will and securities, also certain mementos of his youth and some love-letters together with a prayer-book that his mother had given him.

41.These valuables, of which no one knew the existence except herself, we removed and then made our preparations for departure. They were simple; such articles of value as we could carry were packed into the waggon and the best of the cattle we drove with us. The place with the store and the rest of the stock were handed over to Thomaso on a half-profit agreement under arrangement that he should remit the share of Inez twice a year to a bank on the coast, where her father had an account. Whether or not he ever did this I am unable to say, but as no one wished to stop at Strathmuir, I could conceive no better plan because purchasers of property in that district did not exist.

42.As we trekked away one fine morning I asked Inez whether she was sorry to leave the place.

43."No," she replied with energy, "my life there has been a hell and I never wish to see it again."

44.Now it was after this, on the northern borders of Zululand, that Zikali's Great Medicine, as Hans called it, really played its chief part, for without it I think that we should have been killed, every one of us. I do not propose to set out the business in detail; it is too long and intricate. Suffice it to say, therefore, that it had to do with the plots of Umslopogaas against Cetywayo, which had been betrayed by his wife Monazi and her lover Lousta, both of whom I have mentioned earlier in this record. The result was that a watch for him was kept on all the frontiers, because it was guessed that sooner or later he would return to Zululand; also it had become known that he was travelling in my company.

45.So it came about that when my approach was reported by spies, a company was gathered under the command of a man connected with the Royal House, and by it we were surrounded. Before attacking, however, this captain sent men to me with the message that with me the King had no quarrel, although I was travelling in doubtful company, and that if I would deliver over to him Umslopogaas, Chief of the People of the Axe, and his followers, I might go whither I wished unharmed, taking my goods with me. Otherwise we should be attacked at once and killed every one of us, since it was not desired that any witnesses should be left of what happened to Umslopogaas. Having delivered this ultimatum and declined any argument as to its terms, the messengers retired, saying that they would return for my answer within half an hour.

46.When they were out of hearing Umslopogaas, who had listened to their words in grim silence, turned and spoke in such fashion as might have been expected of him.

47."Macumazahn," he said, "now I come to the end of an unlucky journey, though mayhap it is not so evil as it seems, since I who went out to seek the dead but to be filled by yonder White Witch with the meat of mocking shadows, am about to find the dead in the only way in which they can be found, namely by becoming of their number."

48."It seems that this is the case with all of us, Umslopogaas."

49."Not so, Macumazahn. That child of the King will give you safe-conduct. It is I and mine whose blood he seeks, as he has the right to do, since it is true that I would have raised rebellion against the King, I who wearied of my petty lot and knew that by blood his place was mine. In this quarrel you have no share, though you, whose heart is as white as your skin, are not minded to desert me. Moreover, even if you wished to fight, there is one in the waggon yonder whose life is not yours to give. The Lady Sad-Eyes is as a child in your arms and her you must bear to safety."

50.Now this argument was so unanswerable that I did not know what to say. So I only asked what he meant to do, as escape was impossible, seeing that we were surrounded on every side.

51."Make a glorious end, Macumazahn," he said with a smile. "I will go out with those who cling to me, that is with all who remain of my men, since my fate must be theirs, and stand back to back on yonder mound and there wait till these dogs of the King come up against us. Watch a while, Macumazahn, and see how Umslopogaas, Bearer of the Axe, and the warriors of the Axe can fight and die."

