
H. Rider Haggard ヘンリー・ライダー・ハガードが大好きです。

She and Allan 女王とアラン 第3章 UMSLOPOGAAS OF THE AXE  ウンスロポガースの斧(1)機械翻訳

2014-03-01 05:10:39 | 日記



1. Next morning at the dawn guides arrived from the Town of the Axe, bringing with them a yoke of spare oxen, which showed that its Chief was really anxious to see me. So, in due course we inspanned and started, the guides leading us by a rough but practicable road down the steep hillside to the saucer-like plain beneath, where I saw many cattle grazing. Travelling some miles across this plain, we came at last to a river of no great breadth that encircled a considerable Kaffir town on three sides, the fourth being protected by a little line of koppies which were joined together with walls. Also the place was strongly fortified with fences and in every other way known to the native mind.

1. 夜明けガイドの翌朝はそれらと共に予備の雄牛の結合を持って来て、斧の町から到来しました。それは、そのチーフが私に会うのを実際に切望したことを示しました。

2. With the help of the spare oxen we crossed the river safely at the ford, although it was very full, and on the further side were received by a guard of men, tall, soldierlike fellows, all of them armed with axes as the messengers had been. They led us up to the cattle enclosure in the centre of the town, which although it could be used to protect beasts in case of emergency, also served the practical purpose of a public square.

2. 予備の雄牛の支援によって、それは非常に十分で、高くて、一層の側で人のガードマンによって受け取られましたが、私たちは浅瀬で川を安全に横断しました、軍人らしい仲間、それらのすべて、メッセンジャーがそうだったように、軸を備えます。

3. Here some ceremony was in progress, for soldiers stood round the kraal while heralds pranced and shouted. At the head of the place in front of the chief's big hut was a little group of people, among whom a big, gaunt man sat upon a stool clad in a warrior's dress with a great and very long axe hafted with wire-lashed rhinoceros horn, laid across his knees.

3. ここに、ある式は進行中にありました。というのは、兵士は村落を回って立っていたからです。一方、先駆者は闊歩し叫びました。

4. Our guides led me, with Hans sneaking after me like a dejected and low-bred dog (for the waggon had stopped outside the gate), across the kraal to where the heralds shouted and the big man sat yawning. At once I noted that he was a very remarkable person, broad and tall and spare of frame, with long, tough-looking arms and a fierce face which reminded me of that of the late King Dingaan. Also he had a great hole in his head above the temple where the skull had been driven in by some blow, and keen, royal-looking eyes.

4. 私たちのガイドは、先駆者が叫んだ場所への村落を横切って、落胆して、最低値生じた犬(ワゴン用の、ゲートの外部で止まった)のように私の後にこそこそするハンスと、私をリードしました。また、大きな人はあくびを座らせました。

5. He looked up and seeing me, cried out,

"What! Has a white man come to fight me for the chieftainship of the People of the Axe? Well, he is a small one."

"No," I answered quietly, "but Macumazahn, Watcher-by-Night, has come to visit you in answer to your request, O Umslopogaas; Macumazahn whose name was known in this land before yours was told of, O Umslopogaas."

5. 彼は見上げて、私に会って大声で叫びました、
「何! 白人が斧の人々の族長の任期のために私と戦うために来ましたか。
名前があなたのものの前にこの土地で知られていたマクマザーンは伝えられました、O ウンスロポガース。」

6. The Chief heard and rising from his seat, lifted the big axe in salute.

"I greet you, O Macumazahn," he said, "who although you are small in stature, are very great indeed in fame. Have I not heard how you conquered Bangu, although Saduko slew him, and of how you gave up the six hundred head of cattle to Tshoza and the men of the Amangwane who fought with you, the cattle that were your own? Have I not heard how you led the Tulwana against the Usutu and stamped flat three of Cetywayo's regiments in the days of Panda, although, alas! because of an oath of mine I lifted no steel in that battle, I who will have nothing to do with those that spring from the blood of Senzangacona—perhaps because I smell too strongly of it, Macumazahn. Oh! yes, I have heard these and many other things concerning you, though until now it has never been my fortune to look upon your face, O Watcher-by-Night, and therefore I greet you well, Bold one, Cunning one, Upright one, Friend of us Black People."

"Thank you," I answered, "but you said something about fighting. If there is to be anything of the sort, let us get it over. If you want to fight, I am quite ready," and I tapped the rifle which I carried.

6. チーフは聞き、彼の座席から立ち上がって、挨拶での大きな斧を上げました。



7. The grim Chief broke into a laugh and said,

"Listen. By an ancient law any man on this day in each year may fight me for this Chieftainship, as I fought and conquered him who held it before me, and take it from me with my life and the axe, though of late none seems to like the business. But that law was made before there were guns, or men like Macumazahn who, it is said, can hit a lizard on a wall at fifty paces. Therefore I tell you that if you wish to fight me with a rifle, O Macumazahn, I give in and you may have the chieftainship," and he laughed again in his fierce fashion.

"I think it is too hot for fighting either with guns or axes, and Chieftainships are honey that is full of stinging bees," I answered.

7. 冷酷なチーフは笑いへ壊れて言いました、



8. Then I took my seat on a stool that had been brought for me and placed by the side of Umslopogaas, after which the ceremony went on.

8. その後、私は、私のためにもたらされ、ウンスロポガース(式はそれの後に進んだ)の側に置かれた腰かけの上で席に座りました。

9. The heralds cried out the challenge to all and sundry to come and fight the Holder of the Axe for the chieftainship of the Axe without the slightest result, since nobody seemed to desire to do anything of the sort. Then, after a pause, Umslopogaas rose, swinging his formidable weapon round his head and declared that by right of conquest he was Chief of the Tribe for the ensuing year, an announcement that everybody accepted without surprise.

9. 誰も種類のことをすることを望むようには見えなかったので、先駆者は、来て、最も少しの結果のない斧の族長の任期のために斧のホルダーと戦うという皆への挑戦と叫びました。

10. Again the heralds summoned all and sundry who had grievances, to come forward and to state them and receive redress.

10. 再び、先駆者は、前に来て、それらを述べて、是正を受け取るために苦情を持っていた皆を呼び出しました。

11. After a little pause there appeared a very handsome woman with large eyes, particularly brilliant eyes that rolled as though they were in search of someone. She was finely dressed and I saw by the ornaments she wore that she held the rank of a chief's wife.

11. 小さな休止の後、大規模な目(特にあたかもそれらが誰かを捜しているかのように回転した光り輝く目)を持った非常にハンサムな女性が現われました。

12. "I, Monazi, have a complaint to make," she said, "as it is the right of the humblest to do on this day. In succession to Zinita whom Dingaan slew with her children, I am your Inkosikaas, your head-wife, O Umslopogaas."

12. 「私、Monaziにはそれが今日に行う最も謙虚なものの右であるとともに作るべき(彼女は言いました、)苦情があります。

13. "That I know well enough," said Umslopogaas, "what of it?"

"This, that you neglect me for other women, as you neglected Zinita for Nada the Beautiful, Nada the witch. I am childless, as are all your wives because of the curse that this Nada left behind her. I demand that this curse should be lifted from me. For your sake I abandoned Lousta the Chief, to whom I was betrothed, and this is the end of it, that I am neglected and childless."

13. 「私は、十分によく知っています。」ウンスロポガースは言いました、「それについてはどうですか。」


14."Am I the Heavens Above that I can cause you to bear children, woman?" asked Umslopogaas angrily. "Would that you had clung to Lousta, my blood-brother and my friend, whom you lament, and left me alone."


15. "That still may chance, if I am not better treated," answered Monazi with a flash of her eyes. "Will you dismiss yonder new wife of yours and give me back my place, and will you lift the curse of Nada off me, or will you not?"

15. 「私が一層よく扱われなければ、それはまだ偶然に起こるかもしれない」、彼女の目のフラッシュを備えた答えられたMonazi。

16. "As to the first," answered Umslopogaas, "learn, Monazi, that I will not dismiss my new wife, who at least is gentler-tongued and truer-hearted than you are. As to the second, you ask that which it is not in my power to give, since children are the gift of Heaven, and barrenness is its bane. Moreover, you have done ill to bring into this matter the name of one who is dead, who of all women was the sweetest and most innocent. Lastly, I warn you before the people to cease from your plottings or traffic with Lousta, lest ill come of them to you, or him, even though he be my blood-brother, or to both."

16. 「1番目に関して」、答えられたウンスロポガース、「学習する、Monazi、私は新しい妻を退去させません。あなたがそうであるより、この人は少なくとも温和な舌があり、真実の愛せられます。

17. "Plottings!" cried Monazi in a shrill and furious voice. "Does Umslopogaas talk of plottings? Well, I have heard that Chaka the Lion left a son, and that this son has set a trap for the feet of him who sits on Chaka's throne. Perchance that king has heard it also; perchance the People of the Axe will soon have another Chief."

17. 「Plottings!」

18. "Is it thus?" said Umslopogaas quietly. "And if so, will he be named Lousta?"

18. 「それはこのようにありますか。」

19. Then his smouldering wrath broke out and in a kind of roaring voice he went on,

19. その後、彼のくすぶる激怒は発生し、一種を彼が行った音声をどなる際に、

20. "What have I done that the wives of my bosom should be my betrayers, those who would give me to death? Zinita betrayed me to Dingaan and in reward was slain, and my children with her. Now would you, Monazi, betray me to Cetywayo—though in truth there is naught to betray? Well, if so, bethink you and let Lousta bethink him of what chanced to Zinita, and of what chances to those who stand before the axe of Umslopogaas. What have I done, I say, that women should thus strive to work me ill?"

20. 「持っているもの、私、それに私の内部の妻をもたらす、私の内通者(死に私を与える人々)であるべきである?

21. "This," answered Monazi with a mocking laugh, "that you have loved one of them too well. If he would live in peace, he who has wives should favour all alike. Least of anything should he moan continually over one who is dead, a witch who has left a curse behind her and thus insulted and do wrong to the living. Also he would be wise to attend to the matters of his own tribe and household and to cease from ambitions that may bring him to the assegai, and them with him."

21. 「これ」、嘲笑する笑いを備えた答えられたMonazi、「それらのうちの1つをよく愛しすぎました。

22. "I have heard your counsel, Wife, so now begone!" said Umslopogaas, looking at her very strangely, and it seemed to me not without fear.

22. 「私はあなたの相談と妻を聞いており、したがって、今去ってください!」

23. "Have you wives, Macumazahn?" he asked of me in a low voice when she was out of hearing.

23. 「妻、マクマザーンがいますか。」

24. "Only among the spirits," I answered.

24. 「気分の中でのみ」、私は答えました。

25. "Well for you then; moreover, it is a bond between us, for I too have but one true wife and she also is among the spirits. But go rest a while, and later we will talk."

25. 「そのときあなたのためにわき出てください;

26. So I went, leaving the Chief to his business, thinking as I walked away of a certain message with which I was charged for him and of how into that message came names that I had just heard, namely that of a man called Lousta and of a woman called Monazi. Also I thought of the hints which in her jealous anger and disappointment at her lack of children, this woman had dropped about a plot against him who sat on the throne of Chaka, which of course must mean King Cetywayo himself.

26. したがって、私は彼のビジネスにチーフを残して、行きました、私が彼のために責任を負ったあるメッセージ、およびそのメッセージの中へのやり方に立ち去ったとともに思考は来ました、私がすなわちちょうど聞いた名前、Loustaと呼ばれる人、およびMonaziと呼ばれる女性のそれ。

27. I came to the guest-hut, which proved to be a very good place and clean; also in it I found plenty of food made ready for me and for my servants.
After eating I slept for a time as it is always my fashion to do when I have nothing else on hand, since who knows for how long he may be kept awake at night?
Indeed, it was not until the sun had begun to sink that a messenger came, saying that the Chief desired to see me if I had rested.
So I went to his big hut which stood alone with a strong fence set round it at a distance, so that none could come within hearing of what was said, even at the door of the hut.
I observed also that a man armed with an axe kept guard at the gateway in this fence round which he walked from time to time.

27. 私はゲスト小屋へ来ました。それは、非常によい場所で、清潔である、と分かりました;

28. The Chief Umslopogaas was seated on a stool by the door of his hut with his rhinoceros-horn-handled axe which was fastened to his right wrist by a thong, leaning against his thigh, and a wolfskin hanging from his broad shoulders. Very grim and fierce he looked thus, with the red light of the sunset playing on him. He greeted me and pointed to another stool on which I sat myself down. Apparently he had been watching my eyes, for he said,

28. チーフのウンスロポガースは、彼のももに対して傾いて、皮ひもによって彼の右手首に固定された、彼のサイつのハンドル付きの斧を備えた彼の小屋のドアを通って腰かけ、および彼の広い肩で支えている狼の毛皮に据え付けられました。

29. "I see that like other creatures which move at night, such as leopards and hyenas, you take note of all, O Watcher-by-Night, even of the soldier who guards this place and of where the fence is set and of how its gate is fashioned."

29. 「私は、豹とハイエナのような夜で移動する他の創造物のように、あなたがすべて、夜までにOウォッチャーの、この場所を保護する兵士の、およびフェンスがどこでセットされるかのさえノートをとることを理解します、そしてそのゲートがどのように作られるかの。」

30. "Had I not done so I should have been dead long ago, O Chief."

30. 「持っていた、私、私がずっと前に死んでいるべきだったように、行われなかった、チーフ。」

31. "Yes, and because it is not my nature to do so as I should, perchance I shall soon be dead. It is not enough to be fierce and foremost in the battle, Macumazahn. He who would sleep safe and of whom, when he dies, folk will say 'He has eaten' (i.e., he has lived out his life), must do more than this. He must guard his tongue and even his thoughts! he must listen to the stirring of rats in the thatch and look for snakes in the grass; he must trust few, and least of all those who sleep upon his bosom. But those who have the Lion's blood in them or who are prone to charge like a buffalo, often neglect these matters and therefore in the end they fall into a pit."

31. 「はい、それが、私がするべきようにそうする私の性質ではないので、偶然に、私はすぐに死ぬでしょう(そして)。

32. "Yes," I answered, "especially those who have the lion's blood in them, whether that lion be man or beast."

32. 「はい」、私は答えました、「特にそれらにライオンの血液を持っている人々、かどうか、そのライオン、人または動物である。」

33. This I said because of the rumours I had heard that this Slaughterer was in truth the son of Chaka. Therefore not knowing whether or no he were playing on the word "lion," which was Chaka's title, I wished to draw him, especially as I saw in his face a great likeness to Chaka's brother Dingaan, whom, it was whispered, this same Umslopogaas had slain. As it happened I failed, for after a pause he said,

33. これ、私は、この者が真実の中にチャカChakaの息子であると聞いた噂のために言いました。

34. "Why do you come to visit me, Macumazahn, who have never done so before?"

34. 「なぜ私およびマクマザーン(彼らは以前にそうしていない)を訪ねるために来るのですか。」

35. "I do not come to visit you, Umslopogaas. That was not my intention. You brought me, or rather the flooded rivers and you together brought me, for I was on my way to Natal and could not cross the drifts."

35. 「私はあなたを訪ねるために来ません、ウンスロポガース。

36. "Yet I think you have a message for me, White Man, for not long ago a certain wandering witch-doctor who came here told me to expect you and that you had words to say to me."

36. 「しかし、私は、あなたは私のためのメッセージを持っていると思います、白人、のために、つい先ごろ、ここに来たあるさまよう妖術師は、あなたおよび私に言うべき言葉を持ちましたに期待するように私に命じました。」

37. "Did he, Umslopogaas? Well, it is true that I have a message, though it is one that I did not mean to deliver."

37. 「行った、彼、ウンスロポガース?

38. "Yet being here, perchance you will deliver it, Macumazahn, for those who have messages and will not speak them, sometimes come to trouble."

38. 「まだここに偶然にあること、それを伝えるでしょう、マクマザーンは、メッセージを持っており、それらを話さない人々のために、問題に時々来ます。」

39. "Yes, being here, I will deliver it, seeing that so it seems to be fated. Tell me, do you chance to know a certain Small One who is great, a certain Old One whose brain is young, a doctor who is called Opener-of-Roads?"

39. 「はい、ここにあって、私はそれを伝えましょう、それを見る(そうらしいね)こと、運命で定まっていること

40. "I have heard of him, as have my forefathers for generations."

40. 「世代の間私の祖先を持っているとともに、私は彼のことを耳にしました。」

41. "Indeed, and if it pleases you to tell me, Umslopogaas, what might be the names of those forefathers of yours, who have heard of this doctor for generations? They must have been short-lived men and as such I should like to know of them."

41. 「確かに、また、私に伝えることがあなたを喜ばせる場合、ウンスロポガース、あなたの祖先(彼らは世代の間この医者のことを耳にしている)の名前は何かもしれませんか。

42. "That you cannot," replied Umslopogaas shortly, "since they are hlonipa (i.e. not to be spoken) in this land."

42. 「あなたはできない。」「それらがこの土地でhlonipa(つまり話されないこと)であるので」、ウンスロポガースをまもなく返答しました。

43. "Indeed," I said again. "I thought that rule applied only to the names of kings, but of course I am but an ignorant white man who may well be mistaken on such matters of your Zulu customs."

43. 私は再び「確かに」と言いました。

44. "Yes, O Macumazahn, you may be mistaken or—you may not. It matters nothing. But what of this message of yours?"

44. 「はい、マクマザーン、誤解しているかもしれません、あるいはあなたはしてはなりません。

45. "It came at the end of a long story, O Bulalio. But since you seek to know, these were the words of it, so nearly as I can remember them."

45.「それは長話、O Bulalioの終わりに来ました。
